I'm popular and no one has ever heard of you - Ben "Israel First" Shapiro

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That is what Shapiro gets for tweeting shit 5 to 7 years ago. BBC is going to play gotcha games until you have had enough then mock you for not allowing them to continue.


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I have no idea how the US allows duel citizenship for politicians.

This is illegal in every other country. It's absolute insanity.

If Americans want to fix their country and want to larp about how good Australian gun policy is. Explain Australia, also doesn't allow dual loyalty and citizenship.

You are required to denounce a citizenship if you intend to be a politician in and for Australia.

didn't he write an op ed about how genocide is not a dirty word or something when he was 5 years old?

little benny's first instinct was to lie about what he said and start attacking the questioner instead of taking responsibility and moving on

Watch the whole debacle
>Squeaky merchant gets OWNED and RAPED by BBC

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Quit watching some retarded jew and start watching the leaders of the European race.

>Explain Australia, also doesn't allow dual loyalty and citizenship.
That doesn't mean anything if your immigration is shit.

The average American has absolutely no idea what goes on in the capital until the Presidential election rolls around. The average American could not even name their own representatives. We are living in real life Idiocracy, my friend.

And yet, when confronted with facts, he bolts with this jew tail between his cut-dick legs.

>I misinterpreted his antagonism as politcal Leftism
>He didn't just passively agree with everything I said so I thought he must be a Lefty
The absolute state

Hi Ben. Your sister has nice tits.

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bots and kike media dont count you fucking kike streamer

Its not in New Zealand. Loads of duel citizens fucking the country up.

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Why does everyone keep saying he said this? I watched the clip and he didn't say it.

nice flag

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I'm not putting up with this bigot shot anymore
i dont give a good god damn about the browning of

goyims can eat shit and i hope you die

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why do conservatives worship this jewish faggot?

Are you implying Australian immigration is shit? Because it's super hard to get to Australia. We allow immigration, like most of the west, to artificially inflate GDP and balance books.

(Liberals think the west allows immigration because..we're all being nice.. they're delusional and poorly informed)

If you're talking about American immigration I'm unsure how it applies. If your politicians are invested in your own country, and currently a huge amount don't seem to be as they're duel citizens of other countries, then that massively effects any kind of national pride, identity and policy.

I thought we were making fun of him.
As usual liberals live in an alternate reality.

He got fucked so hard I thought he was his sister getting the milkers to work. Probably should've stayed in his lane destroying retarded freshman

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i hate his face

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He did say it, word for word. Watch the whole interview.

Glad this happened to this piece of shit grifter. He's not intellectual and NEVER added anything of value to the right.

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Is this the two-movies-on-one-screen thing?

He got frustrated and left but I don't see anything he said being incorrect.

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Actually lot of conservatives do.

Nah you're brain is on too much cuck media

lmao that a fat old bald bong made him ragequit via hoisting him by his own petard using non-sequitur dogshit arguments

Who the fuck unironically even likes Ben? You could win him in an argument by printing out a list of logical fallacies and then going through them one by one and accusing him of using them. I do wanna bury my head in her sister's amazing boobs though.

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Chinese colony full of hapas by 2050. Good job. Really selective. Faggot.

It was like 10-15 years ago and it was about how population transfer shouldn't be considered a dirty term. By this he means ethnically cleansing arabs by moving them out of land he thinks belong to his fellow rat people.

Lest we forget.


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This kike got gassed like a nigger faggot on BBC.

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I want to roughly fuck Ben Shapiro's sister and make her swallow my rancid seed.

Wew. His feelings just got GASSED with facts

It imagine redpilling her, cumpilling her womb and cuckpilling her family (incl. Ben) by raisepilling a family with her.
One can only dreampill of such a life.

Name one, Pajeet.

Because their Jewish master tell them to.

why was it so hard for him to say
>yeah, fuck arabs. they deserve it.

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SHUT UP LMAO. this just proves how much of a shitter he is that he got got by an old fart just reading HIS OWN FUCKING TWEETS. he then blamed it on "not preparing"... nigger you got invited to talk about your own fucking book! he should retreat from public life already. he's mad and this is why he always avoided debates with people who know what they're doing.

The guy just had a bad day. after hundreds of interviews he lost his cool one time..

stop posting parasite

Ben needs to understand that conservatives in the UK are equivalent to Democrats in the US.

The UK as a whole if far left, the "left party" here are literal socialists.

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Hearing him say that being Jewish requires an ideology that goes with that was an interesting statement, imho. That's a very workable angle.

how dare you speak like that to your overlords? bend over before you msater..


The only thing he cares about is making money and growing his brand, he even flashed his daily wire logo on the interview.

He only cares about money.

Is this some some shill script that shekelpiro has handed out? Just about every ID that defends him starts off with using this in their first post.

>gotcha games
Nothing gotacha about it. Lil' Ben is a goyim-hating ziofascist. But of course he doesn't want the useful goy idiots like you to find out where his true loyalty lies.

Just shows when finna boutta americans try to debate someone who can actually speak Englis.

In that pic, little benji looks like that guy who snaps and loses it in "full metal jacket"

This will eventually become a point of contention in a future presidential election. Conflict of interest is a massive problem. All we need is the catalyst to ignite and inflame the patriotic citizens.

My question for Jow Forums is what will it take to create a stink wide enough that not even jewish media can cover up?

You worship a religion and follow a political doctrine that combined ultimately lead to the rounding up of jews in to greater israel, only to be annihilated during Armageddon.

I mean, you can't even call yourself a jew if you want to try and refute this. Every right wing neocon zionist supporting idiot deeply believes this is the answer for Israel; that your nation will necessarily be DESTROYED in order to provoke a response from God.

Israel is on a one-way road to destruction, and believe it or not, every day you contribute to that goal. No one here wants or expects anything less from you.

