@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Mil Mothers Celebration 5/10/19
>VP Pence on F&F 5/10/19
>HHSSec Azar on FBN 5/10/19
>ActDefSec Shanahan meets w/Latvian DM Pabriks 5/10/19
>ActDHSSec McAleenan @Washington Conf on the Americas 5/7/19
>SpecRep4IntlNegs Greenblatt @UNSCAF on Is-ra-hell 5/10/19
>Pentagon Press Brief (UndDefSec4A&S Lord) 5/10/19
>WWII Aircraft Flyover Honors 75th Anniv of D-Day 5/10/19
>This Week@Interior 5/10/19
>This Week@State 5/10/19
>DoDVideo: Latvian DM Visits Pentagon 5/10/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump Hosts 2018 WSC Boston Red Sox 5/10/19
>Collusion Delusion 5/9/19
>Pres Trump welcomes 2018 World Series Champs Boston Red Sox 5/9/19
>Pres Trump on ending surprise medical billing 5/9/19
>Giuliani on Ingraham 5/9/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/Japanese ChiefCabSec Suga 5/9/19
>SoS Pompeo meets w/Archbishop of Canterbury Welby 5/9/19

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Leaked footage of Chinese trade delegation after new tariffs put in place

Attached: lucky he wasnt in china car.webm (626x360, 1.59M)

1600 chinese companies are interested in Mexico, will the US government fuck us over this too?

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Translation of story please

>it's the right format

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Watching Tucker Re-run it was amazing how hard CNN was trying to bait/troll Trump. Don Lemahn especially. Wew lads they are eternally ass blasted.

I thought someone was going to pull that guy from the wreckage and beat him with a blunt object. I'm a little disappointed.

fast translation
chinese companies want to expand trade with mexico

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Jow Forums is useless. Should I buy a Kel-Tec RFB if I can find one for sub $1k? It takes FAL mags and apparently has a nice trigger for a bullpup meme gun. I want a battle rifle but FAL's and PTR's are too much now while AR builds are meh.

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cnn is so pathetic now it's unbelievable. all day everyday they carry on like that. they're all like middle school girls who have been scorned and can't stop whining about it

gonna need 4 walls

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Probably to fuck over the US in some measurable way

You're not gonna find one sub 1k. Lelkek's low volumes keep prices high. You might be better off with an M1A.

WIll the Dem-niggers in Congress actaully get their hands on the Trump (((tax returns))) or is this just another shitty ploy to cover up their treasonous surveillance during the 2016 election?

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Hawaii was a mistake

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this would create jobs to mexicans though, is not that a good thing for your country?

moshi moshi
hamster desu~

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Drink up white man, drink up.

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we should trade hawaii to the japs in exchange for hokkaido

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fu fu fu fu fu

That is China, so no. They say the people in these concentration camps are lucky to be alive and not shot. A model for the future generations to come indeed.

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>no cats

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Yeah, that’s very good. I just can’t bring myself to trust the Chinese government

no, just give it away

lol stupid neocons
to be honest, i trust them more, than your government

Night sky AWOO!
Looking forward to FLOTUS mothers day shenanigans!

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Of course, Chinks need to suffer, like you lot. I can't to drive a sword down your collective throats.

Hawaii should just be relegated to "Guam" tier territory.

I've seen a few in the past on Armslist below $1k and sales happen. Maybe PSA will work some daily deal magic and I'll be quick enough on the draw to purchase it. There's also an SKS-D for $400 I'm eyeballing but I have a '51 Tula in pretty good condition so I'm indifferent.

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Making them and Alaska states was incredibly dumb in retrospect.

Just buy a basic bitch AR10, FAL mags are getting more rare and the RFB likes to choke on mags that are out of spec,until ar10 PMAG compatibility comes around, the gun is a meme.

Of all options, you want an AR10, accuracy, weight, ergos, are all more consistent and better than ANY alternative other than some $3000 meme rifles like the SCAR-17 and APC308.

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>tfw you have the body of a 20 year old but the mind of a 10 year old
Jesus fuck Naofumi is a fucking loli magnet

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It’s the or.

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why was Alaska dumb?

>Filo is less than 1 year old

trump needs to start charging rent cuz hes living in there heads rent free

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Basedbeans picked up by Brasil. Now we need the White House to purchase the farmer crop to make farms to stay afloat. Will the so to speak conservatives bitch about the federal government buying oilseeds and sending them to poor shit hole countries or Puerto Rico? Kek.

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Honestly friends, you can wake up to the nature of your spirit. Either way, wake up and be alive you fuckers

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and get rid of that fucking disgusting mazie hirono

He gains another party member from the bow heroes party, who is again ANOTHER UNDERAGE GIRL. Dude is cursed to have an entire party compromised of lolis

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>The dangerous bull shark, in particular, can tolerate fresh water, and these large sharks are known to travel up rivers far inland. In fact, they have been spotted 2,500 miles (4,000 km) up the Amazon and as far up the Mississippi River as Illinois.

