No crime.
No famine.
No whiteys.
>Any questions?

Attached: 29ACB4D3-B970-479B-8D7A-4AA607DE2B0B.jpg (1206x685, 163K)

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Im pretty sure California is the perfect society already. Idk what this post is about.

If only genetic engineering would significantly boast black IQ to 85-90 it would just enough

You forgot: no food.

Niggers have been swinging trees in Wakanda for thousands of years.

this is Detroit before it got enriched...

Attached: Newspaper-Row-1900-Detroit-Publishing.jpg (1239x927, 1.13M)

There are large portions of Africa where there's
>only blacks

Ed Boonsteinberg

when do you leave?

Pic related, mayoskin faggot

Attached: 4EEEBDD9-685A-442F-BF16-A6BF9E4549DC.jpg (1044x692, 164K)

This is after white people leave

Attached: F6655A2F-52E0-4B4B-9830-02A6B8237DA3.jpg (1024x645, 65K)

Whites should be quarantined in their own containment countries for the good of pocs

mayo skin > poop skin

Why are there multi-story buildings in the background?

As a literal nazi I am all for Wakanda. American nikkas should have a homestate. And dont troll them either but help them reach their peak.youtube.com/watch?v=x2GLAJuA6BU

Attached: 683ade5a3edc112d4b2c1119cc9448aa.jpg (630x390, 102K)

How come when whites came to Africa they didn’t see castles and armies?

>Im pretty sure California is the perfect society already. Idk what this post is about.
Are you being ironic in an ironic thread?

They're in the ghetto next to the big clean white built city.

No, we already know what happens when white people leave.

Attached: detroit.jpg (640x360, 65K)

only in fiction is that possible, kek

White people still infest Detroit

>having to save the same image to repost it
b8 or not, your such a stupid nigger. You race is a plague.

Attached: 13%.jpg (1936x1936, 402K)

So, why doesn't it exist?

>Implying ANYONE would mind if you all niggers just go to Africa, Ban whites and do whatever the fuck you want

And it's still a vastly better place to live than the Congo. So what exactly is your point?
You kinda just proved the other guy right.

>No crime.
>No famine.
>No whiteys.

First 2 can't exist without the 3rd.

Attached: 1557199488717.png (414x459, 233K)

No I'm being serious. Life here is amazing.

>No crime.
>No famine.
>No whiteys.
>>Any questions?
why don't you move back to Africa?

Attached: c7c.png (612x491, 98K)

Yes, could you point it on a map, Yakub?

So which African country represents this perfect society?

we are so sorry for oppressing you :( :( :(
how about we give all of you chocolates 5 thousand dollars and a one way ticket to Liberia

>People who lived in Africa their entire life will follow the same architectural and clothing standards as Europeans, Asians, and Arabs

>you have to use the power to alter time to make niggers stop stealing and destroying everything
>you have to steal this power

Attached: 1555611739021.png (686x417, 403K)

>You will never win

>any questions
Uh yes, how you gonna achieve that without a single withey giving you money

>No I'm being serious. Life here is amazing.
Oh! You must be rich or you live in the boonies?

The black futurist ethnotate is comfy. Wouldnt mind visiting there to be scurried away among the pillows of some six foot thre Wakandan godeses cyberhut for late nite entertainment.

Attached: 1497243367163.jpg (1080x1080, 125K)

How do i like this comment


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Yeah fairly wealth. I live in Newport Beach if you want to google it.