POL, I just woke up

I was just redpilled on accident. I would browse Reddit and all the lefty news sites constantly and would be perpetually angry and outraged at Trump and the Republicans, without understanding why. Then, they banned all the right wing content off of all the major social media platforms and that's when I woke up. I was browsing one day and it just hit me like a fucking ton of bricks... it was just a single narrative. Just the lefty narrative: immigrants, trans rights, racism. The echo chamber is on repeat, and it got me good. My entire worldview just got flipped upside down and shattered. I am so disgusted I can't even read Reddit or Twitter or Facebook anymore without seeing the control everywhere. Big tech just killed free speech.

What the fuck do I do now? I feel like Neo when he just got ejected from the fucking Matrix. We are so fucked, oh my god. What have the Democrats and Republicans done to this country? Oh my god.

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Other urls found in this thread:


OP you're a fucking bot

are you taking the piss?

BORN TO DIE / WORLD IS A FUCK / Kill Em All 1989 / I am trash man / 410,757,864,530 DEAD COPS

I'll help you skip to the end. It really is the Jews, I know, it sounds ridiculous, but it's true

I am and I hate myself for it, holy fuck

If I'm being honest I think it's too late OP, most of us are on the honk pill currently.
After you get black pilled it's either become a mass shooter or onto the honk pill

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I wish I was. I can't even read WSJ anymore, and I used to read it every morning. All I see is "AND THAT'S A GOOD THING! AND THAT'S A GOOD THING!"

Subscribe to PewDiePie

It really is funny how the meaning of everything changes once you put on the glasses

you serve butter.

welcome to the right side op


>Vermont is 96% white and that's bad!!

Go depopulate a synagogue

Welcome to isolation mate. The compensation is not having to take the we’re all going to die media stories seriously

Fuck I love living in Northern New England.
Comfy as can be.

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you had awaken, wellcome, weollcome to the path of shitposting

I can't believe I'd believe in shit like this. It doesn't even fucking matter. I don't understand why the hell they keep trying to diversify everything? It doesn't mean anything in the end and who the fuck cares. Why are they trying to enforce diversity?

Don't fall into the trap of the same thing, just on the other side. ALWAYS remain critical, ALWAYS seek out to debunk any prevailing talking points, and ALWAYS consider that evidence could be manufactured.

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You think the cold scares off the riff raff?


Old person here
Red pilled af

Why the mass shooting through? Need to educate people not kill them

>Single mothers are better than two family households but also lgbt parents are betters still

good job on jumping out of a burning plane seconds before it hit the ground.

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Isolated? I feel empowered knowing the truth. I have seen 4 friends and even wife change to the right side.

no, but the hard labor jobs of places like this and the requirement to have money for heat in winter does.

Honk Honk

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whatever you do, stop watching porn, find a nice girl and lock her down.

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That and the occasional lynching.

We're also very insular people and tend to not get along with people that we know are from away.

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I can't be the only one this happened to, nothing even makes sense anymore. Pissing off Iran? Giving away our national healthcare money to Israel? We're in a bunch of active wars in 7 countries and I just realized I haven't heard shit about Iraq and Afghanistan for *years*. We're still there, and its almost 20 years later. I remember when I was a kid we watched the bombing of Baghdad live on TV in school. I remember all the night vision anti-aircraft fire. And just like that a trillion dollars gone and everyone forgot about it. FUCK.

The question isn't what CAN you do, but what CAN'T you do? You're free now. No longer a slave to ZOG (at least in your mind).

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OP, just remember to laugh at the clown world we find ourselves in.


honk honk

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I also live in a seaport. The water gets really dark and deep, people forget that.

Quote from Murakami

Some real MW3 shit right there

Take the clown pill, give into your base urges.
>S A D I S M

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Murdoch Murdoch, "They Sleep, We Live"

Welcome to the real diverse side.
The lefties with their buddies in the tech industry want the diversity of looks people on the so called right engage in the diversity of thought.
The right side has the arguments and discusses things and usually agrees on very little the stupid side lives in an echo chamber and prefers to be divorced from the reality. And their overlords allow them to do so.

