How does this work?

How does this work?

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I'm referring to the 109 counts of hate crime

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He's gonna get six million life sentences, oy!

The jew is a afraid

>they sentence him to the exact number of hate crimes as the number pf countries jews were kicked out of.

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>I'm just trying to defend my nation against the Jewish people.
Kill all the Jews.

Dylann Roof murdered 9 people and got 33 federal charges

This retard shot up some low-level jews which did absolutely nothing except harm his cause. If he was serious about "defending his cunt against jews" then he would have shot the higher ups. I hope this little fag gets the death penalty, people like him benefit the jews more than he hurts them.

>kikes thrown out from 109 countries
>kills one Jew
>accused from 109 "crimes"
They are laughing to our faces.

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33/9 = 3.66 charges per victim
109/1= 109 charges per victim
1 jewish death is equivalent to 30 blacks dead according to the justice system.


Sounds like clear-cut self-defense. Why was he arrested?

It's not easy to ventilate some VIP, people with actual security teams. Don't be naive.

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It'll be interesting when white people have the Reverse Nuremberg Trials.

lets make it 110 times

...just another white male domestic terrorist


They are mocking us, obviously.

Accelerationism is such a simple concept, whether or not you agree with it I'm baffled by how many people don't seem to grasp it at all

Attacking VIPs is what you do when you think the system is fixable - you remove the cancer and the body recovers. If you think the entire system is cancer and terminal then things like what he did makes sense because you want to accelerate the collapse so something new can grow in its place.

>One for everyone in the Synagogue
Thats retarded. If I get into a fight and get arrested for assault, I don't suddenly have 10 assault charges because people were gathered around to watch

Nicely put. Also Hitler on acceleration.

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no wonder those fucking kikes from mossad talk about this fuckhead tarrant all the time

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That fucking anti semite! It would be a shame if someone broke him out.

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Day of the Pills when.

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tl;dr? I'm American btw

I don't know because hate crime is basically thought crime and trying to punish the individual's thinking and motivation rather than their crime. It doesn't even make any sense, it's just murder it's suddenly an extra special crime if the races involved meet a certain criteria.


Read it, it's a great quote. Hitler didn't made any bad ones anyway.

>Attacking VIPs is what you do when you think the system is fixable - you remove the cancer and the body recovers. If you think the entire system is cancer and terminal then things like what he did makes sense because you want to accelerate the collapse
A high level official death is gonna cause far more chaos than some nobodies in the street.
It would make your enemies feel insecure that they are in danger and liable to do something stupid.
Have Roofe, Tarrant, or Earnest actually changed anything at all?
They will be memory holed until it comes time for the anti-whites to attack yt, which would have been done anyway.

ah so he compared the jews to a disease, and each individual jew a germ

identifying the (((root cause))) of our problems instead of dealing with the symptoms (Jordan Peterson focuses on the symptoms)

I especially love the part where he says "the population will slowly accustom itself to [the disease] and later succumb", which is exactly what's happening now

thank you

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Asking how some guy who accelerated half of the world with a simple magic trick in under fifteen minutes changed anything is useless. There is already tremendously fallout across the world. Check this pic
Also don't get me wrong, I'm not against it, all I'm trying to say is that logistics matters. What Tarrant did is something that everyone can pretty much do and it has tremendous effect (again, see pic). High level targets are however whole different can of worms - even though they can (can, it is not assured - after all, one zog puppet is easily replaceable by another, usually even worse one) generate larger fallout, the price is much higher and you need some serious experience, resources and expertise.

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This guy is going to get treated worse then brandon tarent for doing much less

Shit has become so polarised and extreme these days and racial tensions are through the roof and they've definitely contributed to that if nothing else which is what they wanted. And while a high profile target might cause more chaos it's also a lot more difficult to carry out - these people want copycats so more "Mass Shooting For Dummies" and less "Day of the Jackal"

How do I find that thread?

It's makes sense, they want to punish white wrongthinkers but they can't quite get away with doing it to someone who hasn't done anything because of the 1st amendment. It only doesn't make sense if you're unaware that the so called justice system is apart of a zionistic government that's trying to destroy us.

He looks pretty Chad in that picture, good skull shape. Kid shouldn't have thrown his life away, he had promise. Too bad he listened to the retards on here and 8ch.

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Ventilate a VIP and then leave a pretty little yellow star next to him on the ground. That is definitely going to cause some chaos; especially if you can get some other tribesmen in the pile. If he's got security detail bring a faster hammer and a lot more nails.

What a fucking god damned loser in that picture. Anybody that actually celebrates these idiots are totally lost and utterly reprehensible. He asks what is our life— what is HIS life? What is he or anyone else that celebrates this like? Honestly, I don’t want to know. Fucking pathetic.


