Based koreans holds anti-fag, pro-Jesus rally

>based koreans holds anti-fag, pro-Jesus rally
>some white pagan faggot dresses up as Jesus and spreads his faggotry in front of them

why have whites become so fucking degenerate?

Attached: 689.jpg (918x739, 123K)

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Based chinks

>Signs are all in English

>Signs are all in English

Attached: all english.jpg (1222x843, 234K)

go to korea
they’re the worst

koreans are based as fuck:

looks like auckland

Eat shit faggit

Attached: 1557488375703.jpg (918x739, 216K)

>signs are all in english

Attached: ce8.png (200x226, 16K)

Based Joseon. Fuck fags.

Attached: 1467433590638.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)