What does Jow Forums think of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia? Is it "redpilled" or not? Please share your thoughts on the show.
What's Jow Forumss opinion of this show?
Typical vulgar tv garbage produced by amerimutt kikes. People watch this crap then behave like the retards on screan.
I like that they beheaded the entire cast.
oh no you forgot your memeflag now i think the show is super based af
It's not redpilled. it's a deconstruction of the typical characters and tropes associated with sitcoms. Entertaining, but meaningless
You are the one who should hide his flag in shame. You poisoned the entire planet with your americanisation and hollywood garbage. Imitation of food, imitation of culture. You even imitate houses you live in. Before you conquered europe. People used to wear neckties and have factories. Now you tend to turn the planet into one giant wallmart full of mutts.
>b-but muh kikes!
You are the biggest kikes on earth
Litterqly invading countries who dont want your stinkin dollars. You even destroyed this board with your kosher nationalism
>muh based tv show made by jews
You are a clown just like your fake president
I think it's fucking great. It's not super politically charged and when it is, it doesn't take itself too seriously or really take a clear side (example: gun fever). Which is why most people here are gonna tell you they hate it. But this is on you for asking a board that hates almost everything if they like something.
It's just awesome white people making shenanigans. Is it clever? Not usually. Just don't go into the show with those expectations and have a laugh. I can't defend some of the newer episodes, they brought on some really bad writers.
stopped reading there
Wtf I like this show now???
>countries who do not want your stinkin dollars
I guess we’ll take the 38 billion back then, is that ok?
>I've been found out
then im sure you and your grubby kike buddies wouldnt mind not taking money from us anymore?
Used to be great in the mid 2000s, but too much has changed in society for it to be relevant now.
Was good for the first seasons until about season 5 or whenever it went hd/widescreen
The increase in budget led to a noticeable decrease in care put into the scripts.
The most recent seasons are absolute dogshit. Each episode just feels like they're punching a timecard to get paid. The characters all hit their "wacky traits" and then it ends. No progress, no entertainment. They don't feel like real people anymore, whereas before they felt like people that could actually exist.
They should have ended it when Dennis left. Now it is in Simpsons territory.
give us our 38 billion aid package back you fucking kike. talk all the shit you want but you rely on us 100%
It’s centrist pulled. That’s for sure.
They never seem to pick a side, but rather mock both sides.
I haven’t seen the last 2 seasons though, might be pozzed.
nice one
Very good first X seasons, shit now dont care
what about office?
Is that show redpilled?
Typical Jew, blaming others for things he did
I remember reading about the cast going around door to door to shill for some crazy democrat.
Great show though.
>is it redpilled
>please share your thoughts
Put it like this, I know 3 guys who watch that show and think it’s top tier shit, two are alcoholics, and the third is an alcoholic and a pothead. All 3 dropped out of school and are NEETing’ their way through life.
Pretty based, desu.
Used to love it because they pandered to nobody and they were genuinely terrible to every group of people. They would actively refuse to grow and better themselves as human beings. That's what made that shit funny.
Then season 13 came out. The faggot pandering was too much. I'm done with that show.
>they burnt it.
Now, assuming the uniform is real in their "universe", they burnt like 5 grand.
The actor that plays Dennis is hilarious but he's a faggot and so is his wife
>Looks at flag
Damn I guess it's the greatest show ever and I should start watching it
It’s pretty “early 2000s USA” in general for the first several seasons. Would recommend. Very funny until season 4
Season 13 had some extremely funny episodes. That last episode was gay as fuck, but The Range Rover episode, The Sexual Harassment Episode and the whole "Onions Boy Beta Cuck" shit were hilarious.
Pretty sure Dennis left the season before last.
And he came back anyway...
>5 guys, one is a manlet, one fucks a tranny, and one is a tranny.
definitely our show
The show peaked at season 3:
Still one of the best shows on TV, but seriously watch season 3 all the way through. It is fucking amazing.
"Meaning, origin and history of the name Philadelphia"
From the name of a city in Asia Minor mentioned in Revelation in the New Testament. The name of the city meant "brotherly love" from Greek φιλεω (phileo) "to love" and αδελφος (adelphos) "brother". It is also the name of a city in the United States.
Used to be based up until somewhere around season 5. I still watch those first seasons from time to time. Now It's pretty shit but still funnier than most other sit coms if you're into that sort of trash entertainment.
It’s not full of politically correct SJW bullshit.
That counts for something, if not redpill status.
"The Gang Beats Boggs" is still my fave.
Frank is best
This pilot ep is "the gang gets racist" for a tv show its funny but no white man should watch tv
Slighty discusses taboo topics. The first few seasons would never be allowed to be made nowadays because of the non-pc talk about trannies and how white the cast is.
Ironically the actors/creators are hardcore shitlibs who promote transgenderism at gay pride parades.
Also Danny Devito has been married to a Jew for decades, and two of their main producers have been Jews. One is Fred Savage, aka the "Wonder Years" Jew. The other is Mr. Attias, whose son is famous for the 2001 Isla Vista Massacre:
>Is it "redpilled" or not?
it's not but the first few seasons are really fun to watch. it's at best a commentary on the current world within an established group and how the different individuals try to deal with it.
they didn't let Danny DeVito say nigger in the last season which was an huge letdown because the context to do so was right, in the same episode they kinda justified the black lives matters movement
Not redpilled. Used to be funny.
Charlie said nigger in one of the episodes. And faggot
yes but it would have been refreshing to hear it in an 2018 produced season, even if it's just for shock value
I think it’s okay in small doses. The level of stupidity the main characters exhibit is grating if you try to binge. I wouldn’t call it redpilled but they do poke fun at both sides.