Shit is about to get real.
They're making jokes about how they were acting the whole time.
Josiah Diaz
Jonathan Fisher
Shut up filthy slave
Christian Bailey
Sebastian Young
Brody Gomez
He has to resign so he can testify as a witness in the coming trials.
Xavier Phillips
Logan Roberts
quick rundown.
what the fucks goin on?
literally nothing?
Ryder Lewis
Carter White
thats a blackpill video if there ever was one.. Rosenstein was the fucking start of half of this shit, he signed the FISA warrants, he wrote the letter recommending firing Comey, here he is getting celebrated. Fuck this shit
Aaron Diaz
>corrupt government investigates itself, downplays wrongdoings, finds itself not guilty on all counts, and sends it down the memory hole
This is 1000% what's going to happen.