White people have power in the west (and globally) and racism requires institutional power. This is why you cannot be racist against whites. Prove me wrong.
>Colleges wont be white institutions for long. So what?????????!
Dominic Powell
That would be bad for white people, which I happen to be, so I should resist that.
Chase Cruz
It pathetic how retarded these people are. Black Culture is split by even more factions and opposing players than Eureopean(white) civilization.
And sorry fag but there is a term for white culture its called Western Civilization.
White is just a blanket term for Europeans and their culture and heritage.
Each of your posts get more pathetic than the last
Chase Nguyen
So one of the main arguments of your initial post is rapidly losing relevance, you dumb pathetic incel.
Jaxson Rogers
"Me? Oh, I'm not White. I'm Irish."
Jordan Howard
That's a pretty dumb argument. Consider this, does human culture exist?
Isaiah Clark
Race rationalism 2 - [x] Why African blooded people should use Asian or Europeans sperm till African blood is virtually gone to cut crime and murder rates down and heighten iq to make Africa a more advanced country.
- [x] Why African Americans have a murder, robbery and crime ratio that’s 5 times higher then whites or European descent.
You have political leaders of all races, not just white, everywhere. Everyone has the same opportunities. How do whites hold power over the rest? They don't.
Carter Rivera
Jewish average IQ is 95. Are you thinking of some sort of sub group of jews?
Thomas Richardson
>White people have power in the west (and globally)
Is this why white people can't even control their own borders and are doomed to be a demographic minority in just a few decades? Your self-righteous bloviating does not mesh very well with reality.
Luis Peterson
Because racism does not exist, as racism is a jew word and I do not speak jew.
Juan Stewart
>whites have no identity >these institutions are predominantly white These people need their heads read... with open skull surgery
might as well become best friends with wayne lambright so you can talk about why you 2 faggots find it so important to namefag on an anonymous image board. you can also discuss the underrated value of being anonymous while speaking with other anons and how much fun it is to take that special quality away from people.
>implying you are in any way special or interesting >implying you aren't just some name-fagging faggot who couldn't make it on twitter but instead of doing the right thing and killing yourself you decided to see if you could become an e-celeb on fagchan/pol because that's how lonely, desperate & pathetic you are
AVERAGE JEW QI 115 is bullshit . Jews are not superior in intelligence as is clearly demonstrated by their abysmal performance at Harvard, for example. Being a criminal who engages in nepotism is not the same thing as "having a high IQ." The Jews never created any civilization whatsoever. They only have civilizations made by their superiors ... European folk, who created all great art, architecture, literature and music destroyed, are far superior to them in every way apart from criminal acumen.
Lucas Jackson
SAGE and ignore this thread. Do not respond to OP or give any (you)'s.
Funny how you subhumans rely on white peopel for handouts isn’t it? Why can’t you retards name a nigger country you’d want to live in? It’s not as if they’ve been on the planet longer and achieved less right? According to the far left all races are equal right?
>whiteness has no special value >no be quiet whilst we flood into your homelands because you’re better than us
Ryan Allen
not an argum3nt
Luke Cruz
Are you pretending to be retarded or a white man intending to radicalise other white men? Pretty pathetic either way. It’s not as if the real world doesn’t radicalise you to hate niggers and other infeiror subspecies
Levi Thomas
T. Proud cuck
Levi Nguyen
Thinking of a whole RACE as "inferior" is proof u are mindfucked. KYS. Just stfu.
Sebastian Brown
Gavin Hall
saying white trash is like saying nigger human.
Alexander Roberts
think? it can be proven, it has been proven. where would niggers be right now if whites had never touched them? go take a look cannibalism is great faggot.
John Stewart
>saying white trash is like saying nigger human.
It's actually worse because you are insulting people who have the capacity to understand emotion, unlike niggers.
Lincoln Diaz
Henry Anderson
Alexander Torres
What does lack of institutional power matter when you're being beaten to a pulp for walking into the wrong neighbourhood?
Asher Campbell
Andrew Bennett
>racism requires institutional power wrong
David Williams
By the NU DEFINITION of racism that apparently means what the government or society at large is doing
Not that anything like that IS going on, as it stands the first world is doing EVERYTHING IT CAN against racism
Equal opportunity affirmative action everywhere, throwing people in prison for saying bad things about browns or at least destroying their careers, media full of browns being glorified and put on pedestals
Julian Williams
Yes the bias is called basic ethics and morality, incest is pretty fucked up unless you have a fucked up moral system which is a result of group dynamics over generations, so the question then becomes do you come from a long line of incestual sister fuckers?
Thomas Thomas
What a fucking retard, every word you put up there might has well have been a fucking honk.
Your ideas are clownshoes your mental capabilites are laughable and your understaning of the world is at best a stupid joke and at worst a grossly ignorant and dangerous mindset, there is nothing to debate as either way you are retarded.
Then why is there system opressing whites (affirmative action, forced giving loans/mortgages to poor blacks even if they can't pay back) White person in power doesn't mean white people in power, I can't ring Donald and tell him to get rid of all the niggers and faggots beacause I'm white. The ethnical majority in any country holds power and capital simple because of capital inheritance. If there's racism in America explain how are Asians doing way better than whites, it's simply because of culture and it has nothing to do with race