>sharks in fresh water rivers
I never knew this
This is horse shit, stay out of the fucking rivers.

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MAGA, last thread is below bump count so if some people wouldn't mind coming back for a moment to finish it off we can talk about US Navy or Trump and stuff.

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based and holy ghost pilled

Trump should trade Hawaii to Denmark for Greenland and territory to be named later.


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don't spoil anything for me
I'm a show only casual with this series

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I don't want another AR though. I can't deny their supremacy and do love them, I just don't want an entire collection of AR variants. How are the Brownells retro rifles? I could probably do the AR-10 clone with the top charging handle.

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Someone shopped this and thought, "Yes. This is the perfect sized head for that body".

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Lmao there’s a lot of crazy shit that’s going to happen. Really hope there’s a season 2.
Also the new party member will likely not show up in this season

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>tfw you realize japan was doing us a favor in 1941

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What is the monroe doctrine?

What trick does the Democrats, media, and "Deep state" have up their sleeves for the 2020 election?

Guess who is populated with not to many roundabout give a fucks regarding your pictures. Currently Listening to "I'm still alive" by pearl jam

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>Lmao there’s a lot of crazy shit that’s going to happen. Really hope there’s a season 2.
>Also the new party member will likely not show up in this season
I may read the source material once they stop, is it LN or manga?

At least they didn't take a photo of gay niggers in the same pose.

> wake up and be alive
That's easy to say when you live in a place where you can afford a home, a yard, a dog... then there are those of us who live in Washington, where new single family housing is banned because "We wouldn't want sprawl, would we?" and nobody who doesn't already own a house can afford one.

yeah, they didnt want the chinese to build the mayan train, and made us to accept their money at gun point :(

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>please clean up this mess that I may or may not have created

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I think they were going for "visible awoo in the thumbnail" proportions

Rigging. With the Russia bullshit over they can only resort to trivial shit and rig shit behind the scenes

I wonder if the domestic market for onions is shrinking because of the memes.

The most interesting part about South Africa's 2019 election isn't the rise of the nog parties like EFF or the fall in the ANC's share, but the fact that the VF+ more than doubled their voteshare and now have close to what they had back in the 1990s when Volkstaat enthusiasm was running hot.

The previous leader of VF+ also said that the entire Cape west of the Fish River belongs to the whites since nignogs didn't live there in 1653, so it looks like Saffers will have to rally around VF+ as their official nationalist resistance. Better late than never I guess, volkstaat soon hopefully.

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The beautiful thing about America is you're free to fuck off to whatever state you want. Unfortunately that also means C*lifornians aren't shot on sight when they try to cross their state border.

Of course Trump and Republicans will have zero ability to stop such actions.

true and big

Probably not. They cram s()y in everything.

You guys are going to be the US' new China soon. Powered by natural gas. The pipelines are already being built.


user please. The DNC will win the hearts and minds of American voters. They will do so by tackling the big issues and helping the average American.

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Light novel, but there’s also the manga which has a ton of differences from the anime. I’m not sure if volume 11 will be the beginning of what the first season won’t cover. Volume 12 isn’t coming out until December and 13 only came out a month ago in Japan

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It's going to be a madhouse when all this shit all comes to light. The media even now still tries to dodge the obvious red flags after all this time.
Big balls Barr isn't scared to do what is just and right.
Buckle in lads, this election will be a hell of a ride!

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false and cringe

>city is 70% white
>elects a nigger mayor

Why are white people like this, even in a country where the nogs want to eat them?

>behind the scenes
Surely you meant out in the open because nobody will ever do anything meaningful about it and the MSM will cover it up and any proof will be dismissed as conspiracy theories and the average joe won't care enough, right?

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Yes like the right to chop your dick off and underage marriage

Q predicted this

>If we suck more Jew banker cock, and alienate these smelly, dirty white men; surely we will win this time.

detroit is 80% black and have a white mayor

>this would create jobs to mexicans though
Bad news for you pedro. The Chinese businessman like to hire chink wage slave because they are efficient and cheap.

Don't forget infanticide, legalizing all drugs, and banning all privately owned firearms to protect people from themselves.

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Nothing ever happens.

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i have heard your president like the chinese so much

Who gives a shit about Detroit?

The BRN-10 is fine from all accounts. The iron sights are unlike any system around though, minimum sight setting is 200m.

The charging handle gets hot with use and is hard to cycle on a full magazine/closed chamber.

The company that is doing the receivers is Foxtrot Mike, and they are known for pretty decent stuff, I have a Colt Pattern FM-9 from them works as advertised.

Other than that, it's a DPMS AR10. I would suggest the pencil barrel black Portuguese pattern from Brownells instead of the heavy barrel dutch version, it sheds a little over a pound from the whole setup.

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Down with Kots, up with Knots!

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your own federal government i guess

C'est la MAGA vie

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Detroit will never recover unless you can convince a bunch of whites to move back in.

sure thing sweetie