You don't live in a world where Saddam Hussein has nuclear weapons today because of this man. He didn't give a shit what any of the anti-war hippies and drug-addled tards said. He did what was necessary to keep America safe. He also founded ICE and supported building a border wall.
God bless George W Bush. One president whom history has most certainly treated unfairly.
More than any other, his foreign policy has been vindicated by history. We now live in a world where everyone and their mother is nuclear-armed. George W Bush might well have been the savior of mankind and the USA, if only we had listened to him.
Chase Stewart
Josiah Moore
CIA intelligence said "if you squinted your eyes really hard enough, it looked like weapons of mass destruction."
Aiden Gray
>You don't live in a world where Saddam Hussein has nuclear weapons today because of this man. thanks for nothing you fucking kike
Colin Powell did sit before the world and tell us that he believed there were "weapons of mass destruction" or "WMDs" in Iraq. That's true. And it is true that at least according to the general wisdom we did not find any such WMDs.
However what is also true and what many people forget is that Saddam did have a nuclear program, with greater nuclear ambitions, and the crux of the war was justified over his refusal to allow UN inspections teams in to make sure that he wasn't nuclear armed.
So yes, you DO live in a world today where you don't have to deal with a nuclear armed Saddam Hussein because of George W Bush and his much-hated, much-maligned neocon foreign policy.
If only the public had supported him, perhaps he would have been able to nip North Korea and Iran in the bud too.
How very convenient for all of the self-righteous anti-war Jow Forums hippies to sit back and proselytize about how "righteous" they are and how "wrong" the war was, when they directly reap the benefits of safety afforded to them by the US military and Bush W's policies.
Liam Nelson
Why the fuck do I care if Saddam has nukes or not, Saddam wouldn't risk nuking the west anyways
The only wmds he had were the ones we sold to him. You faggots have a rolling 10 year memory of history. Iran-Iraq war and Soviet-afghan war have been memory holed, just like pic related.
>t. Moron who listens only to the mainstream media.
What’s it like being a fucking sheep
Joseph Jenkins
>where you don't have to deal with a nuclear armed Saddam Hussein and we are worse off today because of it. I would much rather have Saddam back with a nuclear Iraq, fuck your dead soldier friends, they died for the Jew
>implying that Saddam having nukes would have been a bad thing
Liam Mitchell
The fact is that Bush had labelled Iraq, North Korea and Iran the "axis of evil" and wanted to take out all 3. He didn't really ever get to because the public turned so badly on him.
Now, today, we have a nuclear armed North Korea and basically a nuclear armed Iran. That is the direct result of anti-war hippies like yourself.
If you're GENUINELY happy and at peace with the nuclear proliferation of the world, including in authoritarian, sociopathic, oppressive communist / muslim caliphate states, then that's your prerogative. But you're also retarded for thinking that way.
Hunter Morris
Saddam was an unironic excellent leader. feared and respected, truly a man of the people - the US intervention was a complete unmitigated disaster and the resulting aftermath completely devastated the local populace
Aiden Lee
How coincidental, three countries without a central bank. Fucking idiot shill
Parker Powell
You know, sometimes people can maybe think "Jow Forums is full of kind-of intelligent people" or "maybe they at least make SOME good points that are suppressed by the mainstream media" but then you look at comments like these ones and you have to just recognize "nope. this is a den of retarded children".
Dominic Lopez
>Now, today, we have a nuclear armed North Korea and basically a nuclear armed Iran. So, it's their fucking right to defend their country from American invaders
Only Mossad unironically believes Iran has nukes, there is no evidence they are even attempting to make them. What makes you think because he gave them all the name (((axis of evil))) he was gonna take em out? An american intervention in either of those other countries would be riddled with much more complications than Iraq and Afghanistan.
tl;dr the rest of the world doesn't give two fucks about your jewery
Lincoln Allen
You can push this theory all you want but history has vindicated the man. You have a nuclear armed North Korea and Iran today, so yeah obviously the threats were 100% legitimate. Fucking selfish virtue signaling hippies like you doomed us all and destroyed the west with your fucking anti-American, anti-neocon subversive "American foreign policy is bad!" bullshit.
Nathaniel Scott
Yep... the public are fucking retarded. No sense. But I suspect this is a slide thread.
Adrian Cooper
Given you’re not a shill and you actually believe the retarded shit your saying, you have a lot to learn. Stop acting like you’re some kind of voice of reason, you don’t know anything and your posts make it obvious.
Nicholas Morgan
I don't know if this guy is a troll. But there is 100% not a fucking chance in the world that Saddam would have ever possessed nuclear weapons. NOT A FUCKING CHANCE.
OP is fucking stupid as shit.
Xavier Jenkins
>den of retarded children that's located at 1600 Pennsylvania ave
Jack Anderson
Sure did. And they have to make these posts to make by themselves feel better about killin innocent men, women and children, using depleted uranium on a whole region and destroying countless lives due to the whim of a cowboy with a 2 digit IQ who wanted oil and revenge for his pappy...
