Are brits based or unbased?

Are brits based or unbased?

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You tell me

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Honestly brits are just stupid!
The pay a fucking Tv license and complain without actually accomplishing anything!

Based or unbased is irreverent!

Jesus Christ

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Why are there teeth like that though? And don't say inbreeding because they population is way too large for that.

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Theyre our enemy. The whites are weak, degenerate cowards who destroyed their own country, their elites are among the worst in the world. They all get dragged behind my car.

Vast majority are normy retards, like everywhere in the west. We probably have the worst government and laws though alongside Sweden, Germany and Canada.

Is OP retarded or idiotic?

Wait RE is compulsory in the UK? That's some fascist shit. The first thing my parents did when I started primary school was remove me from RE class so I wouldn't be indoctrinated into that bullshit. RE should be opt-in only.

How can you unironically call anyone degenerate and act as if you're not. You're the most jewed, browned, fat country in the world. You are the source of modern degeneracy.

Completely unbased

I got an AncestryDNA for my birthday. Came back 99.9% European (0.1% undefined) but there were some neat little surprises (had some East European on my father's side I didn't know about).

So I went on Jow Forums afterwards and posted my face and asked if I was white. Every single European poster just went "yep", "looks white to me", etc. One helpful British poster even guessed my phenotype classification based on my facial structure.

Meanwhile the Amerimutts came flooding in.

The fact that I had already gotten the test made the whole thing hilarious. Americans are truly the stupidest most insufferable posters on this board. Brits are much more tolerable and fun than those jew spic nigger mutts.

It's ACTUALLY Mohammed now.

they are based in fish protein. seriously though why are there so many funny looking brits. is it something in the water or bad genetics. I am starting to se why they want to have their country blacked so bad.

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Fuck off back to Ireland then, if paying a loeice is your biggest worry then you prob doing alright

When I’ve got pakis raping thousands of girls and getting away with it because my cops don’t want to seem racist I’ll agree with you. But until then, you faggots can all die or get walled off with your faggot elite and your pet terrorists.

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They just want to be (((relevant))) like forever blacked JewSA.

Lower tiers of the lower class.

Mohammad Bin Al Jamal you need to return to mogadishu, it is safe now

Just desperately unfortunate,

Britain is a nightmare.

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