!!! War with Iran INCOMING !!!

!!! War with Iran INCOMING !!!

>One of the planes carried the name Deadpool, a reference to Marvel Comics' anti-hero, while the other had "Starscream" and the logo of the Decepticons, the villains of the Transformers franchise, which involves sentient robots that can transform into various vehicles and aircraft.

>Starscream originally had the ability to transform into the likeness of an F-15.

Are you ready to die for Israel you burgers????

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Trump will probably fire Bolton before he allows war.

We are truly blessed to be living in the end of days.

My fate is sealed. There is no point whatsoever fighting it. I am content and at peace.

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At least Isreal is better than being under some Goat Fuckers

Nah I’m gonna play vidya, but I hope they mulch lots of these sandniggers. If Western Europe isn’t strong enough to get some vengeance then at least someone is gonna kill some dune coons.

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Does Bolton really want war? Or are they trying to back Trump into a corner?

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War? Hmmmm. More like expensive bomb and drone practice. Iran cant 'war' with us. They aint got enough people or advanced weapons. They can cost us federal reserve notes, but, theyre not on war par with the usa....

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Those goat fuckers throw faggots off buildings and they fight the Jewish threat. Are they really do bad?

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The Jewish threat will catch up to you either way. What will you do then?

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It's coming sooner than you think.


Like he fired Kushner, right?

Trump and the neocons are 100% about to start operation Iranian freedom. Hope you faggots are happy you elected Zion don

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You can't win a war without boots on the ground. The war against ISIS proved that.

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Can the Chinese save us from Israel?

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Meh, attacking Israel isn’t on the table. So my other enemies can die instead.

Do you wan't your house house to be bombed tomorrow? Those goblins are our last line of defense.

The rod and the ring will strike.

Nah, you can’t rebuild without boots on the ground. But that won’t be happening this time. Just some long-range boom booms.

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>The names
what fuck does that have to do with starting a war you gay fucking leaf, day of the rake can't come soon enough

What else is there to do? We are but leaves of grass.

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dick heads need to get rev guard out if syria first before they attack Iran

>Does Bolton really want war?

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I don't believe that. It's on the other side of the planet.

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yes bolton REALLY REALLY wants a war with Iran.

Anyone who didn't predict this after bolton came on and the nuclear deal was pulled out of is an idiot

> t. butthurt leaf coping with losing gun rights

What do the dominoes look like when it's all tipped over? Will Iran be different than the Gulf Wars?

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Hey now, at least Canada doesn't have Baltimore. That makes us better than you.

>does Bolton really want war with Iran
Does a bear shit in the woods?

Well then. That answers that.

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Anyone who joined the military after Trump became president is a retard.

Gunna get killed for Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Imagine being this pathetic

distraction tactic

next target is Venezuela

mark my motherfucking words

I live near Lakenheath where these are from, very loud and the sometimes fly low

That is not a F15 c its an F15 E strike Eagle

will he fire his kike daughter too, who told him to stay in syria.

War with iran just flew over my house

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Trump changed his mind on Venezuela after a conversation with Putin on the phone.


America is the mecca of degeneracy.

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That bitch wants war with Iran so she can sell more handbags in Tehran. Good work MAGA faggots

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But seriously Bolton is the biggest neocon goy he was one of the biggest proponents of the iraq war he gets off on sending young men to die for Jewish interests

>t. neocon globalist

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Don't forget the Industrial military complex and oil industry.

spine shattering sometimes, but lived with them all my life

But why? It's not like people would die in Iran for the freedom of America and its people.

Iran is just being uppity because the JCPOA fell through the floor.

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this is all fake.

they will not back down.

time will prove me right, just wait.

>sidewinder missile
newsflash kikes, the 80s were 40 years ago.

>military industrial complex and oil industry
>not Jewish intrests

It’s not gonna happen. Just like war with NK never happened.

Why me is angry when i see that pic?

Nobody wanted war with NK, but everybody wants war with Iran.