Juan Rivera
I find it scary that the US has nukes and large standing army with the most well funded war machine and is under the control of ZOG. THIS is what is scary.
Angel Collins
ALL ACCORDING TO THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA, controlled by the same homogeneous group that got us into the war in iraq/Afghanistan. And they’re trying to make us fall for it again. And you’re stupid ass believes it. Tell us, what are some of your other political views you fucking shill
Jordan Nguyen
Because the CIA GAVE him the fucking chemical weapons to gas iran... it's not rocket science and I dont even think its classified anymore. Honk honk mother fuckers.
Hudson Gray
Robert Walker
Logan Gray
Fuck this it's the most accurate statement I've seen on pol I think.
Cooper Walker
fuck off, this man got our American brothers and sisters (OUR BLOOD, AMERICAN BLOOD) involved in a bunch of sand nigger shit that he and a bunch of other jews created. Our blood is dying for oil, money, and drugs... some war this is. NOT OUR LAND, NOT OUR FIGHT!
They gave him the chemical weapons then attacked him for WMD's and in the end he was executed for his chemical attacks against Kurds using American weapons. Honk honk, on the terror list from 1979-1984 then from 1991-2003
Due to his Iraq adventurism 1/3 of the Federal budget is spent on interest payments and VA benefits. in return we have Iran dominated Iraq, Russian dominated Syria and the most unreliable of allies in KSA and Israel.
We could have built 200,000 miles of six lane interstate highways (NHS *only* has 160,000 miles). We could have repaired and modernize every single road, railroad, bridge, port and airport terminal in the US. 50,000 miles of maglev trains. We could have built 1,33 million hospital beds. 80,000 schools. 20,000 desalination plants providing us with 20m cubic meters of fresh water daily, turning our parched Western coast into a veritable paradise. We could have reforested and boost the cultivation and productivity of every acre of land in the entire Midwest. Compared to the $2,000,000,000,000 we wasted on Iraq, the $25B (i.e. the highest estimate) for Trump's wall would be a drop in an ocean.
God I hate Dubya so fucking much. What's worse is this piece of shit along with his equally disastrous dad and autist brother have the gall to talk about Trump.
Ian Bennett
This is the best business plan in history. How did these people not nut themselves to death on a nightly basis?
Nicholas Gutierrez
Dhere/s No Gift Like Dhe Current Moment Dhat/s Why It/s Called Dhe Present
There wouldn't be anti war hippies if USA just paid for the oil. Cheaper in the long run , . Now you have 23 trillion in debt . Debt the oil co's will have little to do with .
Sebastian Wilson
Gas the kikes
Owen Davis
That's right and the whites are going extinct of their watch.
Ayden Harris
He didn't gas anyone . Some lying Kurds claimed that to get refugee status.
Hudson Hughes
This is right
Ryder Lewis
Baghdad had stripper bars and burkas were optional before the invasionl
Nolan Reyes
No, you don't live in a world where Saddam Hussein has nuclear weapons because IRAN bombed the nuclear reactors you mutts were building for them. > Back to your kike dicksucking.
Ok. He is as good as dead. Everybody is better after death.
Easton Fisher
>this is pasta rite? You’re a deluded motherfucker and if this place hasn’t been run down enough with shills, fucking neocons now turn up proclaiming g w retard the third as the fucking saviour of the world. Many such cases. Sad!
Parker Rogers
Gee, I wonder who sold nk those light water reactors
Jacob Evans
Closer to a million Iraqis and that’s before you factor in Albright’s babies.
Christopher Russell
Jonathan Morales
> You don't live in a world where Saddam Hussein has nuclear weapons today because of this man. Hussein wasn't even close to having nukes. Never had them, was never going to have them. Just more John Bolton, neocon nonsense and lies.
> He didn't give a shit what any of the anti-war hippies and drug-addled tards said. Exactly. He and Bolton and Cheney were going to start a useless, stupid, neocon war by any means necessary.
> He did what was necessary to keep America safe. 9-11....nuff said.
> He also founded ICE and supported building a border wall. The entire Bush family are the most pro-open borders Republicans on the face of the earth. Pull your head out of your ass.
We have always lived in a world where Saddam did not have nuclear weapons - or any weapons of mass destruction for that matter.
Carson Martinez
Honestly, reading through this thread and seeing how many people with American flags can't put together a simple line or reasoning like "people who have nuclear weapons and hate us = a bad thing that we should try to stop" really makes me see that there is no hope. >Hussein wasn't even close to having nukes. Never had them, was never going to have them. Just more John Bolton, neocon nonsense and lies. This is just rhetoric and bullshit, Jesus Christ. If the man had nothing to hide why didn't he just submit to UN weapons inspections? Saddam Hussein had a nuclear weapons program, just like Iran and North Korea did at the time. God Emperor George W Bush did what a man needed to do and wiped him out. Because of pieces of shit like you he didn't get to wipe out Iran and North Korea, and now today those countries have nukes and present existential threats to the lives of all Americans.
