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Other urls found in this thread:


This guy is my favorite retard on Jow Forums

hmmm.. what is ''Iran''?

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I hope something entertaining happens. I feel all safe and snug from the nukes down here in kiwiland

>rumors of war

Please Nuke Israel before they pull the Samson option

Big if true, and your number have my attention

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Israel's 71st anniversary


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Same desu

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Tel Aviv irradiated glass when?


Her was right about Pompeo the other day hours before it was public knowledge

Sounds like propaganda for the United states Iran invasion

source motha fuka or fuck off and no bump for you until you do.

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You will have to wait until a Journo not as lazy as you finds a Source they can disclose.

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0370 here
nothing is happening.

OP better be legit

toasting in ebin bread

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Stop proxyfagging OP

He's not

Yeah but any dedicated Twitterfag will learn things hours ahead of time, too. Not to mention there is at least three chucklefucks using that image. This OP in particular needs a source because Ayatollah Khamenei is in charge of all of Iran's military, and he's already considered the de facto leader anyways.


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> declaring a country's military as a terrorist organization

OP cannot inb4. Consider this a formal announcement of my sage, newfag.

A Persian horse just flew over my house

that's some heavy fuckin shit m8

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Right about Tripoli 7 days out.
Right about Sudan 3 days out.
Etc. Etc. ad infinum.

>>nation shall rise against nation
Everyone made peace with the LORD?

You guys also have the nicest, most comfiest fallout shelters!

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Based and redskullposter pilled.

Literally every thread you've made that didn't originate from a twitter account who posted before you has been wrong


Iran doesnt have nukes you mouthbreething retard.

It's not a skull it's a fucking weather forecast map with a shitty filter applied

Tell me accurately and in detail who Nasim was or get the fuck out of my thread.

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I just took pic relate out of my window. Am I already dead?

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range ban on OP

>range ban
Posted by an Enemy of The Republic.
Not surprised

Holy shit, guys. It's actually happening! There's been a report that Caesar has crossed the Rubicon River with an army.

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three digit palindromes mean the post has some truth to it. still mostly gake.

Yes but it looks like a skull.
I bet you’re a lot of fun at dinner party’s.

I dont have fakebook, goybook or twatter accounts, so someone is going to have to link me all these posts I am plagiarizing.

Sure are a lot of military coups in countries the USA is targeting...

DUDE that wasn't WEED!

this could be your weakest ever LARP - and that means a lot regarding how weak your LARP is in general.

>no link
sage, hide thread, move on

Nukes are fake and gay Jewish fear porn.

You gotta keep 'em separated.

If there was a coup it wouldn't be Rouhani it would be the Ayatollah Rocknrolla

Technically, isn’t everyone in Iran a terrorist

What's the Samson option?

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>a declared terrorist organization
who declared that and why?

Just like in the other disapointing thread today I will sacrifice this ultra rare pepe to make the fact that nothing ever happens a bit easier to take and to make this thread a little less disappointing.

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>what is google

>persian poster
Checks out.

>trusting Google to give an accurate answer

>being too retard to find it on your own and instead waiting on others to spoonfeed you everything

>being this mad :)

“Like you sure those were Scooby snacks scoob?”

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Judges 16:23-31

Source or gtfo

Mike D'Andrea.

Lol cia attempt again h
It prob wont succeed knowing their track record

large if accurate

>Mike D'Andrea
So far I've been sitting here waiting and googling and not a single god damned word out of his mouth. If this really was a coup then it was so non-violent that Ayatollah just told Rouhini to sit somewhere with a thumb up his ass while he takes charge.

you're getting nuked because we know everyone is fleeing there in bunkers.

fuck off and die with this stupid conspiracy

go away faggot shill

Exactly how it went

The Samson option is the cornerstone of Israeli foreign policy. If the idf finds that the destruction of Israel is imminent, they will deploy their entire nuclear stockpile, to bring the world down with them. Honestly it reads to me like holding the world hostage

Well that would be fucking good news.Too bad its fake and gay.

First 200 nukes on the whole world is not enough to bring it down.Second if they would do it it would be great.Nuking Paris,London,Berlin would be the best thing ever that could happen to Europe.

So do it...fucking do it.Plz.


Sounds exactly like the pakis

this is the worst larper on 4ching by the way. pathetic skitzo who tries to guess whats happening and always gets it wrong.

Still mad about the airstrikes Jow Forums called in on your homies Achmed?

Their 200 nukes at the cornerstones of civilization, plus nuclear winter, plus nuclear summer

what's up, Farhad? All good?

except the pakis are larping poo in loo menacing poo in loo it's like a comedy

200 nukes dont give us a nuclear winter,civilisation is white spread these days.Cities like London,Paris,Berlin,New York,Washington dont provide anything usefull to anybody.They are full of leeching shitskins,liberals and traitors.
The Israelis have warheads around 300 to 500 kts thats not really big.
To hit China and Russia really bad there wouldnt be enough to hit Europe and the US that hard plus this would mean the end of every jew on this fucking planet.
Its tiresome.Bring it on schlomo.Just do it !

For money and oil.

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Oh I see, but I still predict nuclear retaliation along old cold war lines

>tfw no rapture

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Full scale nuclear destruction

Or mutually assured destruction.

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Any evidence of this pal?

>1 post by this ID
those digits though
>le glassinge de nucleaire
nothing will ever happen


>tfw there's no Israel tomorrow

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1 post by this ID...

Dont make threats or moms spaghetti youll never forgetti

That cant be fake, report ended.



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