I probably hate Americans more than anyone else here, I would not hesitate to straight up KILL every American poster here, man or woman, adults and children, if I saw them on the streets. I would curbstomp them until their faces are nothing but MUSH and steal their wallets so nobody could identify their mangled, broken bodies, leaving their families in extreme emotional pain. Then I would visit their funeral, shit in their casket in font of their own beloved ones and then kill every single one of the funeral guests because I would assume they are American as well.
I probably hate Americans more than anyone else here...
Lucas Cook
Other urls found in this thread:
Josiah Taylor
I will dance on your corpses ashes
Brandon Perez
good goy
Evan Perry
Based Ivan.
Isaiah Williams
Noice. Any idea when your gonna go for a high score? The competition here is pretty stiff, but who knows? Perhaps you will set a new record.
If you make your play in a mosque you'll even be quietly accepted as a hero for it.
Asher Reyes
well now that was just downright rude, friendo.
Wyatt Hill
rude tbqh
Connor Bennett
You probably mean Jews
Alexander Cooper
no one cares faggot, especially not americunts like me
Grayson Baker