Whats pol thoughts on polygamy ? Do you guys support it or no? Have you tried it etc could it save the western world?
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Most of Jow Forums can't get laid as it is. If Chad can lock all the decent looking women, it becomes truly hopeless
I've realized that most women in my dating bracket, 25 and older, are riddled with STDs, have crushing debt, have mixed children and are single moms, have multiple mental disorders, etc.
I've practically given up all hope on having a wife in this lifetime. Even if I were to find a good wife, she'll eventually become poisoned by the cultural climate and decide that she is "bored" with me then proceed to financially rape me in a court of law and turn my children against me, all the while pretending to be a victim.
There isn't any hope for the situation until the culture gets ironed out.
If there's polygamy then the lonely men will become violent and start fucking shit up and killing the men who do have the wives. Then you won't have a functioning society.
then chad will get get killed by a dozen incels who are sick of being alone.
I wouldn't want my country to resemble a middle-eastern shithole even if I was the Chad in pic-related. Because I'm White and have morality, which is more than anything what separates human Whites from subhuman shiskins.
Up until I was 27 or something I was really into the idea and was convinced that you are objectively better off having multiple women.
Now I realize that this is a primal trait which has been amplified by recent godless degenerate culture and there are legit reasons for making it work with 1 woman. I'm an agnostic btw.
I have a very attractive wife. Found her when she was 19, been married 6 years now.
Sometimes I wonder if itd be fun to have another woman living here. Extra income, extra help with things. Not really even giving a crap about the sexual side of it. Bet it would be fun but would lead to arguments/jealousy.
I bet if we could keep the relationship strong and fair, it’d make life a lot easier in a lot of ways.
I wouldn't be surprised if it was happening on the down low with absolute maximum Chads having a harem of women all living together. The thing is, you wouldn't hear about it because they know leftists would find a way to come after them for it, even if done totally legally.
That's why if you look at the plebbit sub for polyamory every single group on there are absolutely cringe looking hideous leftists. That's the kind of poly the powers that be want. Fat bespectacled landwhales with two Avengers-watching S()y numales mostly
Polygamy is the "natural" state of humans. Or, more accurately: polygyny and hyperandry
Men naturally want to get as many women as possible
Women naturally want to get "the best" man, and will therefore all crowd the current alpha until he's deposed - then they will drop him like yesterday's lunch and move on to the new "better" man
This is evolutionary fact, and it's the result of our breeding mechanics. If a man has sex with 100 women, he can have 100 children. If a woman has sex with 100 men, she will still only have 1 child. Therefore it's in her best interest to choose the man with the best genes, whereas the man doesn't have to make such a choice.
This is also why "all women are cheaters" and why "all men are assholes". Women will try to find a better man, men will try to find MORE women (without giving up their current one)
Now that we've established polygamy is natural, the question is if it's BETTER. If your goal is to evolve as a species (select for the genes with the greatest chance of survival and reproduction) then yes, it's superior. If your goal is to sustain our current human population and grow our TECHNOLOGICAL understanding through stable civilization, reduced intra-species conflict, and increased access to resources, then polygamy is inferior.
So the question boils down to, what's more important: Making humans better, or making the world they live in better?
You guys made me realize how pointless it all is. Here i thought i could settle down have a nice little family.. im atleast a 7/10 5'10. Guess ill keep looking for a unicorn mgtow untill then