This motherfucker needs to die

Slavoj Žižek, this rat is and absolute piece of human trash. Who on gods green earth is this Slavshit? This eastern nigger has (for the last 25 years) injecting millennials with Communistic/Jewish sympathy. I've been seeing this guy everywhere lately, on my YouTube ads, FUCK even tv ads and magazines.

>What does Jow Forums think of this retard?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe start by not letting this guy get any more popular?

He's like Jordan Peterson, but better-read and not on SSRIs.

I know right, fuck there every where

he pick nose and eat boager

jordan peterson is on a multiple anti depressants. Wellbutrin combined with ssris.

found this on the website

Subjects of upcoming episodes of The Architects of Woke will include Chapo Trap House, the wildly popular radical socialist podcast that has been described as “the last stop off the socialist train before Antifa”. and receives over $100,000 a month in donations, making it the highest-funded project on Patreon.

he's crypto-french new right, OP's a faggot

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secrit boeger eating techniqe
he funnel bougor into moutf during sniff

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imagine the smell

It sounds like hes sucking dick when he talks.

Cocaine Communist > Anti-depressant Capitalist

I don't like his theories, though he does have somewhat of a sense of humour, but you sure are assmad about Slavs, OP.

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Cope more

>Children of the (((Soviet Union)))
IT requires destroying. Suffer not commies to live.

Wow, based

He's my favorite commie, absolutely based.

Another tool for (((them)))

*sniff sniff*

He is fucking useless, dont worry buddy!

We are 1000x more organised with an actual plan!

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I get seduce by him a little, but i think what he does is he throws breadcrumbs to the right wing by trashing cultural aspects of left wing culture such as Steven Colbert or political correctness.

Using hatred to turn whites on each other is just one of many evil tricks there do to turn whites on whites buddy!

"Look goy once we get rid of that goy we'll be done!" Then they'll find other goy to kill the first goy & that goes on til 30 millions white European Russians are dead!

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Read "Living in the End Times." He is actually extremely based on nationalism and immigration and names the Jew. He talks about how horrible anti-Semitism is and then proceeds to unload a litany of grievances against Israel and the Jewish people. Slavoj is neither left nor right and should be read carefully

I have honestly never understood what his actuall positions are, similiar to Peterson people just seem to project what they want to hear on him.

if you tax my goods my income and my death.. its just to much bro.. I get your idea, but tax should be replaced by corporate investment. they only get taxed once on gains that are huge, why should I get paid... BE TAXED. BUY MILK,.. GET TAXED.. die... GET TAXED.. taxes are theft. bitcoin and fuck the system. only niggers gain from a centralized govt.

He is just a Hegelian, nobody understands fucking Hegelians, they can shift between the political spectrum in a whim because most of them think everyone is a fucking retard (which most ideologues are)

Kys you faggot.

List of people who need to die before Zizek, yet you make this topic:
Ben Shapiro
Sarah Silverman
Kathy Giffin
Chuck Shumer
Jeff Bezos
Mark Zuckerberg
Bernie Sanders
ABC News:
Ben Sherwood – President
Amy Entelis – Senior Vice President, Talent Recruitment and Business Affairs
Michael R. Bloomberg – Founder and Owner
Peter T. Grauer – Chairman
Daniel L. Doctoroff – President
Matthew Winkler – Editor in Chief
CBS News:
Paul Friedman – Executive Vice President
Barbara Fedida – Vice President, Talent and Development
Bill Martens – Vice President of Product Development and Strategy
Jeffrey Fager – Executive Producer, “60 Minutes”
Mark Hoffman – President and Chief Executive Officer
Jonathan Klein – Former President, CNN U.S.

Ivy League
Brown University:
David I. Kertzer – Provost
Thomas J. Tisch – Chancellor, Brown Corporation
Columbia University:
Lee C. Bollinger – President
Cornell University:
David J. Skorton – President
W. Kent Fuchs – Provost
Peter C. Meinig – Chairman, Board of Trustees
Dartmouth College:
Carol L. Folt – Acting Provost
Stephen F. Mandel Jr. – Chairman, Board of Trustees
Harvard University:
Steven E. Hyman(Ashkenazi Jew) – Provost
Robert D. Reischauer – Senior Fellow, Harvard Corporation
Princeton University:
Christopher L. Eisgruber – Provost
Stephen A. Oxman – Chairman, Board of Trustees
University of Pennsylvania:
Amy Gutmann – President
Vincent Price – Provost
David L. Cohen – Chairman, Board of Trustees
Yale University:
Richard C. Levin - President
Peter Salovey – Provost
Richard C. Levin – Chairman, Yale Corporation

Ken Jautz – Executive Vice President
Scot M. Safon – Executive Vice President
Susan M. Bunda – Executive Vice President of Content Development and Strategy
Susan Grant – Executive Vice President of CNN News Services
Bill Wolff – Vice President, Primetime Programming
Michael Rubin – Vice President, Long Form Programming
Sharon Otterman – Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer
NBC News:
Steve Capus – President
Bob Epstein – Executive Producer
Betsy Fischer – Executive Producer
Nancy Nathan – Executive Producer
Google Inc.:
Larry Page – CEO
Sergey Brin – Co-Founder
Patrick Pichette – Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

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>this motherfucker needs to die
Hey anons is anyone else seeing a strange glow emanating from this post?

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of all the commies you wanna start with the one who is /ourguy/? kill yourself user holy shit.

if the co-opted left wants to purge this guy from their ranks why do their dirty work for them?

Imagine hating Slavoj, who has done nothing but try to show you the way without forcing any actual beliefs or positions on you whatsoever

Yeah, I think Nazi flag wit the execution list is glowing

he's a tricky tricker

never thought i'd die fighting the glowniggers side by side with a leaf.

