Is it real?

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where is the jew?

Imagine being a huwhite mutt and agreeing with white genocide

looks like smollet, badly edited into a different thing

Remember folks, only decadent and luxurious civilizations can afford guilt and shame. The civilizations that are rising on a global scale right now are the ones that do, and don't look back.

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This unironically true the only reason white genocide exists is because white people allowed it too

Someone needs to shoop this with a merchant pulling down on the glove, and then it will be.

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White genocide is a bullshit conspiracy theory perpetuated by neo nazis. It's not even a new meme.

It's an insult to someone's intelligence to claim there's a genocide going on when clearly there isn't a systematic slaughtering of people.

People not having that many kids is all about personal choice and no one is forcing anyone's hand. White people tend to be wealthier in American than their minority counterparts. Poverty is correlated with having a lot of kids.

Realistically, we should move away from this pee brained idea that humans should just reproduce endlessly in a system with finite resource extraction capability. It's unrestrained growth and it's incredibly retarded.

People should have kids if they can take care of them and if they want to.

He was the one who sold him the glove and rope

>Racism is real

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Talcum X should hang anyway

When the West collapses American white males will be shooting at least 100 POCs a day so that should stem the tide.

He's right though. White genocide is more of a white suicide. Females are pulling the trigger and men who prefer sjw or vidya are also culprits.

No nigger is killing or aborting whites.
Only whites shoot themselves in the foot.

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You are on a Chinese basket weaving forum where it's efforts has only further accelerate the death of the white race.
t. El Negro

>white genocide is real
have sex

Okay Reddit. And what happens when low IQ third world immigrants out breed whites in all western countries? Eventually society collapses on itself and the only people to blame are the whites who universities taught them are all evil racists. When the gibs run out who is going to be the target for violence and riots?

Inviting millions upon millions of foreigners that nobody actually wants isn't suicide. Claiming it's suicide is done to throw people off the trail.

Attached: white suicide.jpg (1158x1000, 238K)

>Inviting millions upon millions of foreigners that nobody actually wants isn't suicide.
Speak for yourself, you’re in the minority here.

Still not seeing a genocide in there.

You are talking like the scale of immigration is directly proportionate to the scale of the following conflict.

That is simply not the case.

No, I'm not. Survey after survey shows Americans want a strong border. Your gaslighting will not work here.

Ethnic replacement is a form of genocide you shithead

implying TPTB needs white people to cooperate, they'll hire other shitskins to do it, even if they have to use less gallant methods.

The UN literally has pages discussing the replacement of white populations.

Go the fuck back Germcuck.

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Have some forethought. White people are quickly becoming the minority in every country on Earth. Universities literally teach that all of the world's problems are caused by whites. What do you think will happen in a few generations when angry brown people are suffering poverty while the few remaining white people are not? White people will be targeted for systematic slaughter eventually. Anyone who claims white genocide is not happening is just ignorant or a shill.

Kys faggot, in 30 years america is going to look like Brazil. Keep sticking your head in the sand while the horde is growing around you

>hurr durr google
check the UN definition maybe
>Killing members of the group;
>Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
>Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
>Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

>claim to know white genocide is a nazi myth
>not familiar with the definition of genocide
>not familiar with un replacement migration plans

You won't be missed.

I know we live in clown world, but why are woman so schizophrenic? Really sjws in general. It's like a snake eating it's own tail. Instead of creating the "perfect" world they fight for where unicorns shit rainbows, they create the opposite. They create a world full of sexism, racism and all the other shit they hate.
Someone help me out. What is the reason and psychologie behind that?
I mean this is literally insane.

you give women rights and they fuck you over, its your own fault

Same as it ever was.

Silly, that's not the actual definition.

The actual definition is:
>the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation EXCEPT WHITES.

>your paranoid delusions are arguments

BTW all the worlds problems are tied to authoritarians which includes right wingers in the US. But that isn't the same thing as white people in general.

Also there's no genocide going on. So I win, you lost.

