What do you think of people from the Caucasian Region? As a Circassian living in the West...

What do you think of people from the Caucasian Region? As a Circassian living in the West. We are very Social-Conservative and very Tribal People. Visit our ski resorts, they are the best in Europa. Is it Taboo? My parents are from Moscow & Kazan.

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look like animals

I don't think you're white, but you're alright.

Best languages, too.

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Lots of dialects and languages from thousands of years of blood shed.

My hair is lighter and my eyes are grey-blue

We don't like Homosexuality, Feminism, and Liberalism. And Outsiders.

Our shit is on youtube. White People can dance.

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What's your native language?

You are ok by me.

Pretty neat


What is yours?


Armenian and Azeri girls come to America and fuck niggers.

Hi, hows it going?

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Are you Russian?

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Pretty good bud, yourself?

Go back to your shithole Churka


I'm good, whats your background?

What are your views?

European/Middle Eastern mutts that practice incest in their mountains

They are part of our race, ignore the faggots who say Caucasus peoples are not white, they literally could be considered the first whites. Noah landed his ark in the Caucasus, and those people are descendants of Shem, Japheth, and Ham before they decided to migrate down into Mesopotamia. I believe Chechens have a tradition of being descended from Noah when he landed his ark in the Caucasus.
The only thing people on Jow Forums hate about Chechens is that they are mudslimes. Georgians and Circassians are bro-tier if they are Christian. If Chechens converted to Christianity, no one would have any problems with them, they are based af, they are a warrior race, and they don't take bullshit from no one, something that we used to live by until we got cucked by the kikes after the defeat of Germany in 1945.

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If you're Muslim: You have to go back
If you're not: I don't give a shit


Look at their genetics and you see that they're clearly different from Europeans. There isn't even a single reasonable European race senpai.

Yeah, our prefixes and suffixes are not as spoopy.

Primarily celtic background.
Thought the flag in op looked neat so I figured this would be a neat thread.

this is why I love circassian chicks, nothing better than hearing a labialized postalveolar laminal ejective affricate while she's giving you head

We have the best Weddings and Celebrations. While everyone is miserable in the West. Are you Finnish or Russian?

We are very tribal and proud people. There's many different ethnic groups. We are different from each other in so many ways. I only can speak for myself. I do not hold any strong resentment against Russian People, being from the West, I get a feeling that its Taboo to talk about it because I have Russian Co-Workers and they are very quiet. We are not inflected by Liberalism thanks for Islam. I visited Russia 8x in my life.

Are you even Russian?

Looking at "White People" in the West it looks we are the New Europeans .

Question for you, you say you're in the west currently. Roughly whereabouts? What are your experiences and such?

>Are you even Russian?
You said that you were living in the West, correct? My original point remains.

>Looking at "White People" in the West it looks we are the New Europeans


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I have hung out with other Russian Immigrants. Everybody goes quiet. I don't know why. Its like... Its taboo or something. All my friends are Circassian, and some speak different languages. We don't hold strong feelings for Russian People...There were about 8 Russians and myself and nobody said anything? Its weird...

I'm so glad we don't have Feminists and Homosexuals running the show RIP FINLAND

Very nice Syrian refugees you got there

*crickets* cmon on russians, you visit our ski resorts, its not so hard to talk is it? =)

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Stop bumping yourself, how old are you? במצנדטלל יטגנחח עההלחע

Yes there is, they are R1B like Europeans, they also come from the same Neolithic Farmers that migrated in Europe


Is this topic taboo?

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Why did Chechens convert to Islam lad ?

a daughter of Japheth

The Caucasus are where light skin and possibly light eyes first evolved during the last Ice Age, I think it's important that the native peoples are preserved.

At the same time they technically form a genetic group slightly different from Europe probably due to all the WHG (Western Hunter Gatherer) and EHG (Eastern Hunter Gatherer) influence in Europe while the Caucasus are mostly CHG (Caucasus Hunter Gatherer)

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No, you're just acting like a kid. Teбe нaдo нaзaт пoйти чypкa. I don't hate you, I don't like your religion. Nothing personell kid, if you want your Islam go back.

Neither are Circassians

Why are you obsessed with Russians? Didn't they genocide Circassians for rebelling?

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My wife is Circassian

Not exactly.

