How do I stop hating women?

How do I stop hating women?

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hating woman is like hating cats

My cat isn't a whore who tells me to raise her three half-black kids and how I should thank her every day for allowing me to fuck her

My cat won't say she isn't ready for kids because of her career, then brings home an adult male pitbull from a shelter

My cat won't get bored and leave me, and take my house and 80% of my income

You don't

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your cat is undoubtedly a whore and a shitstain

Dont supplicate to them.

He hit his head pretty hard there. There's probably some frontal lobe damage.

Don't be a beta and don't let the woman cuck you in any way.

anyone who has dated for long periods with multiple women will learn to either hate them or cuck to them.

you can still hate them as a whole and love a single one. its like having a black friend

Get yourself into bondage

just learn to recognize the difference between a good woman and one that isn't. praise the good and shun the bad. if a woman deserve respect you give it to her, if she doesn't don't. it's not that difficult.

Get your dick sucked by a hot one

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absolute perfect analogy

>you can still hate them as a whole and love a single one. its like having a black friend

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hard to argue with those digits

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>How do I stop hating women?

You can either choose to understand women or love them. You chose the former, no going back now, the only way is forward and dedication to anime girls.

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I'd say its more like hating kids. Yeah some kids aee irredeemable pricks but most have shit parents (male counterparts) and hating them is more of a reflection on your on character.
t. Husband of 14 years with three kids

this book helped me out, torrent the audiobook for easier learning

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or nasal fracture


You either accept reality or chase an imaginary ideal. You, my friend, chose the latter.

Look for a women who hates other women openly.

>How do I stop hating women?
Block access to Jow Forums and never visit this site again.

>How do I stop hating women?
Start fucking them you faggot

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digits man

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pretty much this

>How do I stop hating women?

First you need to stop being one. That's female behaviour right there. Working with men is great, they all get along and do their jobs. But put a bunch of women together, and they are always looking at ways to bring each other down. Why women all hate each other is strange to me.

No, it's more like hating snakes.

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Is this actually happening to you or are you repeating memes?

The abuse that ass has taken.

>The abuse that ass has taken.
I would not even waste bandwith on that whore these days, she has taken more cock than, fuck I don't know what. Don't forget she is an intellectual now though

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>Start fucking them you faggot

Wrong. I fuck a lot and hate them more than ever. In fact I think it gets worse with every fuck.

Thing to remember is that hate is an emotion and emotions fundamentally come from either in the moment experience which you can avoid with women by simply not associating with them. Or it can come from bad memories with women.

The classical psychological advice if you have a bad memory that keeps manifesting in your brain and reminding you of it again and again you have to process that memory. That means working out what happened, why it happened and what part you played in that happening to you, what did you do that's your responsibility and your fault. It's really hard because it means being honest with yourself about your mistakes. It's easy to just blame the woman and say well she was just a cunt, but in that case why did you associate with someone whose a complete cunt? Maybe you priorities for deciding what class of women to associate with are all wrong, maybe you should be looking for virtue in women and not breast size.

Once you've worked out what you did wrong your subconscious will stop bringing those memories up in a painful way and the hate will subside. Address that shit because hate and stress produces cortisol which causes faster aging and more health problems and can lead to depression.

That and read about MGTOW, it's a way of escaping gynocentric behaviour, which is putting women at the center of your universe and constantly orbiting them, you need to free yourself of that shit, it's incredibly toxic.

i'd still smash but i'd wait for the std check to come back first

>Wrong. I fuck a lot and hate them more than ever. In fact I think it gets worse with every fuck.
I agree with you 100%. My grandfather told me once that women were only good for fucking - and sometimes not even that.

Have sex

>I think it gets worse with every fuck.
come on burger bro, even if you feel that way you can not tell me have fuck are not fun

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Wrong. This type of woman has a bunch of male “friends” because she “likes guy things” but really just enjoys the attention.

Look for a woman who speaks well of her father.

That's actually a really good question.

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Jav code?

>reading a primer

lol sure

fap to cp

go outside

Well if you are abysmal in the dating market you get what you deserve, you probably drive a rusty Fiat and can't cook your lady a nice meal.

highly underrated

As a father of 2 I can tell you the trick is understanding you cant.
Use that hate. Make some bitch carry your kid, get her fucked on drugs, then take the kid and bam.
You now have meaning in your life beyond getting your dick wet.

looks like we got a freelance analogist over here.


Great post.

Well, she could have just held up the 'cole's notes'

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hello? police? yis.
they're posting it.

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csúnya gecci vagy aztán egyik se ért hozzád mi ? :D

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You hate them probably because you take them too seriously and try to see their decisions from your point of view. You fell for the equality meme. Just view women as women and men as men

your cat's probably bad luck.

