When will millennials grow up and stop blaming older more successful generations for their problems?

When will millennials grow up and stop blaming older more successful generations for their problems?

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because our parents were some of the most twisted sadistic humans to ever live.

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Why is her hair falling out? What disease causes this?

Millennials are responsible for all of their own problems. They will realize that as they grow up just like we did.

Unironically, this.

When fucking boomers stop syphoning money out of us through government debt and the real estate market.

She hot who she

The funny thing is despite the finger pointing all of the WWII and later generations are naive rubes that don't understand what truly afflicts their country. Millenials and boomers are from the same cloth, originating at different points of the slide into decadence.



It’s not she’s shaving patches into her head

A telltale sign of a leftist whore

The problem is, in my experience, older generations prey on the younger workgroup. This was plainly evident during my time as a member of ALPA. The legacies contracted out nearly 50% of the mainline flying while using the regional cost savings as negotiating capital. At the regionals, we got nothing, no profit sharing, no raises, and basically beaten into a corner for no other reason that to provide economic incentives for mainline contract negotiating. I tried to quit the anion but they committed a crime on me. You cannot fire the Union even if they are working against your best interests and that's plainly wrong.

After this thing stops forever (if it does):

targetedevidence (dot) com

whos looking at her hair?
Those pair of perfect, round, blue eyes caught my attention

Math teacher Mrs. Pokey Mctitface
>Inherited her house from her parents,

When will boomers like you start dying off and leaving behind nothing but surveillance tapes of your abuse in spic & nigger run nursing homes?

There is a big difference though. You guys got a Corvette when you had a midlife crisis.

Millenials will get an overdose as theirs.

overdose / midlife
choose one

I didnt know her tits were so nice.. will she pose nude for blizzard?

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I got bad news for you fella

Lazy entitled millennials don't want to work for sub-subsistence wages! In my day and age, I walked to school and work uphill in the snow both ways, and also paid for college with a part-time summer job.

Stupid fucking tattoos ruin it

Once all boomers are dead.

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This, gen x fucked up more than boomers and millennials combined

>1 post by this ID
>Porn thumbnail
Yep, it’s a shill again with the same old tactics

Aren't union officials elected? Maybe it's time to run.

About the same time zoomers and alphas start blaming aging millennials for turning them into trannies by sending them to (((public schools))) in the marxist age.
Makes you wonder how many of the 41% can be turned homicidal instead of suicidal?

Soon, brother.


What an unfortunate name

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You don't say..

when boomers finally die off i truly believe we'll be able to change this country demographically. they truly are too cucked and brainwashed on the issue as a whole and at their advanced age there's really no changing it on any meaningful scale. sure, some might get 'redpilled' late in life but as whole, not a chance. just gotta wait em out

We never caused globalism or the absurdly low wages we get because of it.

Good lord she used to be absolutely gorgeous.

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What is that expression supposed ton convey? I see a lot of zoomers making this face.

Is she a lesbian now?

when my SSI check comes in
Eat shit, nigger

she looks like she's hitting wall status
those milkers however are still prime time

a damn shame

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when we finally do what your generation should have done
jail the banksters and the plutocrats
now enjoy the ride

How long has the soeposter been doing this?
It's kind of impressing.


who is she? she is very cute.

As much as I dislike boomers and millennials (and especially fellow X'ers!) I don't blame the millennials since they are the end PRODUCT of what boomers did to society. They are inverted boomers. I really can't even begin to imagine how boomers would react to helicopter parents such as themselves. But you reap what you sow so don't be surprised when millennials tame you even further with their inverted reality boomers set the stage for.

I honestly think she’s still physically attractive but those changes are red flags but being a crazy bitch

She used to work for dota events and a dota casting studio, I think she works mainly for blizzard now.
This was her bf

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how long does those nice tits last?

Are you really that retarded or is this low quality bait?

So, you (as a whole) say "do not have children the world is over populated", then you say "We need more immigrants to help with pay the Boomer pensions", then you say "Hell kid, when I was your age I just walked into a buisness gave them a firm handshake and a nice smile and got my job", then you enforce affirmative action policies to favor uneducated minorities over slightly educated whites. I mean really.. You are that fucking retarded?

"I had it tough kid... we didn't have the internet or cellphones...what we had was social cohesion and affordable housing".

Yawn... Sage... LQB

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I have such a crush on Abbegirl, she looks similar but I don't think that is her....

>when boomers finally die off i truly believe we'll be able to change this country demographically. they truly are too cucked and brainwashed on the issue as a whole and at their advanced age there's really no changing it on any meaningful scale.
This. We’ll take the initial demographic hit of losing a lot of whites and our white population will go down especially since my generation, Gen Z, is already 50% white but it’s honestly just cutting the dead weight at this point. They’re only holding us back. Traitors before enemies, Jimbo.
>sure, some might get 'redpilled' late in life but as whole, not a chance.
Not really. At most, they become MIGApedes which at this point is unironically worse than being a self proclaimed communist.

No, she was mainly known as just Soe.
It still pisses me off that this faggot ruined it with her, she seemed like the perfect girl and after they separated she started to decline.

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Childhood is blaming boomers, adulthood is blaming the (((greatest generation))).
>couldn't stop voting for FDR who vastly expanded the federal government
>fought war to bail out of the soviets
>voted for LBJ who escalated the war in Vietnam and gave us the 1965 immigration act
>believed the Watergate meme and voted for Carter
>raised the boomers who everyone bitches about today

women have shit mental constitution and one instance of bad breakup/being taken advantage of ruins them for life

that's why the "get them young and virginal" meme is so important and also 100% true


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Will millenials be the first generation not to blame the younger generation for culture decay

Millenials were left with a stagnant economy in which any kind of growth is seen as a sign of another crash. So shut your mouth boomer.

they lived through the great depression
it's the greatest generation because they've rebuilt society boomer too did it to an extent but when they should have took weapon and fight tyranny they bought and camper and said to hell the next generation
the worst generation who as let the federal reserve accord happen but again
every good man had died in the civil war how could they do better
and story repeat itself until one generation says it's enough

Soe, she is a host for Overwatch League.

>older more successful generations
Relatively to millennials, older generations have been more successful.
Also because it was easier to lead a decent life.
Now milleniums have to deal with the financial/political/social consequences of the choices of the older generations.
The thing is, those problems will catch up to them and then its going to be so satisfying watching them suffer because of the mistakes they made.

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they bought TV and camper*

Twisted and sadistic? Nah. Hedonistic? Absolutely.

Does she have nudes?

Since at least 2016...maybe longer.

But muh boomers! Whine and whine and complain complain and whine and whine and complain like little babies. It's an easy excuse to blame boomers for the fact that your life sucks, because you can stretch the lie out for your whole lifetime. Top fucking kek faggots.

Ah never mind then, I guess these past years have felt longer than usual for me.

If you have ever registered conservative, expect never to be given the opportunity to serve in the corrupt union which you cannot fire. The old: 'just volunteer' is stale Pablum that falls on deaf ears after one has witnessed the uselessness that Unions represent.

Hurry up and just die. Young people have enough shit to deal with without you cunts pushing their noses in it.

Mick fucking Jagger must fucking die

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