
"x" number of white men with non-white women = "x" number of white women with non-white men

The time you are spending with some latina/asian/black girls means time that could have been spent courting a white girl. The same time that is now available for some non-white man to court her. It's really that simple. If you don't like coalburning roasties, dont race mix yourself. Too many so-called white nationalists on /pol get off of some pseudo-breeding war in which white men exclusively get to race-mix and "bleach" shitskin genes.

Truth is they're only cucking the white race as their bleaching campaign is entirely impractical and frankly delusional. Face the facts.

1) Shitskins outnumber whites - I estimate a ratio of at least 5:1 and that number is only increasing with the exponential fertility rates in places like India, Africa, etc. while in developed white countries, birth rates are actually stagnating.

2) Shitskin genes are dominant (black hair, brown eyes, etc.) while white genes are recessive (blonde/red hair, blue eyes). Thats why hapa mongrel children almost always come out more asian than white.

3) Shitskin invasion- with the majority of refugees being early 20s and male. Instead of trying to protect white women from being defiled, many of you on /pol not only abandon them altogether but continue to talk shit on your own women.

If you agree with me, add some more reasons.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>exponential fertility rates in India and Africa
American education. African fertility is dropping and Indian fertility is already at 2.2.

>hapa mongrel children almost always come out more as-
Keanu BFTO’s this argument. Asians aren’t shitskins.

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I think if you can find a girl that is mostly white like this it is fine, your kids will still look white as fuck. Otherwise I agree with you completely. I have never really thought of this but I really should stop hitting on non white girls, I know I will never marry one. You make a lot of sense

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Keanu is only 1/8th East Asian. He is not a hapa.

He still looks asian. I know people who are half Mexican and look way whiter

Does it really matter though? We are on a planet where millions of animals will go extinct in our lifetime. Massive disruptions to the global food chain will cause so much migration until the generous western countries can’t handle it anymore. Nobody can stop this, so you should enjoy today as is.
Side note, racemixing is less of a problem than you think since (((they))) are training the new generation that it’s ok to not have children.
But maybe I’m biased, Spanish Mexican here living with a blonde Irish woman who I plow regularly.

There are still plenty of teens that get each other preggo, you’re right though, lots of non whites don’t want kids. Good for us white nationalists


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Town bicycle.

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There are still way too many of us parasitic shitskins. We should be genocided and White population must be increased.

There is no reasons why the better race (Whites) should have lower numbers than the subhuman races (Indians/Pakis/Niggers/Arabs). Why are we subhumans wasting all these resources and air that White children could use instead?

Asian women on the other hand seem muich more loyal with much fewer previous partners.

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They don't seem to whore themselves out on Instagram or Youtube as much either. Preferring to keep their relationship private like NORMAL well-functioning people.

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subhuman whitey larping as shitskin BULL

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oops forgot memeflag lel

>you'll never have neck this long
wypipo BTFO

Hapas look more asian than white, because asian features are too strong. Stop cherrypicking photos.

>a jew with a negroid fetish

Oh wow this is completely new and unheard of

Better than looking like niggers lol

>We should be genocided
kys to support the cause

You don't care about racial purity and the preservation of ones heritage and culture as much as white nationalists supposedly do. This thread is directed to those so-called white nationalist who think it's okay to race-mix.

And she would be the first one to roll her eyes at a WMAF couple


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I don't care if you end up with an asian women, just don't call yourself a white nationalist who cares about the preservation of European heritage and values.

If you care about the white race as much as so many of you claim to then you wouldn't dilute your white genes with mongrel genes.

Hawaiian is considered Asian so he’s 1/4. I’d still consider that a half hapa.

Mixed race people are not full blooded, so they'll inevitably inherit part of whiteness too.

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Any man that gets triggered because of the color of the pussy another man decided to park his dick in, is a fag.
Pussy is pussy boys. Enjoy it.

Exactly. Only incels get worked up over it.

