Four Production Companies Say They Won't Film in Georgia Over Abortion Law

Four Production Companies Say They Won't Film in Georgia Over Abortion Law

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Negroes in America abort their childrun at an astonishing rate.

Everyone talks about muh White genocide, but blacks are projected to go to an even smaller portion of the US population all because of abortion.

Killer Films
Blown Deadline Productions
Duplass Brothers Productions
CounterNarrative films

Be sure to only pirate films from these pro-abortion production companies.

No one cares.

it's not totally ignored by religious blacks, but it does confuse puritanical fundies who hate niggers as well and can't come to terms with the contradiction.

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/tv/ really is just 4channel's Jow Forums. Disgusting.

>implying big studios will stop sucking up the atlanta gibs

literal who tier, i rest my case

Why would I ever boycott movies like a retarded leftist?

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>puritanical fundies who hate niggers
Puritanism and Fundamentalism are completely different. Most black Christians in the US are Fundamentalists, mostly Baptists.

Who said boycott? I encouraged you to watch them for free.