Danish streamer attacked by Muslims live on stream


Attached: moslem.jpg (110x75, 3K)

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Tbh, I probably would have reacted the same way.
Sure, it's not illegal, but I still value my own privacy and someone coming up like that and filming me would probably twist my nuts the wrong way too.

Hej Abdullah

Beating up someone for that seems a bit monkey like though, faggot

Dude is irl streaming @ mcdonalds in a muslim infested town, he says hi and they attack him

This, get the camera out of my fucking face.

Hej Ahmed

So it's scum dealing with scum

Like they wouldn't have attacked him if he wasn't streaming and just said hi


lol, glad to see a bretty based chat. glad to see a white man get the cultural enrichment he refuses to fight against.

You're part of the problem. Grow some nuts, and stand up for what's right user.
>Old man gets jumped
>Sweden says that this is okay

All the comments are saying to vote for far-right candidate Paludan in the upcoming election, this is great propaganda for us

nah, its invaders dealing with the conquered

like in Trump rallies?

rent free

>his name is bjorn

Yeah always better to associate yourself with the victors and blame the victims. Gets you cred.

Flag checks out

the employees there were too scared to call the cops and blamed the streamer, lol

Brondby er også bare perkercentral

clueless streamer going there at night lol

Oooh so that's where they were.

Attached: paludan knepper.png (304x350, 100K)

Attached: paludan træt.gif (480x324, 1.31M)

Typical eurotrash weakling behaviour, approaches them all smug and shit and once they actually get up he cowers in fear shitting his pants like the true european that he is.

probably had his camera up to feel safe. what a pathetic cuck.

Muslims deserve europe, you're weak, docile, stupid, pathetic, and your women want them anyway.

No you wouldn't faggot

>The Trump rallies
>In Denmark
Leftoids are fucking retarded lel. Listening to them tell white Americans that they are "culturally illiterate" and that the "rest of the world thinks they're idiots" is hilarious from the perspective of the rest of the world.

I suppose you also believe that the Westboro Baptist Church is why Muslims rape, or that the NRA is why the EU is so hell bent on acquiring an army and expanding into Africa?

Young danish boy beaten by a group of immigrants:


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They were probably discussing a terrorist plot and thought he was secretly evesdropping and recording.