Literally have sex, you incels.

honestly who cares though? the white race will be extinct, its inevitable.

wmaf here

It won't. The dominant haplogroups of white men will live on forever, probably overtaking all the others.


yes but that whiteness is diluted. like i said originally white traits are recessive compared to shitskin traits. Cherrypicking a photo to show a single genetic anomaly in which a mongrel hapa basturd wins the genetic lottery and has blue eyes and blonde hair is foolish. Every hapa I've met looks far more asian than white.

The "bleaching" thing is obvious bullshit. Whether you add yellow piss or black shit to vanilla ice cream, it always becomes contaminated.

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This thread is addressed to white nationalists who constantly whine and cry about how the white race is being extinguished by the invasion of shitskins, how they should be preserving white heritage, how the Jews are trying to destroy their culture, blah, blah, blah....

And then they go ahead and end up race mixing with a gook.

If you don't care about race as much as white supremacists do, then I fully don't expect you to give two shits about the color of pussy. But because we're on /pol, I just assume most people are obsessed with race.

>half hapa
It's called quapa.

>The dominant haplogroups of white men will live on forever, probably overtaking all the others.

Like I said shitskins outnumber whites at least 5:1. Maybe 10:1 depending on who you consider to be white.

Also white traits such as blonde/red hair and blue eyes are recessive. Sure these white traits will be passed down, but the chances of their expression is minuscule because that's just how genetics work.

How are they loyal when they are the biggest race traitors among all women? I will never understand the mental gymnastics people go through in order to race mix, especially wmaf.

>dominant haplogroups of white men
KEK. Something like 10% of American blacks have paternal male ancestry because of slavery. Yeah, they're really carrying on the proud genetic line of whiteness.

How are you going to get every white person to racemix?

As long as freedom of association is still allowed the majority of whites will continue to reproduce with each other. This is what all the data shows.

Even in your most black pilled projections of race mixing in the future you have to realistically leave room for the fact that not all white people will do it.

Because believe it or not. Some white people are actually not sexually attracted to non-white people.

Pretty sure all American niggers do

Fry the rice pay the price.

That is good, it means some will bleach and some will keep the european genes alive

>asian woman aren't even loyal to their own race!
>but she'll be loyal to me!

These beta fags should just suck it up and go Eastern European. All women want money and status, but at least Eastern Euros can give you children of the same race.

user be like
>it's ok bro your kid will be a famous actor

Ever been to San Francisco? Pretty much every other couple is a white man with a gook wife.

There are no proper white women in San Fran

>I will never understand the mental gymnastics people go through in order to race mix,

What is there to understand you brainlet.

Dude meets cute girl.
Cute girls makes him happy.
Dude marries and dicks cute girl.
The end.

I mean Y-DNA, specifically, which is passed down from father to son along the male line.

Then don't live in San Francisco, aka Satan's butthole.

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Free version of Race or Mongrel

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I thought they all did. Maybe I’m just thinking of Mexicans

>bottle blonde
Why are nonwhites unable to tell the difference? It's hilarious. We can bleach a Latina's hair and they don't know any better.

I don’t

There is a hot Mexican at my favorite restaurant and I consistently look at her. She usually gives me a nice smile once per shift. She died her hair fucking bleach blonde though and now I don’t even like her. Why do they do this?

I met a korean girl and we fell in love.

All of this race mixing shit gets boring really fast, the fuck do you care really when you'll die in 50 something years and the world will end in a few million after.

You care too much about history, future, legacy, ancestors and all that crap and make yourselves depressed when in reality you should be focusing on improving yourselves and being happy.

Find a girl that makes you happy, doesn't matter if she's black or indian. Find happiness and let go of all this anger.

In portugal, one of the most prominent problems in my view is that our people cling too much to the past, to the great achievements of old and do you know what that contributes to our current socioeconomic situation ? 0

Fuck all

It's funny when race mixers try to argue that breeding women of lesser races is bleaching when white people went from 1/4th of the world population in 1900 to 1/8th of the world population now. We aren't doing any bleaching. WE are being browned.

