Why is porn free?

Why is porn free?

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Porn is easy to make, paying is inconvient or not feasible (wife checks bank statements), and many people only want a couple minutes of porn. The best thing is tobuse ad revenue.

It should be made illegal. Jews destroyed our christian society like that.

porn is not free, just like social networks are not free.

Because its run by goys

> lets ban everything because we cannot use it responsibly
its not everyones fault that you are a non functioning degenerate

That was the point, and they succeeded.

>getting fucked from all the sides is easy to make

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Because you are the product

>hentai pagan telling me I'm a degenerate
I was talking about the impact it has on the whole society dumbass

It's part of the conspiracy to create a society where no one ever does anything again other than continually, uncontrollably fucking.

Free porn sites make their money off selling your data (browsing habits, tastes, demographics, etc) in addition to the money they get from ads on their sites. This is exactly the case for other free online services like facebook.

and Jow Forums

t. porn addict


>Free porn sites make their money off selling your data (browsing habits, tastes, demographics, etc)

what is the value of this data?

>government! ban shit to fix society!
yeah that will fucking work

For the same reason the chicken feed is free for the chickens on the farm.

based Shōgun

there are still paid sites. I guess there are idiots that still pay for it. Tube sites have taken over because of advertising dollars, but I don't know how well that model will pan out. Stop watching porn, regardless

Because it is dirt easy to create a tube website like pornhub and monetize it using ads rather them directly charging users.
There are plenty of subscription-driven websites and they're the main source of free content, like someone subscribes and downloads materials and then uploads to their own websites.
Torrent trackers are another story. Some people just like to share whatever content, maybe they feel more worthy or whatever.
So porne is not free at first, it is made free by someone who downloaded or stolen it and made it available for free. This doesn't apply to people sharing their own home videos.

>In case you wanted a real answer rather than muh kikes RRRREEEEEEE

Because the same parent company who owns brazzers and all the big names, so makes money off of subscriptions, also owns the tube sites that makes money off of ads giving away porn for free. Mindgeek.

It's all advertising. the data tells a company what you look at. So say you went to a porn site, and then researched shoes. The porn site put a tracker on your PC that reports back what other sites you visit. so after you visiit the sites and porn site takes that data, it then sells it to advertising companies. these companies compile the data into a profile of the user. They then take the tracking cookies and serve you ads based on the shoes you were looking at after looking at the porn. So the shoe companies pay the advertising company to target you based off your data.

It will only cost your soul goyim

because your mum considered it philanthropy

>Why is porn free?
Because it's in the jews interest to push any and all degeneracy onto western nations.
The jews messiah will not come until White people and Christianity are totally destroyed.

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Somebody post the Jews broadcasting porn to Palestinians

>hello mr. advertisement. here mr. porn site. would you like to buy the data of user who enjoy watching gay porn?

>The porn site put a tracker on your PC that reports back what other sites you visit.

This makes it more clear.

Most of the time, porn isn't a big money maker.

It's just cool to some to be a pornographer, hang out with porn stars, see some fucking and have your bills paid and that's it.

Some studios and porn stars bother with sending out C&D notices to bittorrent sites (hence private porn trackers) and file sharing sites that have copies for anyone to download.

They wrote a new version of the Bible too, called the NIV and gave it away for free.
How kind of them.
What could go wrong having the people that want to destroy Christianity write a Bible?
>yes goy it's run by goys trust me goy
Stephane Manos
Ouissam Youssef
Fabian Thylmann
These are the main people behind porn hub.
They sent some nice legal notices to wiki to ensure that they are not linked

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I used to work for a very small ISP in Montana and you would not believe some of the stupid shit we got notices for. We constantly got emails from RIAA and small no-name firms. It was generally "We observed that Mr. Smith has illegally shared ((girl fucks electrician)).mov on your network.
These automatically got moved to a trash folder. We never followed up on them or forwarded them to the customer. They died in outlook junk mail.
My favorite though is when I worked for an MSP, I get a call about some printer issue and connect to the customer's PC. Across the top in open tabs:
anal penetration | blacked | white girls on black dicks |
I used to have a screenshot we shared around the office.

People make posts stating how bad porn is while everyone posts softcore+ shit in every other thread

>People make posts stating how bad porn is while everyone posts softcore+ shit in every other thread

True. If you quit porn you basically have to quit /pol

Because it's samples. You're watching samples.
The porn samples used to be just a picture related to the movie.
Then remember the dial up days where the little sample movies were like 20-30 seconds and you had to wait 10 minutes to watch it?
And now the sample movies are so long, that you think you're just watching outright porn.
But if you notice, it's got a lot of cuts going on. And it usually ends prematurely.
There's a longer version of any porn movie you watch out there.
You're not seeing it, because you're watching the sample.


Project much?

Porn *is* free, though. A lot of those professional studios are shutting down because they can’t compete with the millions of sluts with smartphones and daddy issues.

It was made so you'll never engage with another female for the rest of your life, which results in the white species dying out.

