Feminists and SJWs: Status Conscious

I've recently noticed that feminists, and other Leftists, are extremely status conscious, always using "Dr" in their Twitter handles. With the exception of David Duke, who insists on being called "Dr" by everyone, most Ph.D holders in the right never mention that they have doctorates. Why are feminists and Leftists so status conscious compared to nationalists?

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Transwomen are mentally ill men

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Because the patriarchy is always trying to pull them down.

You just found this out?
Im so confused user.
It's not relegated to the D leftists
The R leftists are the same.
Goes hand in hand with virtue signaling and using kids as handbags

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Because "I didn't accumulate $200k in student debts and study at Overpriced State University for 12 years to be called "Mr/Ms/Mrs"

Also my dad was a PhD and he would have been embarrassed if anyone called him doctor.
Funny too because he died me in the wool drmocrat.
But he had ethics morals and character.
I often wonder what he thinks of this shit pile the dems have become. I wonder does he also agree with them. If I had to place bet, I know he does. Ew.

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It's just more identity politics really. They attempt to use labels like "as a [sexuality], [race], [gender]" to bolster the validity of their arguments rather than facts pertaining to the subject at hand. You see user, we just can't relate to these issues on a personal level such as them therefore their opinions should be put above our own.

But that in between sweet spot when they look like Ben Franklin LARPers

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Low self esteem.
The answer isn't complicated. Don't overthink it

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....and then you find out, she has a Ph.D in "Romantic Comedies" LMAO!