Reminder to only buy dodge

Reminder to only buy dodge.

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I have a tesla cause Im not a retard

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The only acceptable alternative


bet you don't

Imagine someone in the UK buying a challenger, then getting arrested for revving it hatefully without a license.

So gay. As a car, Tesla is such trash. Real junk.

I wonder who could be behind this

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i agree dodge cars are great, they are roomier and run well on counterfeith gasoline.

Attached: spiritdodge.jpg (416x312, 19K)

Counterfeit gasoline? Lolwut?

The huachicoleros tap into the ducts and sell gasoline at a discount.

shitty garbage made in a parking lot that can't even keep the clock accurate (drifts 0.7 sec per min). Expensive, no parts, no independent repair guides.

Made by the kike who made JewPal

Based and redpilled!

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Elon hates jews.

liek dis?


I got a Dodge Charger so I'm with ya there. Dodge the official brand of the alt right! Infact lets make muscle cars in general alt right

A proper muscle car will eat your wallet with it's gas consumption but it is worth it for that sweet sound of V8.

Cars are degenerate.

HAHAHA right wheel steering is for pussies.

what kind of faggot doesn't have a car?? is this a real thing in your country ?

this, fuck cagers

Attached: chad cyclists vs virgin cagers.webm (1024x576, 2.95M)

>not ford
fuck off, charger fag

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Hi Schlomo, how are your oil futures doing today?

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They can’t afford them since .they have to pay 70 percent for the shitskins not to work.

Tesla's are built around self driving software that tied to GPS for timebase at hips. GPS does the location data by counting signal delay.

Attached: Jews Elon Musk.jpg (1350x1010, 448K)

>chlomo, how are your oil futures doing today?
Great long nose man, my car can run on bio metane.

Attached: metano.jpg (486x366, 33K)

Cool thing, man.
Make sure you patent, go mainstream and make Billions

b-but muh henry ford antisemitism

Remove memeflag faggot

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based doge

Attached: doge challenger.jpg (1500x2000, 2.35M)

Attached: dodge challenger.jpg (945x664, 148K)

i'd rather have a lexus or a porsche, thanks


You mean a Toyota or a Volkswagen

you mean a fiat or a chrysler


Attached: mopar or no car.jpg (604x446, 48K)

Good for (you).