Economically its institutions are maturing and are able to handle crisis like developed nations. Corruption is on the decline as law enforcement becomes more independent and capable.
If Brazil wins that means pol was always wrong and the left was always right. We should all just mix it up racially.
Imagine believing a country being run by a literal facist has any chance. Macacos gtfo
Noah Nelson
Brazil is fucked.
You have no idea what your talking about.
Its not the leaders its the people the mindset these people have.
it doesn't matter what happens now in 10-30 years from now its all going to become the same as it was.
The Fucking teachers are quitting because the fucking monkies are too aggressive imports at 200% higher meaning that if you want an Xbox your paying $5,000 fucking Reais and the average monthly check for minium wage is $800 reais plus free healthcare meaning that your going to die in line waiting for 4 doctors whose helping 5,000 people that been waiting for days.
You're likely to ride public transportation with hundreds of diseased people and are likely to get food poison and die.