Some say, when the Soviet Union fell it emitted a philosophical Braaaap so intense that those in tune with the Noosphere were overwhelmed with the scent for ages. Some say, there are people who can't stop sniffing it to this day. Zizek is one of the chosen.

Is it illegal to have a quickdraw list of kikes in power/the forefront of media to rub in the faces of bluepilled, goymilk-drinking normies

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Stop saying "IKR" you fucking gay little chodelet

clearly a cocaine addict

they don't have tissues in slovenia

He a commie who is big on this “late stage capitlaism” BS. What is ironic if the west had the same totalitarian speech laws that China or USSR had, he would have been ran over with a tank, Tiannemen Square Style.

I can't stand listening him more than 1 minute because of his accent.
JP war right that the way you say something is as important as the thing you want to say.

>implying we don't have a Late Stage Capitalism problem
He also quotes The Bible

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itt: butthurt Jordan Peterson fans

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>murkan talking something about jewish sympathy
you are literally a country that worships kikes as gods chosen
not even in israel kikes are so priviledged as they are in muttistan
literally every other country or political stance is anti-semitic compared to you

I think they're both jackasses. I'm more of an E. Michael Jones guy.

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you're a fookin' joke m80

alphabet soup is fine but frankly i prefer chicken noodle

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the reason why national capitalism doesnt exist is bcs it gets outcompeted.

also slavoj zizeks documentaries are
Jow Forums essential viewing 101

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The problem with only taxing consumption is when the economy slows down & people stop spending the state will go bankrupt due to said reduction in tax revenue. Honestly buddy I dont mind paying taxes if it means saving us being wiped out!

Maybe, but it's worth a try! I like the idea of pan-white superstate myself, really that is what the EU should of been but was not like that by (((design!))) ha

lmao stay cucked cuckboi

"National Capitalism" is an oxymoron. Capitalists lobby for shipping jobs and industry overseas ("free trade") and bringing in infinity niggers ("freedom of movement"), all to enrich themselves at the expense of the nation.

I cant understand a word he says

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>posting your kill list on this honey pot


Movies are propaganda, NOT psychology.

>20% tax on all imports
Buddy it's a white nationalist group, trust me they wont be shipping in niggars! ha

I've noticed YT pushing this degenerate to me as well, even though I keep my YT mostly unpolitical. I really wonder what's behind this

Lmao you pathetic anti-communism bootlickers never fail to make me laugh with your "ancap humor" threads
Face it, most communist will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

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I can't listen to him. He just slurps constantly while talking train of conscience about whatever random thought pops into his head.

Orangessh man issh a possshtmodern pressshident *sniff*. Peoplessshh want what they don't needshh *sniff*

How the fuck does he have followers?

>pure ideology

He's alright, but he should probably ease up on the codeiin b4 he scratches up his nose.

Zizek hasn't infected the youth with shit. Because they're too stupid to understand him. He's a marxist, yes, but he openly admits marxism will never work, and critiques it. Something most communists won't do. He's critiqued antifa, he's critiqued anarcho commies, you name it. Hell, at one point he even expressed anti-immigrant sentiments during the eu migrant crisis due to how the migrants treated Slovenia.

His career, and work, is mostly academic bickering. That and shit posting. The more that you realize that all Zizek wants to do is just sit in the mudpile and fling shit, the more he's understandable. He doesn't think or really want communism to win, he just wants to fling shit at capitalists or other commies.

The (((1791L))) video on him was actually quite good


It's a real challenge to break a child's indoctrination. It's truly astonishing how determinant the pre-pubescent years actually are.

He even knows he's a commie NPC, actually saying shit like 'people are not individuals'.

Can any tweekers here confirm that this is standard sign of Meth, coke abuse?

I don't see any other reason why would he develop such ticks and OCDs.
He also has 30 yrs younger wife which also points out that he is pedo degenerate.
He doesn't seem to be moral deep person as he present himself rather than just clown preaching with cynicism what he think masses will consume

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We're sorry for him. Although he is completely irrelevant in Slovenia

ik, anything for communism, what a greasy shill

>You’re a pedophile if your wife is thirty years younger than you

Pretty sure pedophilia refers exclusively to children, schizo.

No egg on his face?

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Peterson stopped taking SSRIs after sorting his diet out.

>stop liking what I don't like: the thread

american anally devastated because based ZIZEK DEMOLISHED amerishart fraud peterson with facts and logic

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Not since he identifies as a carnivore

I think he’s just retarded, I mean he’s a Marxist so

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How is this illegal? Kikes post pictures of them literally assassinating the Commander in Chief

Shut up, dumbass. If you ever actually feel like hurting someone else, remember that you can always just kys. There are ways to do it that make a political statement. Lighting yourself on fire for one. Hanging yourself from a bridge or monument with a sign around your neck. Even make it look like a crime to force social change, like that Kevin spacey movie. Just don’t be an idiot and hurt anyone else. Thxbby

Stay mad and so on and so forth *sniff*

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I don't want too

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oh great this is what I need to see a 11:00 in the morning

Go eat a Snickers Jordan.


pick one

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>ben shapiro at the top of the list

larp harder normie memeflag faggot

lel im just ranting im not serious, if he died in a car crash id lol n' kek

Look how miserable he is with every second of his existence. Ending his life would be a mercy. Let him live to be an example and warning for others. Sodomites are already in hell before they are actually literally in hell

well, retards entably attract other retatds

Pol is a a board of peace

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Fuck off boomer Kochsucker. If you hadn’t broken capitalism by triple dipping into the post war cornucopia better men than you created this guy wouldn’t have a platform.

>he eat bougor
>he communist

a mutt calling a white intellectual human trash. kek