ITT: We revisit “believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything”...

ITT: We revisit “believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything”. Post your favorites from the original run and create new ones based on the happenings of the last eight months. Will post template below.

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The font is too thin and people need the full context. Like a newspaper article of the killing and rape next to it

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At first I thought this story was sad but now I'm glad her parents faggot genes are less and the beaner will be in prison forever.

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Agreed. When Whites shit all over their own and advocate for importing third world scum, it’s hard to feel bad for them when one of their diversity pets turns on them. It’s really hard to feel bad for her parents after her own dad cucked out at her funeral.

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>Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything

better text for you guys

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It's true the left really can't meme

This is better, I like it

What happened to her again?

this shit is so needlessly edited it truly proves that the left can't meme

Yeah,...not a leftist. Trump is just an embarrassment.

care to give some examples as to how he is?

His Twitter ramblings. His white trash pep rallys. His revolving door of staff changes.

Taco Tuesday.

This is my favorite.

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So you are a leftwing beta male with no morals who can’t admit it because you don’t care about the truth



Mind your fucking business you limey cocksucker.

Kek. Some of these offshoots are pretty good

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All the sudden I have an overwhelming desire to have a bong, open a packet of chicken chips, and watch that movie again.

>college girl in Iowa goes missing for weeks
>it’s all over the news
>eventually her body is found
>turns out some illegal beaner murdered her while she was out for a jog, may have anally raped her with a corncob
>anons find her twitter, turns out she was leftist retard who apparently hated White people

Also, forgot to mention, at her funeral her own father goes out of his way to virtue signal and make sure nobody blames illegals for this, says they’re “just like Iowans, but with better food”. That’s where this one comes from

Great examples, I'll take them to mind while I remember all the blacks and Asians that he has in his rallies and how he changes staff just like all your presidents did.
>Carrying about twitter
Wow mate, how does it feel to have your country reliant upon a private company that is beholden to it's share-holders?

You should watch it again, it's a Great Movie. He's pretty much the original NEET with other autistic friends.

KEK, that one made me laugh.

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