Why are so many Russians trying to get out of Russia?

Why are so many Russians trying to get out of Russia?

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For commie welfare i guess...

Russia has tigers and space you have nothing

>go to west and make money
>keep dual citizenship
>send money back home
>Live like Kangs

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Because it’s a shithole like every other country that isn’t the United States

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Mercantile consumerism is being pushed as virtue by western media as the only good way of life and russia is not a country where such life is easy, thus they leave to live their dream elsewhere

Is that a communist cuckshed?

USA is a fucking shithole m8

>no niggers or ragheads in sight

looks better than 99% of german cities

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We have pretty much no such people, those who work outside cut all ties to here because their pilgrimage to the west is ideological, not pragmatic

I agree.

Germany is fucking shithole.

I wish I was living in based Russia.

Why can't you fucking worthless niggers fuck off then?

It's always Euroflags coming out of the woodworks to shit on their country and praising fucking Russia.

As if we don't notice that you'Re subhuman diaspora.

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I'd rather live in the furthest siberian town than in your rapefugee infested shithole of a country

Nobody does this

Couldn't find any older stats Janusz?

I work as a nurse pizdarael and support my parents, brother and sister and borother's family in Leningrad
Fuck the west. I hope one day somebody nukes them. At this point they would be greatful for putting them out of thier misary. Israel is like a caricature of america

because see I already own several houses in Russia and rent them out. all thanks to the euros that I earned here.

everyone with brain does that

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>tfw no babushka to make me blini and sour cream

Mainly because they want money

Can I have a house?

I mean not in Russia

Because it's shit. Duh. Shitty climate, shitty people, shitty everything.

The spic way of live in the Americas

Kurica ne ptica - israelskaja oblast (aka jevreerossia) ne zagranica

They think they deserve better.

The eastern european way of life in Europe. But no Russians do this, because to be able to move, you have to be very qualified, so people that move are usually either engineers, IT specialists or scientists, or businessment/well off people.

>Why are so many Russians trying to get out of Russia?
I don't. I'd give a lot to live in 1950's USA or 1960's Sweden, but right now it's not really worth it. Yes, incomes are higher in the West (your taxes are pain in the ass tho), food has better quality, cities look better and many places have historical/sentimental value, but the soul of your people is mostly lost, and that's what really matters.

Not that Russians have that much of a soul, it's often a dog-eat-dog life here, but at least here I know how shit works and I know who not to fuck with to have a decent life expectancy. And yes, we have crazy leftists and Muslims too, but at least we don't put them on welfare.

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thats a cute grill, do many of them look like that in russia?
dark hair and pale.

My parents and many of their friends did exactly that.
It's pretty common these days too.

> food has better quality, cities look better and many places have historical/sentimental value
True for Western Europe but not for Americas.
I agree with the rest.

in america you have to get organic food or non gmo, otherwise it's kind of like martsharter special. fast food isn't that bad, just people here are lazy retards and eat too much of it.

Its always a shock when you arrive in russia. all the woman are skinny and good looking, here in germany they are much fatter and there is much more ugly woman running around.

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Здecь y нeгpoв бoльшe пpaв чeм y pyccких.


Same GDP as your kraut.

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Lots of shitskin "russians" want to run away for the western gibs.

>2014 stats
>just before Crimean annexation and before the rouble crashed into the ground
Nice try, Kiselev.

>earn 2800€/month in Germany
>in Russia they only earn like 600/month or less for same job

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This is GDP PPP my retarded brother. That means this is clear data without currency factor.
We still have same place.


yeah, short fatties are the worst.

>600/month or less for same job

With prices lower by three times. But of course Germany is richer. Yet.

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why do they all look under aged?

because your woman hit the wall at 16.
In russia they hit the wall at around 30.

I really hope that changes and that Russia becomes richer in the future.
I'm already doing my part.

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It's not even about wealth. Richest men in Russia who can live here like kings want to get out of Russia so they invest into all the real estate in the West.
It feels like this very land is cursed.

A better question would be, When will Russia join the EU?

Why are so many Germans trying to get out of Germany and relocate to East European countries like Romania and Hungary?

$6,000 gdp per capita. That’s why they leave. One third of our sex workers are Eastern European.
They aren’t all on peanuts though there’s a huge class difference.
I was in a bunch of 5 star resorts last summer on Mediterranean islands and the second most numerous nation out there after Brits is Russians. There’s a middle class that says it does very well off the underclass.
Also there was one beautiful 18 year old grill - my youngest for time and I swear I thought she was older who I watched the sun come up with on Sunrise beach with at Cyprus. I should have brought her home and not been such a selfish waste of skin. Blondest hair, bluest eyes I ever saw and I’m blonde/blue eyed myself. Our babies would have been a new super uberbreed. Damn. So many skanks have sucked my life force I’m addicted to vampires now why couldn’t I just keep her instead? I was broken hearted about /Nasim back then I think.
They keep to their own quite a bit and their middle aged guys drink themselves literally unconscious so they litter the pavement where they fall.

