Does she have a point?

Does she have a point?

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Child support exists to support children and take care of them financially, I dont know if pregnant women eat more so at most you can say pay 10 bucks a month for an extra cheeseburger

Life starts at conception but niggers aren't human.

>Yes, pregnancy can be expensive
>Yes, that’s the law as much as I hate anchor babies
>Insurance for unborn babies already exists

Why does this nigger love gibs so much?

>a nigger's first concerns about a child are child support and welfare
It's like pottery.

Holy fuck. I hate to say it, but I think she has a point... Jow Forums btfo

>child support
By all means
>anchor babies
Both go into the trash even after birth
>life insurance
IDK can’t you already?

no, she's a nigger

Jewish slide thread

No, she's tossing out questions to deflect the fact that she wants to murder babies. All of this can be answered after the slaughter stops

Also niggers aren't human