Why are the amount of women looking for violent porn rising in the west, but not in Africa?

Why are the amount of women looking for violent porn rising in the west, but not in Africa?

Attached: Why do women like violent porn.jpg (677x1024, 95K)

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(((New data)))
total bs

Because women in Africa are actually getting raped violently and realize that it fucking sucks.

Only in the sheltered West where the threat of violence is almost wholly illusory does it have any real sexual appeal.

The same reason people confess to crimes. Guilt.

because western men where cucked by the governament


People like experiencing new things. Emotions. People in the first world don't experience fear, violence or social dysfunction unlike other countries

Another possibility is how bombarded we are with guilt, oppressed minorities, etc. Turns the oppressed exotic in a way.

Roleplaying is popular for this reason, and usually people roleplay into something they dont experience. You see this in BDSM a lot

Only truly degenerate women watch porn.

Females are biologically programmed to cum by forceful stimulation of the inner clit (g-spot). When males habitually masturbate to the computer, they develop a habit of being very still by sitting in a chair or whatever.

Also, it's a shit-test about their life/behavior. They act like cultural-marxist indoctrinated cunts all day and deep-down they know it. They want a man to put them in their place.

Attached: 19th Amendment to the Constitution.jpg (600x600, 74K)

Probably 3rd worlders trying to make it feel like home.

Women get off to that sort of shit. It's not because they're being brainwashed, or some other nonsense. There's a reason why rape is a common fantasy among women (so long as it's a sex man doing the raping)