Russians wanted Circassia clay. Ottomans and Russians struggled in the region, but by 1800's Russia was clearly dominant. Ottomans Islamised Caucasus to use it as a buffer against Russians. By 1850's Russia wanted Caucasus clay for itself. They started building fortress-settlements in the lowlands. Chechens and Russians came to blows numerous times during this displacement. Sheikh Shamil, a Chechen warlord, was able to unite the Chechens into one nation; ironically making it easier for Russians to defeat the Chechen resistance. That being said, Chechen resistance to Russians put Nazi "Totalenkrieg" to shame. An ancient civilization was vanquished by an industrialized empire. Once the Russians were done with Chechens, they started working on the other nations in the region. Unlike Chechens, Circassians never united; and hence cannot be brought to rule. Rough terrain allowed Circassians to avoid the Russian grasp. Russians did not want to get buried in a quagmire so they ejected all Circassians from that region. Circassians call this a genocide, but international recognition is very weak. Funny enough, some Brits wanted to fight alongside Circassians (a la protect the weaker Muslims so Russia isn't too strong at our doors) but it never came to be.

That's about it from me. There are good books on this topic.

I think Slavic Women are beautiful. Will I ever date/marry a Russian? No. ...I like Russians personally. I don't think people should be accountable for politics or else we end up killing everyone else. We all lived through Communism. Why is there still hostility?

Why don't we earn the respect of Tatars?

Chechens are neighbors, I have never met one. For your question, Its like asking why are Polish Catholic?

I think we are white more than middle eastern. With Islam, you get the middle eastern card automatically, Why don't Bosnians or Albanians do?

Pretty based people.

Where were your people when hitler needed you?

Tatars are based af, and tatar women are mega big tiddy qts

Well why are they muslim and you Christian ?

> Doesn't know about the Waffen-SS Caucasus Legion that allied with Hitler against the JEWviet Union

I thought the russians killed all of you

>I think Slavic Women are beautiful. Will I ever date/marry a Russian?
Ok, wtf does that have to so with anything?
>No. ...I like Russians personally. I don't think people should be accountable for politics or else we end up killing everyone else.
I hold people accountable for their individual beliefs.
>We all lived through Communism. Why is there still hostility?
I would rather be a Communist than a Muslim. At least in Communism, there is some rationale behind it. Islam is a 3rd century stone religion. I hate Communism, but Islam is worse.
>Why don't we earn the respect of Tatars?
Ask the Tartars, not me

Christian Caucasus is based.

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The history is long and complex like its people. We were fighting against different people in different time periods. If we really wanted to hurt Russia, we would. Russia kills its own people and They kill other people as well. Its like a repeated music track. Without Russians as Buffer, We would be fighting our neighbors. We have a very rich region with its people but I have to keep showing foreigners who we are. Its like grouping us in with Central Asians. We are different but we can show some respect.Turkey is a lot more relax country than Russia but having traveled Russia, I cannot absolutely hate the Russian People because they suffer as well.

I'm pretty sure the political people are opening up the war in Ukraine and if Poland weren't in Nato, they were to stir up something up.

With the Anti-Russia Hysteria in the air, I think its only hurting all the people and helping no one.

1. I personally stay within my own race. With so many of us out there, it only makes sense to NOT be like Sweden.

2. I agree. We don't get the same screening even though we are different from our neighbors?

3. Again, Its not WE vs THEM. The overall Russian people are not living that well in Russia.

If we Muslims really wanted to kill Russians, we would already. We are not Column A or Column B WTF?? I have zero desires to convert Russians to Islam. I don't think any of my friends do. There's a deep misunderstanding of US wanting to take over. We are not Arab, Turk, Persian or Asian. Nor are we Russian. HUGE red flag.

4. I did, its up to the Russians.

Lets stop pretending we have Muslim Saints running around the place.

You know I never met a religious Russian... That Communism has done some damage...

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Georgian probably has the most aesthetic alphabet of any language.

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HELL YEA, we speak some awesome languages here!

well i don't know what you just said but it sure sounds like it sounds pretty hot

does circassian culture still exist? i thouht all of you got Turkified

The vast majority of russians who never/rarely travel out of Russia are very religious

Barely, I are more worried about our language! And we are already have different dialects that I don't know. As long as keep talking and dancing, we be fine...

