Why can't the lower races like Americans, Germans and the English be like this?
Why can't the lower races like Americans, Germans and the English be like this?
They just aren't as smart and witty like the African fellow, Billow.
I'd rather be more like the Finland. I fucking hate strangers.
because Ameritards all have fantasies of becoming millionaires
"There is no such thing as a poor person in America, just temporarily embarrassed millionaires."
What a bunch of cucked eunuchs to the state!
No wonder they are all killing themselves
>muh seppuku
>be infeiror shitskin
>love in sueprior white mans lands
>make this thread
T. Regard who thinks he’s an oppressed prole
It's almost like racially homogeneous societies are conducive to a respect for your fellow citizens even when under financial stress
I guaranfuckingtee these Japs would stop driving for the strike if they were carrying nogs around.