>Why is porn free?
It's not.
That's the problem.
It needs to be more free to drive the profit motive out.
No profit, end of pornographers.

Because they could not contain it on the internet. They would lock you out and charge you if they could. The movie/tv industry are still trying to stop the free sharing of their content. Randomly sending letters and suing people in an attempt to scare them away from file sharing. Porn however is too cheap to make and doesnt have the same swing as major non porn media. They have started to try and get money from you other ways though.

To normalize pedophilia.

Nothing in life is free, but over 40% of the world's internet traffic is free pornography. Of that free pornography, a vast majority is a close-up of a large, hairy penis sexing a hairless vagina. Who has hairless vaginas? Children do. It's all to normalize pedophilia to turn this whole planet into Gomorrah 2.0 at which point Christ shall return and cleanse this putrid planet with fire.

I should also add two things. #1 I think porn hub makes money manipulating their search results. Why is Kim Kardashian near the top of searched actresses. Her porn is old as fuck and shitty to begin with mostly with that black fuck dancing in front of the camera. Also the weird trends that pop up from blacked white girls to incest makes me think someone is pushing trends. They may be pushing it for purely financial reason. Make incest porn a thing then pump out a bunch of cheap incest porn to get clicks? It still feels weird and non organic though something is going on.

Finally porn is not free. You freely choose to waste your time on it paying an opportunity cost of whatever else you could be doing.

Most people are weak and easily led. If you're waiting for that to change, you might be here a while.

there will always be profit in porn because good looking porn actors will always be in demand.

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(((Why))) do you think?

Blacked porn is becoming insanely popular. I'm even starting to notice now that there is more Asian female blacked porn.

>more niggers move to the west
>more niggers get access to the internet
>more niggers are looking at porn

its not becoming more popular, niggers just got access to the internet.

Ad Revenue
Also, you give away a certain amount of porn for free
Then when they're hooked, sell them the premium videos

>Ouissam Youssef

So who the fuck is paying for the real films? its not like your gonna sit trough a 1.30 hour movie..

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>its not everyones fault that you are a non functioning degenerate
Heh...nothing personal kid

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free to try, develop a fetish then waste your salary to buy.

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Sex is free too yet almost everyone of us is a virgin here

You're asking the right questions.

>Why is porn free?
all shit that you see have been voted in by women.

>But if you notice, it's got a lot of cuts going on.
ohh yeah.. they completely cut out dialogue and the suspense scenes. the real stuff that is worth paying money for is cut out.

>Then remember the dial up days where the little sample movies were like 20-30 seconds and you had to wait 10 minutes to watch it?
that fucking sucked

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ads and people still buy or subscribe to non free porn

I don't know but porn is better than having a girlfriend


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based hentai poster

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“Free” porn operates off the same revenue streams as mobile games: ads, data mining, and white whales.

There are some dudes that spend enormous sums of money on porn because they want to see the full videos instead of just the clips on the aggregator sites. Or they’re into specific kinks and/or actors.

I don’t get it, but I also don’t get why guys spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on Twitch thots either when they could have used that money to chase real pussy.


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Get over your addiction user. Grow up and be a man. The govt can’t fix your issues only you can

Sense of control through spending money I assume.

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its a weapon used by the jews

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porn should all cost money!

ive said this same thing before and the responses i got were quite different
Jow Forums is easily emotionally manipulated

Pornography is (((subversive))).

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Would you like to pay for some porn? You're more than welcome. I'll be happy to sell you some.

because they are addicts
paying for smut is the most degenerate act imagineable - stop your normie bros from doing it , and always use adblockers and privacy add-on

shut up kike

>Why is porn free?
Because pic related

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I'm sorry user, but Christianity has always included self-control.

do you understand how advertising works, young man? most normies don't use any form of adblocker. the entire internet economy depends on that

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This. Whoever is farming this site is making a good penny.

It wasn't the actual porn, that's just a symptom. It was women's rights. Women are like children, in motivations and agency. They need to lose all political and legal rights, and we will take good care of them. Nothing is worse for women and better for capitalists than requiring women to wageslave. It increases production and fractionates wages, and it wastes your life slaving for a company.


The West has "arranged divorces" and arranged (((remarriages))). There is a lot of $$$ in both enterprises and a lot of sharks chomping at the bit waiting to cash in on both. The age teens are expected to lose their virginity is the exact age they should be expected to be married. Marrying young means couples grow together. The only reason marrying your high school sweetheart isn't common is that college is hung over high schoolers like a ominous cloud. Nothing can get in the way of a college education or they'll end up bare foot and pregnant living in a trailer. Instead they sleep they trail through multiple relationships of convenience.

Public school and colleges are the problem. They are self promoting. Public schools and colleges have an invested interest in not seeing kids get married off and leave their system.


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That's a really bad statistic.
A lot of things were happening around Japan in that age.

intelligence is not about seeing patterns, but rather seeing which patterns are irrelevant
you are a brainlet

Why are the Japanese so consistently based? Is it the high-fish diet?