Our weddings and celebrations are keeping us from being turks and arabs. So we go all $$$ BALLZ OUT $$$

I already have wedding fatigue! Its going to be a hot summer!!!

>I personally stay within my own race. With so many of us out there, it only makes sense to NOT be like Sweden.
Ok, sure, idgaf
>I agree. We don't get the same screening even though we are different from our neighbors?
Я этo нe пoнял. Same screening?
>Again, Its not WE vs THEM. The overall Russian people are not living that well in Russia.
Ok, so what? I would rather live in Russia than in Churkastan.
>If we Muslims really wanted to kill Russians, we would already.
Whatever helps you sleep at night pal
>We are not Column A or Column B WTF?? I have zero desires to convert Russians to Islam. I don't think any of my friends do. There's a deep misunderstanding of US wanting to take over. We are not Arab, Turk, Persian or Asian. Nor are we Russian. HUGE red flag.
Islam's objective is to spread all over the Earth. Your prophet Mohammed and other caliphs made that clear through warfare. Perhaps because you don't have enough numbers that you don't care to convert. Perhaps you individually don't want to convert. There are a multitude of others that do want to convert. If you respect other people and do not wish to convert, I respect that. But Islam's fundamental goal is to spread as far and wide as possible. Many other countries want to project their power all over the world (US for example). But these countries do not adhere to 3rd century ideologies

I won't deny that they could pass as white but genetically they are not european at all

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It's getting late here so I'm going to sleep and won't be able to reply

Are you even Russian? I ask this because we are not in medieval ages. Russians have killed more Slavs REPEATEDLY than anyone else. You cannot lure us with beautiful women because we have beautiful women as well. Check mate!

They should be independent

Also to anyone doubting the Caucasus peoples whiteness do you even know that Europeans originated from the Caucasus? It doesn't matter if they are Muslim, Christianity isn't even a white religion you dumb fucks. At least they are not ultra cuck goblins like you amerisharts and western yuros

Genetically we have the most beautiful people! and its hidden from the world muahahahah!!!

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Dat loli

How are Circassian women? can I bring one back home? Do I have to convert to Islam?

Are you the cunning linguist now, you, bad boy!

Look at Gedmatch and the Dna of these peoples. Circassians and Chechens have some admix from East Asia. Armenians and Georgians are pure and based.

But for sure Circassians before the average Amerimutt. Circassians are a little bit too comfy with the Turkmutts for comfort though. Caucasians have a future. Not sure about Western Europeans.


Lot of East Asian. Islam correlates with racial taint.

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Armenians have an ethnostate and maybe White Nationalists should take more of an interest in it. Chg was a key component in racial genesis of the Aryans on the Pontic Steppe. To what extent is Aryan culture simply Caucasian culture?


Chg is important. Blumenbach was not such an idiot.

>What do you think of people from the Caucasian Region

except ossetians and transcaucasian people all of them are trash

On Gedmatch we see an accurate picture. Fallen Armenians. Tainted with Mongoloid. Some Circassians helped in the genocide of the East Roman peoples by the Donme and Turks in Ww1.

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Fuck churkas.

Hard pass.

Idk don’t haven’t been to the Caucasus but a lot of them sure look white especially non Muslims ones

Im happy Russia brutally genocided and raped you Muzzies in the Russia conquest of the Caucuses lol

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10-20+ million people view Russia as Foreign. Its too alienated. Nothing Personal. Nice People, Nice Cities. Its just we don't feel connected to Moscow or Russian Affairs. At least with the Germans they would've been super highways to connect to the rest of the 50 neighboring communities to feel something.

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I don't see a lot of brown people. But we really don't fit the Franco-Germanic Empire. Nor the Slavic one. DESU this area has too much history and visitors

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>As a Circassian living in the West

This is where you lost me. Get your ass back to circassia if its so great.

>very Tribal People


Stop worshiping your pedo/moon god and accept Christ. Also, stop making this thread again and again.

I agree the Circassians in Turkey are getting Turkified.

We have a future, hopefully Russians stops attacking Ukrainians so they can have a future too...

Russians are the only white people that continues to kill other white people.

Why the hate? We know how to fight.

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the caucasus nations are a mountain redoubt of tradition. bassiani should be torn down and its patrons deported.

Genghazi Khan Shot his load into everyone

I like lezginka and stuff.
(This girl just ADORABLE)

No my fault People killed their own church and worship homosexuals