Read chomsky

read chomsky

Attached: Noam_Chomsky_wide.jpg (2400x1080, 129K)

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Read Zizek

His ideas on languages are interesting.

Dropped after he went jewish neocon on Syria

No. Faggot.

Read "Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes".

The existence of the Piraha language, which has no recursion (supposedly, one of the traits that every human language "must have"), disproves Chomsky.

I never said I agreed with him but he is interesting

Senile faggot who used to be someone till he decided to cash on his "fame" by being an opinologist on subjects he is not even well informed of. He can go eat a bullet for all I care

>the dumb brown terrorists/commies are good
>America is bad

Fuck this guy

do you even know what the word 'senile' means, mexishit? even at his old age he is still one of te most lucid political commentators alive today.

Can you summarise for me?

>america is bad
he's completely right. fuck the globalist imperialist neoliberal empire that is america

essentially: fuck hierarchy

extremely gay and fagpilled

Even when I was a leftist, Chomsky was the most boring, tedious writer I have ever read.

t. brainlet

Do you have an argument?

he's written 100+ books, how could you possibly summarize that?


Summary: Cut off your dicks and become traps for imported BBC. All life on this planet must end.
Anarcho-syndicalism can only work in very specific conditions that includes ethnic homogeneity.

I did. That's why I'm Right Wing now.

I love Noam, one of the greatest conmen of the last century!

Red Pills:

those are commie pills

>redpill=fascist pills
Mental midget

chomsky is not worth reading. he is only famous because left-wing intellectuals decided he should be famous, because he made certain facets of linguistics into their own departments at colleges, which resulted in a whole new industry of shekel-grabbing that he provided. he is not intelligent, he is wrong about linguistics, and his political opinions are worth less than sand in arabia.

>t. knows nothing about linguistics
thanks reddit

Fuck hierarchy except unquestioningly defer to the scientific community or Democratic nominee du jour
>essentially: fuck white males
Ftfy brainlet

Dictatorships and double standards
by Jeane J Kirkpatrick

Attached: socialist.jpg (1923x644, 183K)

He's written like 20 books and had his grad students transcribe his very repetitive interviews for the rest. Naked cash grab from the anti-capitalist

He writes propaganda for the defunct USSR.

>he is wrong about linguistics
How so? What is he wrong about?
I have some knowledge of mathematical linguistics, which includes bits of Chomsky's work, and I know that some of his ideas are used extensively in theoretical computer science, which definitely gives them some weight as they are experimentally tested in that regard.

What Chomsky says
>capitalism is bad
>never work for the military
>rich people are evil
>big corporations are evil
>stock market is evil
>rich people must pay more taxes
>whites must live with people of color, maybe forced to
>guns are evil
>estate taxes must be huge
What he actually does
>made millions as a contractor for the US Army
>all of his properties, books, etc are in trusts so he pays ZERO taxes and will pay ZERO estate tax
>his massive stock portfolio investments into oil companies are also in a tax free trust
>lives in a huge mansion in a gated 100% White community with armed guards
The best part?
Colleges pay $20k-$50k for him to fly first class (college pays) and stay in 4 star hotels (college pays) to lecture university students to never do what he does.
He is a legend

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