Fuck yourself. You are truly evil and selfish scum.
Christian Turner
Yeah cuz US President George W Bush deposed him and stopped his nuclear weapons program. That's why you don't live in such a world. Unfortunately, because hippie peace advocates and demoncrats, you've got a world where Iran and North Korea have nukes. This is EXPRESSLY because of the "anti-war crowd" 100% and the bullshit cocksucking demonic democrats.
Tyler Murphy
Honestly, reading through this thread and seeing how many people with American flags can't put together a simple line or reasoning like "people who have nuclear weapons and hate us = a bad thing that we should try to stop" really makes me see that there is no hope.
Dylan Barnes
>You don't live in a world where Saddam Hussein has nuclear weapons today Why would you be against nuclear proliferation? It is the only path to permanent peace. >He did what was necessary to keep America safe Throwing our young men in a dumpster is "keeping America safe"? No, it is a treason.
Aiden Williams
yet israel has nuclear weapons they were never authorized to obtain and more than likely assasinated a president over it. Remember the usss liberty and look up the "samson" option. Only a nation full of rotten dirty kikes that shouldn't exist would have that option.
Angel Moore
Gay awoo
Mason Allen
>Nuclear proliferation >The path to peace >Meme flag Nice meme flag.
Chase Sanders
You don’t belong here. You have to go back
Adrian Adams
>Muh Israel You idiots here need to stop bitching about "muh Israel" all the time. Israel this, Israel that, Israel this, Israel that. Israel is not nearly the powerful or malignant entity that you all make it out to be. Israel is literally our greatest ally in the region and the glue that holds our entire foreign policy in the Middle East together.
If there's anyone sensible about there reading this, and you think Jow Forums is actually full of intelligent people who understand foreign policy and actually care about what is best for America, and you've bought Jow Forumss bitching about Israel kool-aid, then just scroll up and see all the morons WITH AMERICAN FLAGS NEXT TO THEIR NAMES that are openly advocating for hostile foreign powers to obtain nukes which will invariably on a long enough timescale be used to fucking incinerate them and their children.......oh yeah and you.
I mean really, just think about it, OK? Cuz newsflash, this website is NOT actually a hive of intelligence or insight and that is the reality.
Leo Morgan
Saddam was sitting on tons off yellow cake uranium - the US found it and quietly shipped it to Canada - see "Operation McCall"
Nathaniel Sullivan
You keep showing us you know absolutely nothing. Read the protocols and culture of critique to start. And lurk moar. You seem like a 14 year old who just took his first politics class, you just keep regurgitating mainstream talking points. The only reason the Middle East hates us is because we’re the muscle for the country you think has nothing do to with this.
Owen Ramirez
This is absolute reality > I should take the time to tag all the losers like so they can see this, but in the end they just stick their head in the sand and deny information and hide from the truth. The anti-war crowd believes what they believe because they WANT to believe it. Not because it's actually sensible, rational or true.
Jayden Hill
Except he did, he gassed his own people. And the US found he was hiding tons off yellow cake uranium for his nuke program.
Nolan Rogers
>Saddam was sitting on tons off yellow cake uranium - the US found it and quietly shipped it to Canada - see "Operation McCall" This is absolute reality > I should take the time to tag all the losers like so they can see this, but in the end they just stick their head in the sand and deny information and hide from the truth. The anti-war crowd believes what they believe because they WANT to believe it. Not because it's actually sensible, rational or true.
Luis Lee
Dude just see the post here you kids are so ignorant.
Austin Sullivan
Watch his talk with the Hoover institution 4 years after he left office. Great talk with a man who genuinely cared.
You know what. On second thought, only a boomer (or a shill) would be this adamant about such MSM propaganda. You’re definitely drinking a sugar free monster right now aren’t you?
Daniel Morris
I deleted that to add in the quote from the other guy so it made sense in terms of who I was responding to and so forth. Sorry if that caused confusion. I reposted it edited here Anyway WTF are you even talking about? "MSM propaganda" the MSM propaganda is that it was a war for oil? The MSM literally pushed that narrative from the very beginning. Jesus Christ. You people. The cognitive dissonance must be so strong with you. Anything you don't like or that doesn't fit your narrative you just go "duh joos" or "duh MSM" or "duh capitalists" or whatever your boogeyman is.
No you child idiot. Saddam was building nuclear weapons and would have used them on you and you don't have to live in a world with that threat today because of George W Bush. Period. That is what REALITY is aside from your stupid edgy reactionary/commie revolutionary lefty LARP life here on Jow Forums.
Carson Jenkins
There’s so much you’re missing, its so painful to keep arguing with you. Just refer to the texts in my last posts please. They’re PDFs you can find on google for free