Because morally and emotionally they see it as justified and they think the only result is positive. They would tax the rich into oblivion if they could and when the country collapses they would blame the rich for not giving enough.

The term White Genocide is dishonest and insulting. Whites are not being systematically brought to their deaths. Any idiot can see that

And not a single one of those things are a policy in the western world.

Your paranoid delusions don't count.


Let's see it then. Go on.

Prove it

So basically you’re admitting that you’re a delusional retard who believes the opposite of reality because you’re weak and full of white guilt

Avoiding the argument is not winning and argument. How is brown people taking over the entire world not white genocide? You are clearly a jew.

>What is the reason and psychologie behind that?
Feelings of mentally retarded parasites, that are even more low IQ than children.

See this is why Anglos didn't want you faggots in the first place. You niggers have no concept of forming a large civilization, you only know how to destroy.

>The United Nations Genocide Convention, which was established in 1948, defines genocide as "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group", including the systematic harm or killing of its members, deliberately imposing living conditions that seek to "bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part", preventing births, or forcibly transferring children out of the group to another group.
Our genocide is being brought about by subversion and anti white propaganda

>every single one of them is policy in the west
>delusional leftwing retard doesn’t understand reality

Surprise surprise

You prove that people want it. You made the original claim. You're the one advocating for the changes in our society

This doesn't say anything about a genocide. All it says is that self inflicted declining population can be offset by importing laborers.

YOU read into that, that it means the UN want to actively genocide you.

Genius, if the UN wanted to genocide white people, do you think they'd put it up for everyone to see?

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New qweer
Like this keep me from this brainless shill site
RIP Jow Forums It was real it was fun it was not real fun !

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group

>implying this isn't happening to western civilization

Fact is you can't argue this beyond deflection and avoidance.

I mean one could argue low birth rates are on our part but on the otherhand, we're not openly supproting or consenting to bringing in millions of third world roaches.

Even if we had replacement level birthrates, bringing millions of third worlders who have 5-6 kids is still replacement.

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>jews subvert governments via banking over centuries
>subvert academia
>subvert media
>subvert politics
>implement policies designed to cause white genocide

Hurrrrr whites are committing suicide duurrrrrrr

Cite me the policy in the west of "killing members of the group"

You not breeding isn't a policy. It may have something to do with your paranoid delusions and antisocial beliefs.


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Because Genocide means the destruction, oppression, or killing of people.

Even if we take for granted that brown people are taking over, that doesn't at all mean genocide. Would it literally kill you to not be the most dominant force on the earth? Apparently you think so.

>import welfare recipients
>let children get raped
>ignore crime wave
>they never learn the language
>only ever get jobs set aside for them

Why is antisemitism on the rise oy veyyy

>whites must subsidize non white breeding, housing, food, education
>this doesnt affect whites ability to afford proper care for their own offspring

Are you faggot shills even trying?

There's no policy to kill white people

There's no policy to destroy you.

There's no policy to prevent your births.

There's no policy to forcibly transfer your children

All there is is your paranoid delusions that that may happen to you. HAVE SEX

Whos doing the importing? Whats hart seller?

Pray tell what is so beneficial about having third worlders replace the only people capable of creating first world civilizations? Do you like crime and poverty? Maybe your just an anarchist cuck with delusions of being a wasteland warlord.

It's not.

>greentext isn't an argument.

Not replying to you, faggot.
>can be offset
It's literally called replacement migration, not offset migration.

Define replacement
>to take the place of especially as a substitute or successor

>do you think they'd put it up for everyone to see?
Yes, some retarded symbolism rule.
"They have to be able to see it all, and actively choose" or some other shit.

Also see the people involved in the creation of the (((UN))).

Anthony EDEN
Alger HISS
Trygve LIE

You have to be literally retarded to not see the symbolism.

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“Pro-Choice” is a White Female Dogwhistle among Leftists which is really just “Pro-Black abortions”.

This place is television.

Replacement isn't even genocide.

