Mudslimes are the same everywhere

>be me on net cafe
>working on end year Thesis
>Mudslimes approach
>Hey user what you doing?
>Ah-err paper about Political Dynasty
>Mudslime retards starts to laugh and mock me for using english terms
>Starts to click buttons and random shit
>Tries to calm down
>They start tugging my hair
>*Thinks if their worth it, what I'll lose if I'll engage with their retardation or not*
>They slap me on the head once more calling me "Nagpipiling Mayaman" (Luxury Wannabe)
>I shove the guy telling to stop it
>Mudslime grabs my shirt and damages it (twas my fathers shirt)
>Tell them to put their arm down and apologize for lashing out, so stop damaging my shirt
>Mudslime pulls more
>(Why do I have to keep being the adult one)
>I Discard rationality and kicks the mudslime beside him (so the motherfker wont interfere: I've learned enough from those nigger hate threads)
>Then I proceed to punch the mudslime in the face continually
>Kick him as he slowly lose his stance
>The first one stands up and punched me, I received a cut
>I retaliate pulling his legs and get on top of him while looking at my side if the other one is getting up (he's not getting up)
>Other Flips stopped the fight and gives me a clean cloth
>I didn't notice that there's alot of blood in my cloth (salamat random flip)
>The mudslimes escaped the scene as the owner checks back
>I had to pay for everything and got banned

Was I wrong? Could the fight have been avoided? Is it retarded to throw rationale out the window just because? Or are some things just meant to be solved with violence; from where I'm standing it looks like i shouldn't have stoop down to their level... I feel really bad.

Attached: IMG00069-1.jpg (923x560, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Jow Forums my personal blog

You were not wrong, but it was all stupid as heck. You should have called the owner from the beginning to get them out.

>pulling his legs and got on top of him
>on top of him
How will Filipino user ever recover from t


Thought so... thanks


Sure senpai


this. just do this user. then watch them complain like they're the victims
always funny

Cant tell if glownigger or Jow Forums