Holy fucking shit!
Name a more insane and cucked company, I dare you!
Holy fucking shit!
Name a more insane and cucked company, I dare you!
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Q predicted this
I'm so glad this grave injustice was addressed. Maybe this world ain't so clowny after all
>Name a more insane and cucked company, I dare you!
What's the point when they're run by kikes?
t. buttmad low IQ pavement ape
Amerimutt spotted
Shut amerimutt slavoid subhuman trash
That still looks like a woman.
wow they gave the smiley faces an ambiguous haircut, fucking clown world am I right, this is the fall of western civilization
but in all seriousness if you have a problem with this then blame capitalism. corporations hold themselves to no ideology except money and if they think public opinion leans towards progressive then they will be the biggest virtue signalers around in the belief that it will create a loyal consumer base.
Shoo shoo dipshit
I don't know if I would refer to google as cucked since they are one of the primary forces behind this destruction. It's their goal to turn us all into cucks so we are more easily enslaved or exterminated. They are definitely insane however. They are fucking satanic psychopaths. I love how "Don't Be Evil" turned into "Do The Right Thing".
>gender fluid
Imagine being from a nation that takes that shit and doesn't do anything.
you enjoying your rainbow oreos over there?
Who cares about emoji? Just stay with the text ones if you want to use it .¯\_(ツ)_/¯
desu they all look boys with slightly longer hair
This is what gender fluid is:
I don't really want to know, seem terrible.
>Who cares about emoji?
girls and gender fluid faggots
It literally looks like a man with a fashionable haircut.
>It literally looks like a man with a fashionable haircut.
Yeah all they are really adding is just a whole bunch of hairstyle options in emoji format. "Gender-fluid" is just the virtue/group signalling term and perhaps that was the original motivation, but really it's just a bunch of hairstyle options from what I can tell.
Well more options never hurt anyone, i guess.
Seems kinda problematic that they're equating hairstyles with gender.
Stop shitting up unicode, goolag. As if we ever needed unicode emojis in the first place.
>Google releases 53 gender fluid emoji
Any of them packing a pistol and shooting up a school?
It's social engineering to normalize degeneracy. It influences political opinions, especially in young minds.
Looks like a dude with dolled up hair
Did I win something?
So that's why Jow Forumstards are throwing a shitfit about it ITT