Is Jow Forums IRL Fight Club?
It started as something small, with ironic humor that Hitler did nothing wrong, but then brainlets swarmed and took it too seriosuly
Is Jow Forums IRL Fight Club?
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Jokes on you if you think we weren't serious from the beginning.
actually I'm a creator of Jow Forums and it's not true
If you were the creator of /pol, then you SHOULD have an intimate understanding of theoretical counter culture self-protection and thus this thread wouldnt be posted.
Conclusion. OP is a faggot once again.
I set the rules. It's my game. I "shouldn't" do anything
No, Fight Club was fake, gay and jewish.
> Yes, goyim, help me destroy the west and flee to Asia and Oceania
no that was b/
first rule of b/ was you didnt talk about b/
(((someone))) broke the rules and now you have the cancerous plebbit infested shithole you see today
>His name was Richard Russell
>ironic humor that Hitler did nothing wrong
>but then brainlets swarmed and took it too seriosuly
We simply came for the memes and accidentally found the truths about this world
Actually this
>Jow Forums has changed
oldfags are long gone. there are none left. this place is just edgy reddit for 30-year-old boomers larping as kids again, there's nothing special about it and every other board on Jow Forums is unironically far superior.
hitler's biggest mistake was being a pedantic fuck and trying to outjew the jews.
Yes and I'm the Tyler Durden of /pol
(((Irnoic humor))) You mean a bunch of spics and non whites were ironically pretending to be Nazis?
>.t Spic
no me faggot
that pic real?
No, this was all planned to set the stage for invading white nations. The entire paradigm is being manufactured by non whites for a war only they benefit from.
"You're always hundred times more gay."
- me, the real Tyler Durden of /pol
Jow Forums is just a conglomerate of retards. i'm only here because i can type nigger without getting banned.
yes. Pitt and Norton did a ton of promotional stuff for the movie that never got used.
they did a trailer where it's just Pitt and Norton, one of them has a guitar, and they're singing "penis, penis, penis," over and over and over.
that was one of the alternate trailers for Fight Club. never got used.
Can confirm , I am now Tyler Durden
Quiet , retard
it's not gay as long as you don't look grandpa in the eye
maple nigger
Quiet , retard
Jow Forums movie night:
Fight Club
We have a saying in Spanish, from joke to joke the truth comes out.
no one here is smart enough to make soap
no. that's zerohedge.