It's no one's fault you're not having sex. You don't dissappear because other people are having more sex than you. That's not the way it works.

What a bunch of limp wristed pussies in this thread. No wonder you don't get laid.

Jews in gas chambers and getting bullets in the back of their head is genocide. Being a fucking incel who isn't well adjusted is first world problems.

Citation needed.

I could easily do that. I’m feeling no mercy. Niggerpill hit hard. Kill them all.

>creating first world civilizations
They don't give a shit.
They want low IQ slaves.
Not high IQ ones, because we will burn those people down in a few years of time.

That's dumb. People pro-abortion in Europe too and have been for a long time.

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when you are the less dominant group the dominant group is dominant over you. we aren't all into being dominated like you fren and we also want our homelands back. is that okay with you? feel free to move to africa or china if it isn't.

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>whites must subsidize
Actually whites are nominally the largest welfare recipients. They still aren't have sex.

Anyone getting paid pays into welfare including any minorities that make more than pleb neets on Jow Forums. The tax code applies to anyone regardless of skin color.

>citation needed
Hahaha thats what i thought, faggot. Go walk off that ass-pounding you just took

>Jews in gas chambers
Wait, they could have simply not walked into those chambers, am I right or am I right?

Showers are not genocide.
When they want to shower, that's on them.

>All it says is that self inflicted declining population can be offset by importing laborers.
>Genius, if the UN wanted to genocide white people, do you think they'd put it up for everyone to see?

Again, what's the difference when white people cease to exist? Just because of the lack of implicit mass violence? Not according to the UN definitions of genocide:

>Article 2 of the Convention defines genocide as... (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. — Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article 2[4]

That's debatable.

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I'm going to grant you whatever bullshit you just stated so that I can point out the following:

That's not genocide. Learn to read.

I mean are we arguing that there is an effort to bring mass immigration from nonwhite nations into white nations to replace the peoples of those nations? Or are we simply arguing over semantics and hyperbolic nature of the term "white genocide"?

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Oh is that so? Please, tell me about the lifetime net per person by race. Whats the total tax contributions annually by race? Its ok, we know you cant answer.


No it's not. Give up the delusions. You've been taking in neo nazi propaganda. That's all this ever was.

I am actually genuinely sorry for you. I really mean that. This is so real mind fuckery.


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>He thinks I'm for open boarders
Nigger I'm all for merit based immigration, aka for people to replace your dumbass. They don't contribute negatively like what you brainlets are so easily psyops into believing.
Look at this graph, how in the fuck are you going to be replaced unless you don't go off and have children of your own.

Have sex.

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>cease to exist
Due to who? You guys killing yourselves and not HAVING SEX?

That's not genocide.

The second one because kikes can only pilpul.

What is it with these bad edits?

Poor people generally take more welfare. Minorities tend to be poorer on average.
Shocking revelation.

That's not genocide.

Wrong. Whites still make up the majority and are an ageing population while blacks maintain around 15% of the population and absorb around 35% of welfare. You're also forgetting that for censuses Jews are white and Orthodox Jews are the biggest welfare queens and defrauders on the planet.


>Actually whites are nominally the largest welfare recipients.
How about per capita? Brainlet.

>That's not genocide.
If fits the definition of genocide perfectly.

Brainwash one group to not have children because muh climate and muh nature.

At the same time import tons of sandniggers into the country, who fuck like rabbits.

At the same time call anyone telling those sandniggers to not have children literally Nazis.

At the same time take more and more shekels from the whites to give it to sandniggers.

Black people are poor. Welfare has a....poverty bias. Use your IQ here.


What is your point, retard? You brought up welfare, dumbass.

>Nigger I'm all for merit based immigration
The problem with this is that race is merit. Otherwise you're going to have extreme exception smart and hard working shitskins coming over then having dumb and lazy kids as they revert to their genetic baseline

It's clearly a jew you're arguing against. Only argues semantics, never addressing facts. Max pilpul

"Gradually I began to hate them"

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