He fucked up and killed a jew, you NEVER kill a Jew. Tarrant will be release this weekend because he picked the winning side, this fucker will get the needle

I'm sorry but how the holy fuck do you get 109 COUNTS OF HATE CRIME from 1 murder and 3 injured?

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I hope reality kicks in your bedroom door and gives you a wake up call. You’re so far gone you are actually advocating for terrorism on Jow Forums. All of this is going to catch up to you one day, and it will not be pretty for you.

they found his Jow Forums posts.

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I'm advocating nothing but violent anal sex with your mum, that slut.
>you can't discuss this, it is forbidden for some reason.
Kek, that image is about you. Also you really need to go back.

I never said it’s forbidden. Please, broadcast to us how much of a failure you are. It’s easy to talk and talk, so keep on talking.

>if you debate this, I hope you will pay for it
Oldschool Star Trek had more balls than you, you absolute tool.

You lurk more and one day may find it.

You charge him with 6 gorillion crimes so even if one gets overturned chances are the others won’t be and he still gets the needle.

>9 blacks in Carolina vs 1 Jew in California.
This fucker attacked the ruling class, Roof only attacked their pets.

the czech is a paid shill that comes during the morning, and night shift I shit you not, and these niggers are literally responsible for the spam bots, and spammed tarrant threads. it's so bad niggers are making OC about this cunt.

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Yea dude bitching on anonymous forums has gotten so much done

>"others are making OC about this cunt"
>posts his own sad meme
Lel. It's fascinating that you are still butthurt. Not my fault you are trying to push dumb narrative.
>spam bots
>spammed threads
Yeah, because there are so many of them you moron.

>this will all catch up someday
>appeal to goodness of the majority group
>appeal to natural morality of the government
You’re a woman. Post your tits, or leave.

See what happens when the parasite is shot at? This is who is really in control of America.

>what spam bots goyim
you literally come into each and every one of these threads;spam tarrant oc, and then sperg the fuck out with 60+ posts patronizing anyone who doesn't want to commit terrorism. literally when are you going to follow your own "law". you faggots literally come here glowing;attempting to persuade, but none of you faggots are in the news. WONDER WHY!

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you deserve to have your brains painted on the walls

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This right here. Not even their patsy scape-goat tarrant was charged to this level. If only got the Rabi.

>Scrolling by see shill post
>BTFO shill with single image and keep scrolling
Sup kike

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A jewish fingernail is worth as much as 1000 goy. He deserves much more than death!

do you plan on BTFO out of ants? you are but baby let me bytfo kikey.

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>bros why won't you commit acts of terrorism;if the mudsharks do it why won't you goys?
lmao stay fucking salty you kike

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>patronizing anyone who doesn't want to commit terrorism.
Are you retarded? Or do you call anyone who disagrees with you kike shill? It is you who always comes into absolutely normal debate in threads, starts spamming the same exact crap you are spamming here and then screech when someone disagrees. This behavior just reeks.

Yeah, so everyone who disagrees with you is also the reason why some retards spam their tranny discord, you absolute twat. I was reporting them just yesterday. Just kill yourself already moarpenis.

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I've been advocating for terrorism here since 2008

Coward. You're not going to vote your way out of this. We have no real organization and I don't see you doing anything about that. How many national socialists do you know irl boomer? You are telling us to all just lay down and take it up the ass until we can't take it anymore.

They've been kicked out of about 160

what the fuck are you doing besides advocating for white people to get locked up through acts of terrorism? nigger upload something or shut the fuck up;either make the news, and nut up, or shut up, and stop trying to convince edgy teenagers into doing stupid shit.

>reee stop telling other goyim there is more than shitposting on the anonymous Polynesian manta-ray hunting forum
>reee don't even discuss it from political standpoint, you will go to jail, goyim
What is your solution, user?

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>terrorism is good goyim
my solution would be to un-ironically get rid of anyone who has duel citizenship

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How do you propose on achieving that though. Also how does that resolve non-american problems.

Holy fuck you're mad lmao

and the courts don't blur his face in America like they do in NZ. Such freedom. God Bless America.

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What a perfectly wasted strong chin.

Look at the bright side, at least there isn't as much schizos sperging.

Do Americans have conjugal visits?

>how do you propose on achieving that
redpill people on politicians who have ties to foreign entities. if you live in a white civ you're going to have rats in the system attempting to use, and abuse goyim. only non-americans who don't benefit from this are the black, and brown hordes in-fighting, and the kikes.

Are you aware that is exactly what the right-wing is doing since pretty much the end of the war? It's great results you can pretty much see everywhere around you and in the fact that you are on the brink of becoming a minority in a country your forefathers built. How is that old meme; "The definition of insanity is, doing the exact same thing over and over again, expecting shit to change". Also could you show me one example in human history where "redpilling people" ever managed something? Because there is none, it is useless alone on it's own.

