Freedom of Speech is amazing!

Freedom of Speech is amazing!

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Imagine how annoyign that person must be

Fake and gay

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Tacoma's are gay

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>Freedom of Speech is amazing!
Do you finally get it?

Imagine how annoyign that person must be

political bumper stickers of any sort are a great way to find out who's completely insufferable and totally braindead


Imagine being such a 1-dimensional NPC that the entire scope and depth of your belief system can be easily understood in mere seconds by any random person that gets stuck behind you in traffic.

I know, he didn't even mention the Frankfort school one time

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The trick is always being angry

Are schizo-mobiles like this a common sight in the yoo ess of ayy?

>The right to BARE arms against the government
Is he being facetious here or no?

Imagine how annoying this guy must be

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No, I think that belonged to the guu from Florida that became unhinged and mailed those bombs to a bunch of high profile lefties. Usually you'll see a few annoying bumper stickers at the very most.

It's a continent full of "radical individualist" who all believe they have freedom of speech and need to make their car into a rolling billboard

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>political bumper stickers = completely insufferable and totally braindead

what does a penis have to do with standing up to intolerance?

>american flag
>japanese car

What a retard.

*double parks in a handicap space*
*sips a monster*
aaahhh.... Israel, now THAT'S an ally.

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That RV isn't even in Florida you brainlet lying fuck, do not interrupt my bumper sticker dump with such bullshit.

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Usually they spout religious verses or tell you the earth is ending on a certain day.


I'm a pretty tolerant person, but god fucking liberals and their fucking SUV window stickers. The tolerance one is making me physically cringe.

>Usually they spout religious verses or tell you the earth is ending on a certain day.
Well which day is it, user?


>why wouldn't black lives matter?
>america has no color
These people are retarded

I feel like Floridians, Pennsylvanians and Oregonians are the biggest culprits of this shit

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Which wall?

hell yeah fellow boomer bro, invasion of Iran soon

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Good catch. I missed


Come on, like if he does not Dog Whistle at you morons. Everybody knows Trump would sell out to anyone even fascist. And next day Israel. Day after that Saudi Arabia.
He has no stance other than himself.

Do bumper stickers even exist outside the US?
I've been all over Europe and have never seen one IRL.

The falseflag mexican magabomber had a van if I recall.
Actually funny how that got memory holed as soon as mid terms were over.
Wonder what ever happened to caeser the spic.
He dropped off the map and we haven't heard a thing since.

Rate my truck, Jow Forums

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That person would be based

I'd you don't like penis in your asshole than you're an intolerant bigot!

Like if the Wealthy Fascist care about this guy. Those are the pawns.

Boy I tell you what as soon as we get these dirty A-Rabs outta this country we can finally go back to having judeo-christian values. TRUMP AND NETANYAHU 2020!!!

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political bumper stickers are gay, doesn't matter which side it's on

I kekd at how you blocked the license plate lol.


Forgot Saudi Arabia. Those are the good Muslims right?

Honestly i don't care a fuck about fucking illegals or if Trump is racist, however i do dislike Trump because he is a Crypto Jew and a cuck, he married his own daughter to that filty kike Kushner and allow him to cum over and over inside her womb, he is clearly a racemixer, and don't forget he can't stop sucking Netanyahu and Rothschild dicks.

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They should call these junior trucks or mini trucks

Standard Chevy S10.

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This a bumper sticker thread you loser

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>decent white people
That's a shitload of cuckholdery crammed onto one single tailgate

That way niggers know better than to steal it

I still think that we need to make a Trump sticker the exact size as whatever clown the Dems pick uses.

We put it over theirs and watch the tolerance happen. They will undoubtedly blame Trump supporters for vandalising their shit. But the lulz would be glorious.

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>I support Israel.

You're gay. Good enough for the Taliban good enough for me.

Imagine crashing into one these bumper sticker fanatics.

The Taliban use FJ75s not US produced/marketed Tacomas you baka

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All towns with populations over about 100k have at least one of these types.

The one in my town is painted like a giraffe and talks about the world ending and links to some website the guy runs.

I cant believe that people like this exist.

Where can i buy natsoc bumperstickers for my truck?

I find it fascinating, we need to document this behavior for future generations

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Spotted this guy at the gun show

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I eat ass.

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Wtf is that?

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I cringe when I see one political sticker on someone’s car. I avoid people who feel the need to obnoxiously advertise their political leanings.

Good generation for GM trucks, S10s are for manlets though, too cramped.

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>he doesn't know

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It is. Fuck off commie