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mutts and kikes versus Aryans
fuck America 100% team Iran

Doesn't matter when the Jews tell our politicians to jump they say how high they don't care that we won't be actually defending American freedom they have had a hard on for overthrowing Iran ever since the Islamic revolution

>going to fight a war for Israeli Jews and Saudi Arabs against litteral Aryans

Storm-niggers in the US military have been cucked to obivion by Trump.

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>>nah man, jews and more jews
so basically, jews? thanks

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Because you're a healthy individual with good moral grounding.

Just like pic related.

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she's a dumb bimbo who is being manipulated by kushner into believing iran is going to nuke israel at any moment, and relaying the bullshit to daddy, who kushner knows is wrapped around his daughter's finger.

>One of the planes carried the name Deadpool
Let's hope one of the Nukes exploding in New York is named "Dead Jews"

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I don't care if you're morally wrong burgers, but I hope you guys declare war for my own entertainment

The colonization of Jow Forums by T_D/Kushner bots is incredible. Almost half of this thread is favorable to war on Iran. There isn't much I can say except that this country is so retrograde to Logos and so devoted to anti-Christ mentality that I am stumped. I guess most in this golem of a country are animated by bad will. Indeed, this will destroy the already rotted out degenerate hive that we have become.

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i cant until nothing happens and nothing comes of any this and all you retards look like ranting lunatics as usual

US Armory Production Core

We make em' you bake em'!

How many can I write you down for?

Do we do net terms? You bet!

I just want a war in Iran in the hopes that it wakes Americans and the rest of the world up or causes a big happening. Itll be a blast.

It’s funny. I haven’t even been enlisted for more than 2 days and shits gonna hit the fan. I’m not fighting for Jews, I’m fighting against sand niggers.

They will bring back the draft.

Yea, no. You done fucked up boi. You are fighting for Isreal.

And also, Iran is mostly mountains, your fighting cave-niggers not sand-niggers.

Are we truly ignoring the fact that StarScream was an F-22 Raptor? Fucking idiots

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>I’m not fighting for Jews, I’m fighting against sand niggers.
The jews really do have a point when they refer to Amerimutts as goyim(cattle).


Why did we ever get interested in Iran in the first place?
Don'tt we have lots of oil in the US? And isn't it the best quality in the world?

Can't wait for it.

Even Hitler wanted it.

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amerikabomber

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No they won’t you idiot

is it really war if you tell your so-called "enemy" exactly what kind of weapons you're going to use beforehand
there is more of a war between me and my parents than there will ever be between the USA and Iran

they still make people register for it "just in case". WW3 would probably suffice

Ya know, I should be thanking you user. You have shown me that Americans will never wake up. You have shown me the only solution is a big happening. Thank you user. KYS.

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I-is it summer already?

You can't win a war with massive amounts of rules and restrictions on engagement.
But yes, the war with ISIS proves that.
You'll NEVER win a war worrying about hearts and minds.

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Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran

We've owed Iran a fucking monumental ass-beating since 1979 faggot.

Of course you can. You just kill everyone, and then there's peace.

People said that Trump would never be the president either. But keep tempting fate though.

Yes they will lmao, do you know how worn out our military is? The GWOT vets are going to ets and never look back lmao

Imagine being a nigger for a second
>Be you
>Be nigger

Iran declared war against the US in 1979. Fuck them. Kill them all.


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Good luck, man. Hope we all make it.

This is the media's fault. For being corporates stooges. And politicians faults, for being corrupt. And corporations for being greedy moral degenerates. We need guys like Bernie Sanders and Ron Paul and no more Mitch McConnel and Nancy Pelosi.

We need real politicians, not all these fakes. On both sides of the political spectrum. We need real leaders in the dems and the republicans. And independents.

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You seem quite angry with your role as a slave to the Jews and there goals. Its not too late to escape your servant style life.

Quaiiiddd! Quuaaaaiiidddddd! Start...the reactor

Kinda is, I’m off to boot camp in 12 days.

Thanks brother, remember me if I die.

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Trump is already hinting at it


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Trumps just trying to look good and make it seem like Iran is the aggressor.

Its bullshit.

Gas yourself

You again. I see you fixed your typo.

>devilish comment

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