Lmao wtf I have a bunch of black friends but hate almost every black stranger. How is this so accurate

no, really, you need to go outside.

Oh shit I'm out

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Dude ive had 5 cats. Great animals, terrific pets. But let me tell you. If cats could do any of that the absolutely would. Maybe not your cats, but they absolutely would.

make them aware that you can smell them, and that it bothers you. make sure they know you can smell their poop.

cats will go on the road a bit when its hotter and cover their own per diem, my wife? notso mucho

Honestly, probably the best thing to do is get off Jow Forums and try not to take this question too seriously anymore. You hate women because you hate the world. When you hate the world, you retreat inward and begin to focus on the things you hate and see it manifest in everything and everyone. Try not to do this anymore. I've done this for years now and it's not good. Instead of rejecting the world and women for what is becoming, be the man that sets the example for how the world should be.

Find one that isn't a cunt.
Good luck.

become an wamen you faggot

You can be a faggot. Why don't you just bend over some men in dresses?

You don't,you just learn to live with them.


Step one : leave Jow Forums and any place on Internet filled with incels and trolls


Hate is still a feeling towards them and gives an opening.
The proper reaction is emotionless disdain or mistrust.
Always be on guard.

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I can cook better than most women but expecting a man to cook is ultra retarded and swedish cuck tier.

He died later of an aneurysm

Flag checks out

Hating the inferior gender is a necessary step in becoming redpilled

Its the same fucking kike rolling these threads, fuick him guise, then he posts idf girls
yeah no, fuck you kike

A true man should be able to take care of himself. Cooking, keeping a good hygiene, doing sport, etc. All these things incels consider not manly are precisely very much needed to pretend to be a man. You can send your women in the kitchen as much as you want, you won't be able to catch one first if your lifestyle is similar to one of a child who can't take care of himself alone.

>and can't cook your lady a nice meal.
That's the woman's work you swede.

Found the emcel.

He's brainwashed man leave him be

you dont

easy to say when ur gay

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

stop bitching and do something about it

>This pasta again
How's Trudeau doing?

I'm married young spanish sandnigger, and a mediocre man. I only ever took basic care of myself and left home at 18. Not handsome, even used to be overweight. And yet, boom : decent dose of pussy, followed by a wife. But yeah I'm white also, that may be easier for me

What has been seen cannot be unseen. Marriage laws here are fucked, to the point I worry that my supportive, trad gf wants me to marry her so her broke ass can steal half of my paid off house.

>Implying your "wife" isn't fucking Jamal
Go suck a big black baguette you french faggot.
>Not white

Don't listen to all of the cope on pol. Blacks are sexually desirable and it makes sense, but that doesn't mean you have to be a cuck. Multicultural life is difficult and only whites would have lasted this long because we are great. Just do your best and let roasties roast.

>How do I stop hating women?

When your dog hops up on the table and eats off your plate when you're not looking do you hate it, or do you realize you're terrible at training animals?

Women must be house broken. Like dogs, there's some that are harder, near impossible to break, some will be easier to train. Some are naturally loyal, some are natural trouble makers. They're still like house pets ultimately. There's a rare woman out there with agency and intelligence, but don't bother finding it, unless you've won the lottery and got struck by lightning.

Spain is a sandnigger country man, sad to see you cope with that low quality banter. Also since you can't even say anything related to the subject of the thread, I suppose I hit some nerves with this incel thing.
But don't loose hope my friend of arab ancestors : it's really not very hard to become a man, just longer for many in the western world.

>How do I stop hating women?
When your dog hops up on the table and eats off your plate when you're not looking do you hate it, or do you realize you're terrible at training animals?

This. You just have to realize, that you have to discipline and lead women.

My dog is more well behaved than any woman, and has never attempted to take my food.

>Spain is a sandnigger country
>Being this much of a brainlet
Typical french.
>Also since you can't even say anything related to the subject of the thread
>Replying to a post has nothing to do with the subject of the thread
Keep proving my point lol
>But don't loose hope my friend of arab ancestors : it's really not very hard to become a man, just longer for many in the western world.
>Being french
>Somehow thinks he doesn't have bigger genes

Why would you do that?

>How do I stop hating women?

GET LAID, by a REAL women not a tranny.

Have sex.

>you can still hate them as a whole and love a single one. its like having a black friend
Why does this make so much sense lmao

thanks britbro

>Talking like a cuck
>Swedish flag
Like clockwork

Get married.
I-if you can, of course.
Actually it might not help in general, but at least you’ll love one girl.