Donald Trump is a traitor to this country.
Donald Trump is a traitor to this country
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Fucking stupid
im not defending op but you can buy ice here too
>The Mueller Report is comparable to Pearl Harbor or 9/11
This coming from the guy that says he's going to use nukes to confiscate firearms in America.
Russiagate is an improvable conspiracy theory
Fuck niggers
>Bush ringed
Non-American opinion on Trump, Americans don't "ring" people. You know where it goes.
if only
Is this retard implying the US should go to war with fucking RUSSIA for shitposting?
Peepee tape is real
well as annoying as these faggots are they are keeping Trump from actually being Hitler, even though they want to elect a Hitler.
If you know anything about WW2 you would know every leader was a totalitarian cocksucker that had no problems with sending it's people to die for their own poltical gain. Churchill was the worst.
>the ring that saved Drumph
of course...this is clown world afterall...honk honk
Honk honk
To the sane part of the country that lives in reality, No. To the unhinged part of the country, yes.
That guy looks great for being in his 80s
Why wouldn't you want to try to understand why a thing happened before you decide to nuke them into oblivion? Are these people insane?
So Trump is taking a mature attitude to foreign relations, what would people rather see?
kek, you Aussies are alright
sorry about some dumbfuck soldiers raping your women during WW2
Wouldn't this retarded fucking tweet only make sense if the Mueller report was actually bad? Like if it had shown that he HAD colluded with Russia or something? It's still retarded but... it seems like this retard defeated himself here.
Reminder that these people unironicaly thinks they are smart and educated.
Both the Emperor and Osama got the same call .."thanks for giving me a reason faggot"
>Do you remember the time that station HYPO knew everything that the Japanese were doing before and during the war? Remember how we conveniently had our entire carrier fleet out of port during Pearl Harbor because that useless cunt Churchill promised us half of his empire if we helped out his Island in dire straits?
Remember how we were completely outgunned and in dire straits in the pacific, but magically know afterwards where the Japanese navy (which was the greatest navy in the world at the time) was going to strike at every given time giving us every chance to take the initiative and win the war in the pacific?
Remember when jews told you that we should'nt have nuked Japan because they were going to surrender to the Russians who immediately became out enemy post-war.
Its because the US has no conscription, so their civilians are very quick to become warmongerers when they know they don't have to actually fight in those wars.
Its also the main reason why they have so many faggots in their country. Mandatory enlisting for all men for 6 months-2 years would do wonders for burger masculinity.
Swallwell should be strung up by his ankles and his castrated dick shoved in his down syndrome face
What a faggit, since when have we been at war with Russia?
I don’t remember any of those but I do remember the towers being struck and all three presidents since then kissing Saudi and Israeli ass and bombing a bunch of countries that had nothing to do with it
We know. He sucks Jew dick like every other President we've had. He's just head honkie in charge on a kike plantation.
Trump's approval rating in Russia these days is about 13%.
Gee... I wonder why.
So you have nothing to worry about, relations between the US and Russia are really awful.
These harmful conspiracy theorists should be banned from twitter for their violent homewrecking hate speech. SOCIAL JUSTICE NOW!
they think it is bad for Trump and yes it would be so much better if he actually had collaborated with the Russia to overthrow globo homo schlomo
Lol . how much time dod you spend making this off someone's troll response....
U took the b8 m8.
One by one, there is enough documented insanity from the 2020 dem presidential candidates to keep them out of the WH for the duration of our lifetimes.
wait so is he implying that the mueller report was a russian attack on the USA?
True. Unfortunately we have diluted our population to the point where many of our conscripts would have loyalty to our enemies before us. Massive sabotage and friendly fire problems would ensue.
Fucking learn to English, seppo cunts.
And redpilled
I like how they are pretending in their deranged mind that trump is guilty of treason. When pretty much everything the US democrats are doing would be considered treason in the past.
You can buy ice but you don't need to for an ice tray, you just pour water in it and shove that fucker in the freezer.
sucks if you have shitty tap water like I do though
>bad thing happens, no phone call
>bad thing happens, no phone call
>Mueller report released, is it bad?
>no phone call, must not be bad
Thanks OP for clarifying that the Mueller report wasn't bad :)
Nothing and no one sow so much discord in the US since the civil war. Whoever really set him as pres made an insanely good job at fucking up the country for ages.
What can I say except bravo. Now since the lardy mutts will never get some balls and actually use their guns to defend their values there won't be any civil war in the follow up, but at least the America Number One time is over.
Swalwell went full retard. Never go full retard.
It's over. The walls are closing in. This is the end of the donald trump presidency.
Flame out.
english police kill any englishman that defends himself and may not show up if he is attacked and calls for help.jpg
Beginning of the end of breaking news.
How did this gay ass post get so many likes and retweets?
Trump is doing what Tricky Dicky, AKA as President Nixon did, who claimed exec privilege over those recordings made in the WH office.
Didn't work, but Nixon didn't have the Juden on his side, like Tubby does.
This guy is a parody account, right?
Tucker on election 2016. Good times.
How fucking retarded are you? Like seriously, comparing a non-starter of a report to pearl harbor or 9/11? That's not something sane, rational people do.
Also, I don't recall the US being at war with Russia. During the Cuban crisis JFK spoke to Krushev a lot.
Please be troll.
A little more dignity. Full caps boomer tirade on Twitter has lots its entertainment value. I was fully on the trump train but he really is looking retarded now.
I like how once the blonde starts talking at 0:45 Tucker interrupts and actually says something meaningful. Based Tuck.
Swallowswell is an absolute faggot and deserves to be gutted on national television.
JFK did. Looks like phone calls save more lives than you would think.
i don't understand, the mueller report is an american thing, not a russian attack
so the question is
>why is the leader of an important country calling another important country
and how do they even know he called putin?
or is this like that
>we know trump did something in an elevator
Just like that time Donald Trump paid foreign spy Christopher Steele to contact his anonymous Russian sources to find some good dirt on Hillary Clinton.
I love that everyone pays so much fuckign attention trump. any time the fucker so much as fucking breathes wrong its omg call the fucking press. but you think any of these fuck twit normies can look into other people? clinton? obama? nope...fuck this clown world what the fuck is going on?