Reminder that if you smoke or drink you're giving your money to jews. Every single cancer stick you inhale puts a fucking 50 cent piece in shlomos slimey pocket.
Reminder that if you smoke or drink you're giving your money to jews...
Is that why (((they))) hate smoking and constantly try to ban it?
No it is only so that the price of the tobacco goes up every year or so, A Pack here of premuim is already 8 Euros kek!
start a new country and ban them
10€ for us in 2020 thanks to Macron
First weed shop in Vancouver has a kike owner
i'm not the braindead sucker with an iPhone
Literally drinking every week @ kike bar, what a life
Tobacco and alcohol are fine in moderation. They control it closely because they would be the first currencies in a post dollar economy.
No shit Sherlock. The only smokers who WANT to keep smoking are delusional fags. I can't put the things down. Did quit drinking though and lost 50lbs...
But I buy my cigarettes from the native reserve and its $1.95 for 25
They only ban it in their own communities.
Talking about tobacco retard. Jews constantly push for weed usage
They're pointless to consume at any volume you dumb ass.
If you're gonna be a huge faggot and smoke at least look into rolling your own cigs. Much cheaper and no carpet glue.
$20 bucks a bag and zero of it goes to the gubbermint
Love Native Smokes
It's fine in it's original form, not what we have now. If you were to smoke pure tabacco, it wouldn't be nearly as bad but the shit we have is loaded with extra chemicals that creates more addiction. Same with alcohol, a nice fermented drink is fine. Distilled anything is bullshit. But if you want a nice pure fermented drink, you have to make it yourself. This is the kikery we deal with.
buy a vape and ween yourself off it after a months. this is what i did. best way to quit
>Big Tobacco
>Big Tobacco is the "big five" largest global tobacco industry companies which are Philip Morris International, British American Tobacco, Imperial Brands, Japan Tobacco International, and China Tobacco.
But of course, it's always JEWS
Jews now head Philip Morris and British. I checked before I made the thread. Go ahead and reveal your flag shlomo.
Many people here smoke tobacco grown in own garden or ciggarets from black market
But then I would be a vape-fag and that aint cool.
I only smoke 2 or 3 a day max so I will probably just carry on.
I smoke tobacco grown on Indian reserves by Native Canadian Indians. If they had one single investor outside of Native blood they would no longer be tax exempt.
Same with the beer and rum I might drink on occasion and it's very good actually.
I bet you practice usury and watch the electric jew and their sodomites into your home.
Under Trump it will be law soon that you cannot speak ill of the jew for any reason, be it truth or a lie, the way it's written it will effectively outlaw the real Bible and real Christianity as well.
This American literally pay's taxes and it is given to Israel with nothing in return but this user has the audacity to speak of giving $0.50 to a jew out of a carton of cigarettes or a case of beer. You literally are forced by law with penalty of jail if you do not hand money to be given to Israel jews.
Might as well be taking it from you at gun point. You get absolutely NOTING in return LOL, pussies with guns.
is there anything we buy and do that doesn't give money to the jews?
You should be worried about dying for their shit you retarded amerigoym
>Reminder of you breath sleep or shit your are playing the jew's game!
Man, i Wonder how many anons when insane with paranoia & gang stalking from this board
tobacco industry is one of the few goy industries left, dipshit