I think people here had more than enough of one USSR to ever consider joining another one.

I hope whole Europe (and us) will unite someday under French-German rule.

You do realize its not 1955 anymore, Detroit isn't the place it used to be.

Try living outside of upscale gated neighborhood or downtown areas if you really want to experience how horrid and embarrassing living conditions of middle class Americans really are

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>but the soul of your people is mostly lost

It's a meme the establishment is telling you so it would be easier to cope.

Take a educated russian, in the west he would be making 10 times as much as he would in Russia, hes purchasing power will be 10 times better.
also you can live in a gated community with no violence (tell me of such a place in russia) where your kids can grow up healthy.
your hate towards the west derives from envy.
I haven't even talked about the fact it will never change because Russia is one giant criminal underworld.

lmao retard
Berlin-Moscow axis is the only way

>in Russia they only earn like 600/month

lol maybe fucking doctors.

>is one giant criminal underworld.

Cmon. This is hilarious actually.

This, a friend told me his father has about 200 USD monthly in Russia working as a machinist.

>lmao retard

No u.


That is literally means French-Berlin. And of course we have to be biggest at the east part of Europe.

But west must lead union.

>Berlin Moscow
Murricanians and britbongs have literally triggered 2 WW's in order to not let this happen.
Because once established, it would put USa and GB down eternally.
Russia with it's raw materials and Germany with it's high tech industry and brain.
This is what the (((goy))) fears most.

This will destroy power of GB. And this is one of reasons for Brexit. True.

And this will destroy only dominance of US in the world.

But their dominance will be destroyed by China very soon. So they have no many options now.

But they have Monroe doctrine and whole America continent.

>2 WW

Too many things made it real. Not only US and GB.

And US and GB cant be enemy for any european man.

Real threat is China.

The have a glorified transmission tower

all slavic countries are like this because the slav people were engineered from the get go to accept being desperate and poor as a way of life in stark contract to the life of plenty the westerners have.
This made them violent and value money above all things, to say russians are "spiritual" is laughable. A broken man in a cold and desperate country will have faith in things but you wouldn't call it spiritual. a basic cali bitch petting drugged tigers in India at her 20 yo after school trip with her friends can be considered more spiritual because it comes from the real place, enjoyment of life and not desperation.

all the while the leaders and the politicians steal all the countries resources and themselves live a lavish lifestyle. It's very sad because Russians are good people. but nothing can be done.

Gee if it isn't because it's an autocratic shithole.

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no, most russian women bleach their hair and they aren't pale, they always go to the beach or put bronzer on

>all the woman are skinny and good looking
The absolute state of g*rman 'men'
you've obviously never been to Russia if you're saying this.

I hope one day the 'MUH RUSSIAN/JAPANESE WOMEN' meme will die completely like the incel losers who keep pushing it

Ever heard about the 'Babushka bomb?'
Russian women look young-ish until their late 20s or early 30s, then they shrivel like prunes and get all saggy and covered in stretch marks.

So does the Chinese triad. You can't even imagine how much they do for the Chinese economy.

Trying to keep all those Babushkas to yourself Ivan? You can't fool me, Slavic or Asian waifu now!

You don't have as big PPP as Germany
I only like big PPP

It is more of a Southern Russian/Ukranian phenotype, most Russians in Central Russia and the North of the country are blond/dark blond, even brown hair is not frequently met, let alone black hair.

Russian brain is not worse than german brain, do not think that we have no scientists, lots of math/physics professors in Western universities are Russian.

Imports are not cheaper. The cheap stuff is only things that are produced inside the country.

The ones that have been coming here latetely have been going back he he

You first have to be human before you can appreciate them.

I'm ducking off to Russia in two years.

Those who are barking about the Russian economy do not take into account the fact that RUSSIA is under international sanctions. When Germany came under them, Hitler had to start a war, and Russia with sanctions does not keep up pretty well.

>It's a sinking ship but you'll be in the first class!
Moldovan intellectuals


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yes faggot you do like big ppp's

and you never been to germany
there is a LOT of ugly woman here in germany. compared to them the russian woman are model tier.

Russia is governed by incompetent and seditious criminals.
Putin's cruelty is only exceeded by his cynicism: he literally finished what Yeltsin started and made Russia a non-entity.

LTCM was an inside-job to help accelerate collapse of Russian economy.
Mission is to force Russia to capitulate on her nuclear arsenal.
In this agenda, anything is fair game - anything.

> Russian GDP is the same as German GDP

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Because outside of 3-4 biggest cities Russia is a complete shithole.


Try to live outside of mkad to see how horrid Russia is.

