Researches on sex differences

Having debates tomorrow, the theme is gender equality. Can you guys share some statistics?

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Women are 100% more likely to be females

Statistics show its only fair that the fairest gender tongues your butthole, too

What exatly are you going to debate? is it a real debate? or just some peopel arguing and the "winner" decided on who and the snarkiest comment or who said "which are your sources" more times?

at this point feminism is just a ploy by ugly chicks to turn more females ugly thereby increasing their
own sexual market value.

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Well, i'd say it's mixed of what you wrote there. Still, it's a university debate so you must have some sources, use logic etc

No matter what stats you show the entire thing is an emotionally-charged shitshow where the word "equality" is used as a feelgood GoodSpeak term and you're a bad evil nazi if you're against it.

It's all a rhetorical battle. They see differences in outcome, don't care about why it is so, and demand it be made equal. That's it.

You can show the differences between hours worked, choice of profession, willingness to work dreadful shifts/hours/away from civilization/sacrificing lots of ability to life an actual life and they DON'T care.

Their final analysis is: man makes more money therefore bad. Must fix. Must have equal outcomes regardless of input. The same shell game is played with race, too. They don't believe in equal opportunity and letting the chips fall where they may.

If you begin with the premise that women ought to be equal to men you will lose the debate.

If you're not already aware of the stats, evolutionary bio/psych, race/sex differences etc. already you are not going to be able to even try to dazzle people with knowledge, and even if you could they'll just call you a nazi and try to get you fired/kicked out of school etc. if you dropped real data on them.

The entire thing is pointless. It's a struggle session and you are a retard if you take the bait and engage in good faith.