You're a fucking moron for ever buying into the lefty shit in the first place

I feel like I'm having a mental breakdown. I'm fucking talking to the alt right and starting to believe in this shit.

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lol this guys freaking out on foreign policy hasn't even researched the pedogate coverup.

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Welcome to the club of ex-lefties waking up. You will soon be hated by all of your brainwashed friends and family.

Not me. I work on the ocean. It's vast. Flat, but vast.

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People in here discuss all of this. We usually don't agree. Stick around and make your own mind.

It's okay user. Just realize that you'll need to sift through the bullshit here as well. You're on your way to becoming a real human bean.

Holy fuck I look like the gender studies guy, am I that much of a meme?

>Honk Honk
Because Gramps, anti-bully and Zero Tolerance policies leave no outlet for kids to fight it out anymore. When some feel hopeless, they go Shooty-shootie.

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Clown pill is Mason pill.

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>when serious conversation becomes a form of baby talk
Awww what's the matter Drumpfkin sweety?

When you realize that a country that had literally NOTHING to do with the middle east and since we let in all the jews and the creation of Israel we somehow ended up in never ending war in the middle east. It all starts to make sense. I couldn't believe people were ranting about the jews on here, until I started to dig more and it's the only thing that makes sense.

whatever you do. dont take this shit to your real life. you will go through tons and tons of cycles in all of this and a lot of us arent 100% sure whats really going on. We've been being mindfucked since at least 9/11

are you telling us that you're gay?

Just don't OD on redpills. Take time to digest. Eventually and slowly redpill your friends and wife/gf (if you got one). Seek out white pills when the black pills (dark red pills) become too much to bear. In the end, there's always the honkpill/clown pill.

Good luck user.

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Welcome. I broke a few years ago too after going full force SJW to "rebel". It's ok to have fallen for it, but I recommend you remain in a constant state of questioning things while nurturing good habits to keep you alive and reaching goals.

>When print adopts clickbait
How do we adblock real life?

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Nice LARP faggot


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>What the fuck do I do now?
find an Orthodox Christian priest near you and turn your back on politics and the postmodern world

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nice. keep seeking the truth. how did you find Jow Forums? Jow Forums is kind of a circus now you should have been here in like 2014 it had much better content

>Why are they trying to enforce diversity

The leftists think it will create a paradise with no conflict when we're all light brown (since apparently brown people never kill each other) plus it's payback for dragging the world into the modern era.

Their globalist funders just want free movement of labor with no national borders in order to reduce the value of their workers to the same standards everywhere in the global barrio.

This is the reason why you see otherwise inexplicable partnerships between communist revolutionaries and stateless capital.

The support of socially destructive policies (break up the family, support degeneracy, discourage tradition, etc) has always been part of the Communist agenda, and now works for the globalists in attempting to dissolve the nation states of the "old world".

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Welcome to Jow Forums.

Remember, you're here forever.

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If real, pic related shows the steps that will follow next. Remember that it's not your duty to wake anyone else up, but you must become stronger yourself. As you self-improve you will find others gravitating towards you naturally.

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I'm on the Pacific, our ocean is bigger lol. Anyways I just have a sailboat and although it's capable of circumnavigation I just don't get out that far because reasons. My town is infamous for unsolved homicides...that ocean is dark and deep lol.

Just embrace the redpill but dont let it fo toooo far

Just don't jump into another ideology, please. Always ask yourself, "why would someone want me to believe in this or to believe in them?"

I was an ex-hardcore lefty. Many of us here were. It took me about two years to fully become un-brainwashed. Welcome.

Oy vey Goyim!!! Nothing to see here!!!! Let Uncle Shlomo put you back to sleep!

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Because Women and Jews have very very illogical minds that no sane man could hope to comprehend.

Wrong o. They're trying to get rid of white people.

wear a blindfold.

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Don't make a mistake of simply switching sides user. Make your own damned mind. There is a lot of arguments here and a lot of opinions to think of. Don't just jump in or you'll get burned. Read, educate yourself and then form opinions. That's the only way to actually have opinion that is valid.