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Because apparently in his book he aims to promote good dialogue, not gassing arabs

My boomer father for one.

Ben "maybe I'll let you fuck my sister" Shapiro

>That is what Shapiro gets for tweeting shit 5 to 7 years ago
It is what he gets for being a hypocrite. He made excuses for it but didn't actually denounce the things he wrote.

Oh that fucking kike. Some of the stuff the journalist was asking was kind of dumb but when he got to the jew stuff it was great. Textbook kike. He says jews who voted for Obama werent true jews, he said that being a jew has ideological implications. What happened to individualism you fucking kike?

Man that guy doesnt realize that Tucker was really trying to throw him a bone. Of course Tucker cant shit on Fox. The arrogance of the Euro.

Ben Shapiro goes into an interview looking for a debate.

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Hey did you know that the gender pay gap has nothing to do with sexism?

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but what about my feelings ben?

>it's super hard to get to Australia
Then why the FUCK are our cities filled with CHINKS, NIGGERS and MUSLIMS? Why are all our jobs taken by foreign workers?
The absolute state of Aussie delusion

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>You're no Jew! A true Jew respects anti-Zionism, which serves as the foundation for preserving the Jewish race!

There is absolutely nothing the kike media can’t spin. They have been doing it for 3,000 years.

God, what happened to the YT train wreck in that photo?

I think it might be because the average aussie is super stupid mate. Plus there was this like Pacific trade thing going on where you all desperate to send your Aussie BBQ out to asia and stuff...

I gotta thank the Aussies for coming over and telling the UK how the fuck it's done, is like watching some sort of voodoo priest.

You're all in the UK too, were whining about you stealing our jobs... So what's the point mate?

Help those Aussie farmers out people! Who the fuck do you think is feeding you!?

Zidane? Go head butt some French grandmothers you Cheese cunt filled yellow vested spastic! Salut, ta mere!

Ben wrote a book in which he says American political discourse is too inflammatory and angry. Andrew gave him a chance to present his views and defend them by using quotes from Ben himself as examples of how Ben doesn't live up to his own standards. Instead of disavowing his past behaviour and then presenting his position, Ben started sperging out and seemed to think he was there to debate Andrew by questioning Andrew's views, instead of just answering the damn questions. This is how political interviewing works in Britain, the interviewer will NEVER agree with you and NEVER congratulate you for being successful. They are always there to challenge your point and make you defend yourself and keep you honest.

zidane is not french though
he's an algerian war rape baby

>Watch the whole debacle
>Only posts last 3 minutes
Come on invertednipflag user

He was a performance artist, and I think he worked on a few TV shows before retiring early. Out of that whole proto-YT meme group (Tay Zonday, Star Wars Kid, etc.) he got off the best

after a few years he started a new youtube channel called milo yiannopoulos and got slight success

Also to expand on the point, the bit at which Shapiro just walked off was when Andrew was quoting the book saying that "society has turned its back on Judeo-Christian values" and just asked Ben to say what those values are, it's a pretty simple question. Ben couldn't let his EMOTIONS go though.

Not to mention shortly before, Andrew told him that much of what he's said in the past seems to run counter to "Judeo-Christian" culture, which should have been the point at which Ben explains what Judeo-Christian culture is to him and why that's wrong, instead he spazzed and complained "YOU LECTURE ME ON JUDEO-CHRISTIAN CULTURE AFTER YOU CALLED PRO-LIFE BARBARIC" (which he didn't, Ben was the first one who said "barbaric") and then complained that Andrew had "FAILED TO ANSWER A SINGLE ONE OF MINE" (questions). Why does Ben think Andrew is there to answer him when he answers a question with another question, it's an interview not a debate.

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him and peterson are trying to train their captive goyim audience to be hyper-emotional, so that they completely shut down whenever the JQ is brought up


This. Although he won't admit it, that ideology is Jewish Supremacism mated with Victim Mentality (a.k.a. Holocaustianity).

He obviously cares about money, but he also cares very deeply about Jewish Supremacism. To him, only Jews are fully human. The rest of us are cattle.

>I’m Big Ben Shipero
>I’m popular
>nobody has ever heard of the BBC
>you’re just trying to steal my money
>I am not a dooshbag
>I’m not a doosher

Anyone who considers someone like Ben Shapiro or Carl Benjamin even an incidentally useful idiot is joking themselves. Shapiro and Sargon are detractors who leech from nationalist movements like ticks sucking blood out of a newborn puppy. Root them out.

I remember his podcast the day after the las vegas shooting; "50 people dead, and now for 10 minutes from our sponsors"

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This guy is such a joke. They kicked Milo out and replaced him with this guy and Jordan Peterson. Jesus Christ, I never thought I would say this, but Milo was really the best we were going to do from a mainstream perspective.

I got pissed when Ben used his departure from Breitbart as an example of his "principles"

Nigger, the Fields chick was not assaulted. You left en masse with your fellow jews for your own personal, subversive reasons

To be fair, it's very hard for whites, especially white Americans, to move there. Most Aussies I know are proud of the fact that they roll out the red carpet for non-whites but make whites jump through a thousand humiliating hoops to move there.

>Milo was really the best we were going to do from a mainstream perspective.
Dipshit memeflag. You were the same kind of idiot on 8/gg/ talking about muh optiks.

They will never like you. Stop trying and stop apologizing for literal gay nigger loving kikes like Milo.

Oi Dumb cunt - fast forward to 1:25


Can confirm. I lived there for 6 months to hang out with a friend. They made me promise I'd not work there, made me show them my bank accounts at the airport to prove I had money set aside, and gave me a visa I had to remove myself from the country to first renew.

Good point. The left in America are really just liberals, which is why the American right always conflates the two.

Nah he was just shown his place