This is what's Jow Forums keeping you away from

This is what's Jow Forums keeping you away from

Attached: zendaya-2.jpg (3000x2040, 665K)

Thanks, Jow Forums!

Thank you, Jow Forums!

I'll stick with my Asians.

Attached: ElectrocutedForestElve.jpg (736x1104, 223K)

arguably a favor

I sincerely thank Jow Forums.

come home white man

Attached: zendaya-tommy-hilfiger-collab.jpg (2089x1567, 213K)

looks like an airhead

>implying I don't colonise big ass négresses and am not right wing as fuck

They know I'm racist too. Just don't be a pussy.


Attached: DisgustedAsianChick.jpg (476x600, 78K)

Unironically don't find her attractive at all.