Seven Kings mosque: Gun fired during prayers
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daily reminder tory voters are worse than Labour voters when it comes to voting
How do we ban the BBC? It never gets discussed because the BBC won't talk about it, other channels would have been warned about discussing it. Politicians seem to fear talking about it, but it's clear that the people online want it gone.
Dianne Abbott Mask
We live in a society
LMAOOOOOO Dara's tweet has 11,000 more likes than retweets. His fellow BBC cucks want to hold on to their jobs.
interesting watch lads
Still the state of woke mongs when even Labour supporters are turning on them
look at all that mess who will clean it up?
>Gina Yashere
> @ginayashere
>21h21 hours ago
>You need to acknowledge that never in history has anyone insulted a royal baby.
she's never met my family then..
and now janet street porter backing baker up and people are kicking off
they're eating each other
can we put some d:ream on lads?
The clitoris has 8,000 nerve endings and still isn't as sensitive as a black upper-class qween on twitter
>Gina Yashere
>You need to acknowledge that never in history has anyone insulted a royal baby.
Didn't some zoo in Japan name some baby monkeys after Prince William's first kid a few years ago?
Which do you think has been a bigger damper on UKIP? Brexit Party or Sargoy?
Brexit party
UKIP wasnt that strong even before nige threw the spanner in their works
Nobody cares about sargon apart from a few weirdos on here who wank to millienal woes videos
based danny baker exposing the leftist infighting
i thourght femi was that BASTE BREXIT NOG?
Fuckboy Femi bottled out of running in the Peterborough by-election. The depth to which he's been owned recently warms your heart.
Can these EU elections get any better?
A MASSIVE cheer goes up as Nigel takes down ambitions of a European army.
>"I'd rather put the future trust and security of this country with the 5 EYES, and America with NATO than any EU army led by Brussels."
Brexit never
lost my sides watching this
>psychological violence
Just read this phrase in a comment
>I'd rather put the future trust and security of this country with the 5 EYES, and America
Pakis forever
You must be really green to think that sargon fans are in the slightest related to people who think like millenial woes. How the fuck did you end up here if you don't even know the basics of e-celeb shit?
Go back to your faggoty YouTube streams
>You must be really green to think that sargon fans are in the slightest related to people who think like millenial woes
What i meant was the people on here that act like sargon killed ukip are the type of people who religously watched them deabtes a white back between sargoy and all them alt right e-celeb
Neither of my parents have ever had a job
Leave Woes out of this.
“We’re the EDL” - 7.00 onwards
Tommy Robinson is in Blackburn at 7pm tonight. Thinking about going along since I'm planning to vote for him. Anyone else going?
The EU is a lesser evil than the USA prove me wrong
Fucking hell!
Unlicensed waste transportation and disposal at a non licensed disposal site!
>You need to acknowledge that never in history has anyone insulted a royal baby.
When George was born the same people were complaining it was a white male and how it should have been a girl or a gender neutral trans. These people have the memory of a goldfish.
>I'm planning to vote for him.
why? Love to know your weird logic
not going but he's getting my vote lad
>nigger mutt with stupid hair
Start singing the Tommy chant and record it. I want to hear hundreds of Norfs start singing it too.
something something israel
Lol I was near there at 0:27
EDL Tommy's a legend
Post yfw you remember you're not Sargon
Reminds me of a couple who were a couple of doors up from my childhood home. They were quite posh and played it out like they were well to do. Had a nice looking front garden and the general outside of their house looked nice so I figured at least one of them must have had a really good job or something. Only a couple years ago did I find out they were jobless and always had been. Was quite a surprise.
Tommy Robinson is a poser and a oppertunist, he pretends to be some champion of the working class when in reality he's some upper class posh boy who gruffed up his accent and currently has all the thick norfs and soufs fooled. Which is genuinely surprising because he himself is a fucking retard. Honestly if you people can look at how he acts/what he does/what he says and keep a straight face you're beyond hope. Don't even bother >>ing me
based and benniepilled
Terrified scouse lass followed by roving paki in bmw
She looks like a mutt.
Brexit Party
UKIP was seen by many as closet racists, now Sargon has confirmed it for many.
I wouldn't be able to encourage my kids and friends to vote UKIP, but I know I can probably get them to go with Brexit Party.
>white girl gets raped by muzzie
>gives birth to mutt
>mutt girl grows up and gets raped by muzzie
The circle of life.
>Anyone who doesn't fall for Tommy's bullshit like a retard is a leftie!! :(
Why on earth can’t you encourage your kids and family?
What's wrong with being racist?
Dont be a dick the NW has no decent candidates. I'm not voting the commie the nigel party has put or or the remainers from the rest. Either its Tommy or UKIP and while I hope UKIP do well I think Tommy is in for an actual chance.
Good lad. Here is hos schedule in case you want to go to another location, Blackburn could be trouble.
People have done the chant at every norf event he has done so far.
but he pisses of muzzies which helps us
sargon is a closet rapist not a closet racist
Wtf is that webm?
Fellow Patriots,
Please vote for my husband GERALD BATTEN to be your euro mep.
We need his continued eu wages to help purchase our fourth holiday home in The Cotswolds.
Fuck off cuck
Irrespective of his social class, i'd rather he were speaking and getting a message out. Though clearly you just want to be spoon fed bullshit by the BBC, Sky and print media.
Besides, if he is top drawer - good, it's about time some of the upper class started to pull their weight in the leadership stakes.
>People have done the chant at every norf event he has done so far.
Maybe you should sing a new chant and see if others will start singing it too?
Looks like a bunch of chavs shooting heroin
I've done a number on you
nigel your getting desperate
Maybe if I see him at Burnley, I'm a clarets fan so I could change up one of our chants for Tommy's audience and people would know the words. Blackburn will be too risky
Lol only Asians would go for his tiny cock
>nigel your getting desperate
From memory it is from a documentary on Glasgow from the 1980's, though might be wrong .
was probally some nigger gang thing ,
I can, but they will not budge on UKIP.
should of checked you're dictionary
reset the chuka clock lads
Nothing, I am.
However, most normies aren't and start getting scared if they think they are supporting us, they still dislike niggers, just not hate like us.
Brexit Party is fairly neutral on niggers, but still want us out of Europe.
One thing at a time, once we're away from Europe we can work on them about niggers, blaming them for all our woes.
WTF I Love Andrew Neil Now!
I don't hate niggers personally, I just think they shouldn't be here.
>parrots integrity initiative and promotes breitbart
really makes you think
luv ngubu
ate niggers
not racist just dont like em simple as
Fuck off
Sid she get pissed or what?