In Poland there are these WWII-era grafittis all over buildings, as seen in pic related. These signs stand for "Polska Walcząca", or "Fighting Poland", basically a sign that Polish resistance to the Nazis and Commies isn't dead.
>The Plan:
As you probably noticed, the letters P and W make for an explosive combination.
The plan is to find or take pictures ow these grafittis and claim they stand for "White Power", call them racist, dreadful, maybe throw a few "antisemitic"s in there. Best if you pose as an offended jew and call them "Nazi" symbols, that'll just be icing on the cake.
If the media pick up on this and run with the story, poles worldwide will be outraged, furious over this obvious perversion of their history and legacy of their ancestors.
This will, in turn, sharpen Polish resistance to leftist mass media corporations and, in turn, their beloved European Union.
If the Poles vote in a Eurosceptic candidate in 2020 who will want to leave the EU (unlike spineless Theresa May who isn't actively working towards, but against it) this will be the beginning of the end for the cancer that is the EU.
The key word here is acceleration - redpill the normies before it's too late!
Nobody is going to vote to leave the EU. As a net recipient of EU funds, it would be quite stupid to do so. I do trust the Polish people to make the right call on when it will be time to leave.
Just take a picture of yourself in a white power t-shirt painting/posing with the symbol, doing some gay skinhead hand gestures. Blur out your face, boom, done.
Or make variations of the symbol combined with German aesthetic.
This idea comes from polish, uber-cancerous community that is basically ultra-Jow Forums. They are known for spamming CP, calling schools and hospitals with bomb threads etc.
You can thank Hitler and Stalin for it. Might just be retarded What is your reason to hide behind a memeflag?
Carter Nguyen
Bumperino for Polish frens
David Scott
At first I thought this was a good idea but on second thought I think it would do more harm than good. Leftists would spin it so that kotwica would become associated with supporting nazism rather than fighting it, and with their control of media a lot of NPCs would swallow it without question, helping jewish attempts at rewriting our history. Fuck off
Austin Phillips
Besides, kotwica only has one meaning, that is Poland Fighting for freedom and independence, not some global ideology that people all around the world understand in their own, often drastically different ways. What White Power means to you as a supporter of this ideology, might mean something else for another supporter of it. Not to mention that a lot of white supremacists are sworn enemies of Poland, if not due to this ideology, then to another that they are also possessed by.