White Reparations Thread

It's time to discuss reparations for whites. Whites have been the most benevolent race in human existence and have liberated billions of humans throughout history at the cost of many white lives. Whites have also built these nations, educated them and shared their civics with them,

Whites are the most caring race having brought modern technology and medicine to many third world nations whose people would otherwise be throwing spears at eachother. This has led to increased life spans in the third world and drastically cut down on disease. Whites also share their food with other countries who otherwise wouldn't be able to provide for their own.

Whites have also opened their borders, homes and shared their resources including welfare benefits to many who otherwise would not be able to survive.

No matter how far you go back, whites have been the most benevolent people throughout history and it's time for the other races to pay reparations. Consider it a tax for culturally appropriating everything whites have gifted these cultures as well as a tax for using white resources and living in white-occupied land. Since whites are so generous, they will likely only accept reparations that are consistent with how long third worlders have lived in their countries. This may equate to 200 years worth of reparations for blacks in America but only 10 years in Europe. Similarly, it may mean 250 years for jews in America but several thousand in Europe. For starters, each third worlder should provide the funds that are consistent with the average national debt for a white family in their respective countries. What say ye?

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Such great text, so why post a bitchs ass?
I just don’t understand the rational. If the thread is quality, then eye candy simply isn’t necessary.
One of the many reasons nothing really can be taken serious here.

i say you're living in a fantasy world and not reality

you were going to take this thread seriously?

Yes OP you are white and congratulations, you didn't do any of the great things your ancestors did. Realistically who the fuck is going to agree to pay white reparations. What a deluded fucking idea. Sage.

How about focusing on the core issue: IMMIGRATION

Fair enough. I’m stupid enough to still have hope for decent conversation here.

Why no ass doe? Is she a trap?


You hate us. We hate you. There is no compromise between our people.

How can two mortal enemies live under the same roof? We can't. We must separate. A Black Nation for us, a White Nation for you.

My only demand is that each year you will send us $1,500,000 to be used as reparations for the Black Nation. This is our reparations. If you do this, we will respect your right to existence. But only if you pay us by the tax

If you are late for this payment, deadly forces will be used.

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Yes user she is, in fact 80% of white “women” are best you stay away from them.

And there's not a single black in this country who was in any way affected by slavery in the US and that doesn't stop them from asking for reparations.

Millions of whites paid the ultimate price to free black slaves. Minorities owe a great deal to whites for reparations.

This is why Jewesses are better than white womyns.

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