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whites being this universally woke is a new thing. this is why boomers are so cucked. you can't teach dogs new tricks most of the time. we have not abolished dual citizenship yet, and that's why lobbyist, and politicians are so intimate.

he killed a radical mosque. when our govenment kills 2 members of that mosque with drone strikes no one bats an eye, but when an aussie gets 50 with a rifle its a tragedy.

the new Zealand government hasn't released the names all the victims yet, because they don't know who they are,because they're fucking terrorists.

Fucking disgusting
Kikes should die

No. After-war generations were much more conservative, nationalistic and nigger-hating than any post-gen y generations. And these generations actually owned your institutions and their state, and even then they later lost them. Even their contemporary "right-wingers" (for lack of the better word), who were much more radical too (See: Rockwell) in the end lost this "redpilling" campaign. Our grandfathers were bigger men than we are and look what is their heritage to us. You are for some reason omitting the fact that there is a strong left/zog counter-push and think that by just talking to people over the internet will change anything, while in reality the exactly opposite is happening - you are being replaced while reveling in this internet placebo and it won't take long, until you as a white nation, cross that point of no return. Straight out of existence. If there is something the international Jewry wants, it's you being a good drone who stays at home and just bitches over the internet.

I would understand the sentiment from my countryman or from some guy from Poland or Hungary, where the nation is still 99+% white and thus there is plenty of time with experiments like various "political solutions", but not from you.

>bitching and staying at home
weird it's like you're projecting, and don't even realize you've been posting every day consecutively asking whites to advocate, and commit acts of terrorism. funnier that you won't acknowledge your sperg-outs when people don't want to blow up sand niggers in sand nigger fashion. Get fucked you glow in the dark kike.

>don't have any arguments
>screeching starts anew
And this is why I called you an absolute retard.

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you gotta be a retard to think that has anything to do with accelerationism. literally the jews using hitler to get morons like you to go out and get yourself charged with 100 federal crimes.

What is it about then.

He only killed like what 1 jew and injured 2 others? plus he's young. He should get less. Life with the possibility of parole would be fitting. There ain't no revolution and no race war coming soon, oh well.

Hate crimes are such bullshit. If he shot up a school of christians because they were christian there would be no hate crime charges.
Hate crimes are literally just thought crimes, he murdered people charge him with 1st degree murder, all hate crime charges do is place one group of people above all others.

>morons like you
well that was hurtful, all I asked for was a tl;dr
I only read the quote from Hitler and gave my interpretation of it

I think mainly it speaks about identifying the root problem and working to rid the system of said problem, not by force (accelerationism), but I shouldve specified I believe it means to do so in a legal and mostly political way

Hitler didn't go out shooting Jews; his party got elected and they elected him, and his party guided the nation to rid the system of the aforementioned problem

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Mate, just to expand - are you aware there were every-day political assassinations, street fighting with thousands of dead, shootings, actual separatist rogue commie states and pretty much regular civil war before Hitler took power? And that he prevailed exactly because the situation was accelerated so far? Also food for thought, do you think that the zog will allow this again? They built this whole system to keep the status quo.

Otherwise you are right, he depicts Jewry that way too. But also speaks about how in case of slow rot, slow boil of this frog, one must accelerate unless the nation will get used to that sickness and die of it later.

fuck your children's lives fed

>going to have to book thrown at him

Oh well. I'd suggest choosing the bottom bunk as it makes it easier to get away in the middle of the night.

stop posturing your military can already be slaughtered if every racialist mobilized for war

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If I had a personal landline to Trump I would ask him to impeach himself.

yeah I remember it was basically like michael jackon's "beat it" music video, except less music (probably), probably about as much dancing

and about the accelerating the nation, I'll agree with the terminology, but if he were to use it I have to believe that he would mean to accelerate the nation into unification, not radicalization (as it was already radical)
so like you said everything was already accelerated and in a civil war state, and he wanted everyone to focus on a common cause (the root problem)

the Jow Forums usage of it is more acceleration = abandon redpilling (slow), open violence towards unwitting civilians (fast)
what i believe hitler's acceleration = uniform redpilling and expulsion of the root problem (although through propaganda, not data-based redpills like Jow Forums; expulsion most likely in part by the violence, but mostly political as they would use the redpills to get a deathgrip on the government)

thinking back, yeah: he maintained the militia from the Nazi part, and once he got into office he didnt really promote violence so much as he promoted unity, while allowing that militia to do their thing (not entirely accurate, but for the most part I believe this is the truth)

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>Do Americans have conjugal visits?