Now your on the other side, fren. There's no going back. Get comfortable. Assuming this is real.

Are you a journalist in disguise?

Based and Uderzo pilled.

the black pill is weighing heavily on me right now, i need to get honkpilled faster

The Jews use "diversity" as camouflage so we are less able to ID them in the crowd. Also they want to kill us all off.

Educate whom? All the retards that were brainwashed and refuse to change? We need to take over the seats of power. Fuck the people. We'll give them freedom. We don't need their consent.

welcome to the shit show fren

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Welcome to reality, user. You're right about the indoctrination being everywhere. It's gone into hyperdrive the past few years. (((They))) want a one world government. In order to achieve it, the West must be subdued. They're doing this by simultaneously importing mass hordes of third world people while subverting the native white Christian populations. Pretty much every major event is a false flag, which is why the must cesor truth tellers.

Don't be upset when smart people you respect refuse to see this. That's a ,mistake I made. If they are truly intelligent they will come around eventually, just as you did.

A lot of them, sure. Mainly the ones on the left who hate all white people on principle, and the various ethnonationalist power groups who see this as their time to take over what was the West. Most of the globalists don't care one way or another really since it doesn't affect them and a white peasant is of the same value to them as a brown peasant. However, there's a space there for the left to push for ethnic swamping of formerly white nations.

Jews have outright admitted they function better in (((multi-culti))) societies

This. Fucking this so much.

Honkpill is fine and dandy when you're in the circus of society... but look into white pills and green pills (gardening/permaculture) to ease your tortured soul.

Genetics matter.

>What the fuck do I do now?
Find a wife, have children, provide for them and teach them the way the world really is. Get off the grid as much/as soon as possible. Stockpile what you can, but don't let it ruin you financially; no one knows exactly when shit is gonna hit the fan. Buy a gun, practice shooting, read up on the basics of small unit tactics. Work out, learn to box or wrestle, try and learn a trade even if it's just as a hobby.

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OP. This road is a long one and it won’t stop here. The things on here you that are repulsed by right now will start to make a ton of sense in time. For example, I still remember when I first looked up Richard Spencer and the first thing that pops up is his Wikipedia page: “white supremacist neo-Nazi” .. I immediately closed my mind to any further reading up on him because the social engineering is so fucking strong, even in the best of us. Then one day I listened to a speech, and I actually agreed with a couple of the things. And another vid, and another, and after careful reconsideration of my deepest beliefs, I’m gone full 14/88. Similar topics like the JQ, racial and cultural differences, Nazism, and even more nuanced issues like the “Fall of the West” that people talk about on this board 24/7, will in time come into focus. You just have to give it a chance and take it in little by little.

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This world is absurd. Learn to laugh at it basically. Although I'm personally white pilled, I did deal with a black pilled phase for a solid 6 years (16-22).

You should really focus on self improvement. It'll help you get past the blackpill, or at least be able to handle it.

Relax. Kick back and enjoy a nice documentary.


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y'all know what comes next

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It's real and holy fuck thanks, I'm glad you guys have a guide

i haven't seen this in 10 years...until now

..its...its time again

Breaking out of the mass media matrix is the single most important step. Not giving in to despair is the next.

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I have a quest for you all.

>be skilled pianist
>play piano professionally
>make a name for yourself by playing at several events
>eventually get hired by a black couple for their wedding
>Black couple says they have no specific request, just nice music
>wedding begins
>dozens of black families there
>play "Rhodesians Never Die"
>see who notices

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You think we all just woke up one morning and thought "boy howdy I sure do hate the Jews and the Darkies now"
Nah, son, it's why Hitler wrote "GRADUALLY, I came to hate them"
You'll get used to it, and you'll see those younger and more inexperienced than you come to the same light and think "Ha, yeah, that's about right".

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There's bullshit here too. Don't let your brain fall out. But there's 10x the truth you'll ever hear from the TV.

Read Mein Kampf, but seriously read Mein Kampf

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