So this is what kike posting looks like to other racws. Fascinating.

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The Asian woman serves a purpose by taking the beta seed and making a retarded hapa that will on day go on a shooting spree. Every white man who is not capable of attracting and taming a white woman is doing us a favor by taking his bloodline out of the gene pool.
We are witnessing voluntary Eugenics.

You are pathetic. Please leave this site and never returb


And what percentage would we be if we stopped helping non white countries

>You care too much about history, future, legacy, ancestors
>Find a girl that makes you happy, doesn't matter if she's black or indian
Hi Shlomo.

>not fucking your hapa daughters to make them more white.
Get on my level

They also shit on the streets and hand out needless for people to sit around doing drugs. It's a honeypot for the worst people.

>I finally got my dick wet so I'm going to abandon my beliefs

Disgusting sardine merchant

65% of African Americans y dna traces back to Africa. I’m guessing less than 5% is indian so that leaves at least 30% for whites

That horse has left the barn. We should have never tried to civilize lesser races. The best thing for survival now is to adopt a siege mentality. Fortress Europe. Build the wall. DON'T RACEMIX.

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>The Asian woman serves a purpose by taking the beta seed and making a retarded hapa that will on day go on a shooting spree. Every white man who is not capable of attracting and taming a white woman is doing us a favor by taking his bloodline out of the gene pool.
>We are witnessing voluntary Eugenics.

The same can be argued about white women breeding our their predilections for non-white men. Sometimes I wonder if the anti-miscegenation laws of the past did more harm than good. Breeding with muds is almost as efficient as eugenic programs since they consume Aryan bloodlines.

> Sometimes I wonder if the anti-miscegenation laws of the past did more harm than good.
It's better if these people never bred at all. Every non-white and half breed is an enemy of the white race.

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This too. Its just being egoistical. I live in a European country not affected by migration of shitskins but we have some Vietnamese. The women basically all marry out. They pollute our gene pool and at the same time produce undesired males that continue to beta-orbit. I feel sorry for these hapas as they are called here but it is true. If you dont marry White you are a traitor to both offsprings and your fellow men.

Mostly babbling like a Jow Forums shitposter

Does population really matter that much? Jews have a global population of 14 million and look at what they've done.

based hapa son

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Whites don't have the racial consciousness that Jew have.

Shouldn't he be riding a pig or something?

What if you attracted white women in your country, but realized it wasn't worth the hassle?

One Kraut/Japanese supreme gentleman vs. Western Civilization. Who would win?

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As much as inferior races claim to hate us, they all envy and want to be us. Latin culture has a meme about fair skinned, light haired, light eyed people. It is highly sought after. Some call it "macho".

Then fuck off and live elsewhere. Just dont bring those half-Asians here

What hassle? That's just women. Betas think that it's "okay" to treat non-white women the way they are afraid to treat white women. That's the main difference. Treat her like a woman and the white female is a wonderful wife.


This. White guys that go for asian women because they're more "traditional and conservative" dont realize that actual traditional and conservative asian women dont race-mix because they want to preserve their culture.

already did :^)

Women aren't anything except what you tell them to be. All these deluded fools think they just need to out the right type of woman on a pedestal and it will be better. If they learned how to treat a woman as a woman then they wouldn't concoct these silly fetishes.

>Dude meets cute girl.
>Cute girls makes him happy.
>Dude marries and dicks cute girl.
>The end.

Dude hates shitskins and coalburning roastie whores.
Dude spends hours on online forums hating on niggers and poos.
Dude is a white supremicist who thinks the Jews are trying to wipe out the white race
Dude wants the shitkins out of his country
Dude just wants a white ethnostate.

Dude race-mixes with a gook.


>hurr durr

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Why the hell are you even on /pol, an enclave for white supremacists and white nationalists?

I want to breed with either a Latina girl or an Arab girl

But wouldn’t white supremacists want to spread their holy white seed everywhere to make more people white and whiten the world with their better genetics?