>telling you so it would be easier to cope.
Objectivly wrong. The west has no soul anymore.
t. slav expat in germany

>in the west he would be making 10 times as much as he would in Russia, hes purchasing power will be 10 times better.
Take 75% if his income as taxes and make food which hasn't been soaked in pestizides fucking expansive luxury. Add 600€/month to rent a 40m2 hole and another 100€ for public transportation. The meme of the rich slav sending a shitto of money home is something from the 90s. Most which do such a thing live in absolutely abhorent circumstances over here to keep that meme alive to their poor relatives.

>also you can live in a gated community with no violence
That would be a) illegal due to discrimination and b) unaffortable for any even educated pleb.

>where your kids can grow up healthy.
Again, you can buy all your food "eco" and still be full of pestizides and have your brain accumulate aluminium through public water sanitation where they use aluminiumchlorid.

You hate yourself for no reason, the west isn't what you think it is.

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FTR, I told inlaws to "tough-it-out" in Russia: no sanctuary, here, in the West.
The nadir is very, very close in Russia. For the West, we have decades of pain, ahead.

Cute-village regions are quite nice - if the gopniks are kept in line.

Russia is a hazard. Its too cold an inhospitable because of the climate and government. It needs free market and global warming before things get better

>in stark contract to the life of plenty the westerners have
Nigger, german seniors are colelcting "pfand" (a money back scheme for used cans and plastic bottles, 8-25Cent /piece) to be able to buy something to eat. They fish in public trash cans for it. People can't affort to move out or to buy proper food. The west hasn't been rich for a long time and the demographic bomb wont make it any better. Plus, spirituality and faith are the same thing, the former is simply the washed out version for those which have never had to struggle to survive. You never've been to the west for any relevant amount of time.

Most of the Russian immigrants I know are extremely loyal to America and actually seem to actually be much more into being American than most Americans. One of the few immigrant groups that you cant hate on since they assimilate extremely well and work hard.

>People can't affort to move out or to buy proper food.

This is happening here minus the food part, my countrymen are eating too much if anything.

I truly believe that the east will become the new west. Just like the North has become the south in terms of relevancy. That said, it will only become it if it doesn't get jewed out for money and other "nice things".

Don't bother, he won't listen to you, the fantasy that is imprinted in his brain is permanent

When I was 17 I went to Russia as part of a school trip and I will confirm that Russian women were 80%+ hotties. Even the non-hot ones would have been considered mid tier or higher in Canada. Even the thick girls were at least trying.

It changed my perspective forever.

Don't get me wrong, you can eat enough calories easily. But I am speaking about grassfed proper meat, wildcaught fish rich in good fats, unhomogenized milk, vegetables without pestizides etc. You can't even buy a proper bread, all are quickly baked and full of lectines, ATIs, Fodmaps and other gut destroying shit because no sourdough nor time has been given to break them down. Without me doing everything frm scratch as a housewife spending 6h a day shopping groceries from few small and far between shopd, baking proper bread and doing my veg garden we would easily spend 400€/month a head for food alone. It's my fulltime job.

The shitty food will make you off yourself before asking for a pension, which is the goal of their promotion. You'll survive long enough to be a wageslave, but not long enough to expect anything back. And people know it.

>It's a meme the establishment is telling you so it would be easier to cope.
You see, my friend, as unlikely as that sounds, I do not consume Russian media. Like, at all. My peer group is staunchly apolitical as well, so I don't think I'm exposed to a lot of Kremlin propaganda on a day-to-day basis.
>Take a educated russian, in the west he would be making 10 times as much as he would in Russia
That's true.
>you can live in a gated community with no violence
We see how well that works in South Africa. First you need gates, then you need barbed wire and dogs, then you need armed patrols.
>your hate towards the west derives from envy
How can I hate the pinnacle of human achievement and the source of all good that exists in the world today? I do not hate the West. I lament its betrayal by its people.
>it will never change because Russia is one giant criminal underworld
That's true as well. Another scenario is that Russia will simply cease to exist, aka Yugoslavia 2.0. That's probable as well.

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>Russia will simply cease to exist, aka Yugoslavia 2.0. That's probable as well.
In what reality dude, Russia isn't nearly as divided as Yugoslavia was

>That's true as well. Another scenario is that Russia will simply cease to exist, aka Yugoslavia 2.0. That's probable as well.
Yeah, the sinocification will take it's tool slwoly from the east.

We already have our would-be Bosnia in the South, and the place of Croatia might be taken by any entity which goes tired of Muscovite dumbfuckery. That's a subject for another thread though.

Fantasy 12 year olds
>We already have our would-be Bosnia in the South
No you don't, look up first what Bosnia was before making such a dumb statement
>and the place of Croatia might be taken by any entity which goes tired of Muscovite dumbfuckery
I think you've been reading too much 2ch Ukroposting

Not really. China is bursting with people and in need of soil to feed and house them. Rusia on the other hand has a shitton of land but barely any people in the east. They even gift land to those willing to move there for a good reason.