If Hitler was Jewish, does that mean a Jew genocide Jews?

If Hitler was Jewish, does that mean a Jew genocide Jews?

If so, Why are Germans blamed for this?


Attached: Das Jewler.png (412x414, 165K)

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many of his pictures seem to have been faked, his noses vary in each picture and picture differently, I don't believe he really was an African, they use that in order to ridicule any doubts surrounding his true identity.

Just look at pic related, a very rare picture and clearly both Eva and Hitler don't seem to look Aryan very much, they are European-Ashkenazic though.

Attached: hitler-baun_3530797b.jpg (620x387, 57K)

U know wut it is maen.

Got a point.

If Europe has always been multicultural, why are white people to blame for colonialism and slavery?
That's what I want to know.


You're only Jewish if your mother was. The rest are disfranchised larpers.


what about this?

Attached: 3774cc6700000578-3751377-image-a-1_1471771473095.jpg (634x473, 94K)

It's online software that detects shoops. Give it a try with your image here:

or this?

Attached: eicman_765x400.jpg (765x410, 136K)


it doesn't tell you anything, it just checks if EXIF data has been deleted which many times are due to the unnecessary data it holds.

He was born catholic, but he never really liked religion in general. Part of his plan was to create a state free of religion so that every citizen would only be dedicated to the state.

We are all Jewish in essence. Only ones who are seen in Gods image are those who represent everything Neanderthals were. Carnal earthly animal... One not of spiritual obedience.

In exchange for sapiens freewill we were also gifted "knowledge", the forbidden fruit (Neanderthals had big ass brains). Do todays Jews not average high IQs?

Its all a double edge sword. Still have plenty of Fallen Angels leading the world astray.

You're fucking stupid.

Why be dishonest? It checks for pixel modifications as well. Website says this one the main page..

honestly, how could a German officer old so badly? and grow an entirely different nose!

Attached: eichman-youth.jpg (183x276, 9K)

Kike lies. He was very interested in religion and was in his church choir as a child.

Thanks for hurting my feelings, there was no need for that.

based pilpul leaf shitposter
you'll be raked last.

Attached: 1529551164781.webm (800x450, 2.83M)

If it was so easy to analyze a modified image, they wouldn't have offered a full analysis pricing, that alone tells you that they check whether EXIF components have been deleted.

Attached: dishonest shill.jpg (1527x651, 56K)

>he was a Jew
>he was a nigger
>he had a micropenis
>he had one testicle
The list goes on and on of falsehoods brought forth about this man. The media has been lying to us for years. This is a way to turns us against each other and him.

>Tests were then conducted to reveal the samples’ principal haplogroups, which are sets of chromosomes that geneticists use to define specific populations.
>Mulders reported that the relatives’ most dominant haplogroup, known as E1b1b, is rare in Western Europeans but common among North Africans, and particularly the Berber tribes of Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia. It is also one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population, present in 18 to 20 percent of Ashkenazi Jews and 8.6 to 30 percent of Sephardic Jews. In other words, Hitler’s family tree may have included Jewish and African ancestors.

Attached: 1557438882737.png (1080x1920, 715K)

I have zero % African. Just got tested...

you're a true ignorant mutt, i'm proud of you. now go and shove the United States flag into your ass and salute to Trump. Somehow, you delusional Jow Forumsacks think that Hitler, a nobody incel managed to rise to power in the most Jewish influential country in that time, a home to the Rothschilds, Warburgs and Fuggers and usurp total authority in such a small amount of time. you've clearly never opened an history book or really researched about Nazi Germany and the Nazi Parry origins. You just open your T.V watch History Channel and there you end.

He wasn't jewish neither was Jesus
Protocols >we will be your experts
They hate it that a non jew can have influence or gain a following
95% pf the people on the TV, Authors, influencers etc are either jewish or cryptos

Thats the most photoshopped photo Ive ever seen


History channel parrots your shit what are you talking about

Hitler was a massive CUNT
A big vagina full of sand

This is a real photo of him no editing

Attached: 81F53EAE-1881-4E42-8F6C-367454C760A0.jpg (500x632, 72K)

>t. nigger pirate

Attached: pirate.jpg (150x200, 4K)


keep your cognitive dissonance out of the picture

Attached: hist_20_ww2_ger_adolf_hitler_pic_hitler_july_1944_g_25sep2016.jpg (1181x1476, 700K)

Nice question OP