Maybe if you right-wingers just stuck to debating random 18 year olds on college campuses...

Maybe if you right-wingers just stuck to debating random 18 year olds on college campuses, you wouldn't embarrass yourselves so much.

Attached: ben-shapiro-news-latest-andrew-neil-bbc-interview-today-1125514.jpg (590x350, 30K)

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>$0.0025 has been deposited into your account

This. Ben was way out of his element and had a meltdown.

He's never debated someone who isn't a zionist faggot before.

> get grilled by the only remotely conservative left in the BBC
> "lol Palestinians are subhuman, not like God's chosen"
> ragequit over devil's advocate tactics
Sad. Oh well. Benny boy still has plenty of other outlets to scream "JUDEO-Christian values built the West".

Attached: file.png (800x450, 337K)

Well thanks for setting us straight. Run along now

>Maybe if you (((right-wingers))) ...

>E celeb shit
Kill yourself

He's used to arguing with stupid kids

Why does the left think attacking the person of their opponent instead of their ideas is still a good idea?

Youre still betting on a loosing strategy after all that time.

Looks like trump 2020 then