How Do You Whites Deal With The Fact That You're Going Extinct?

Just wondering. I guess your dna will live on in very diluted doses like the Native Americans.

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Sunscreen business goes bankrupt!

>he doesn't know about the stork

It's no big deal. Races/Civilizations/Cultures go extinct; shit happens. It isn't like getting hit by a car or dying of brain cancer.

Hello JIDF

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Taking solace in the fact that nobody else will ever be as successful.

You realize, in about 200,000 years, the nigs will evolve back in to whites, and the cycle will repeat.

Native americans get a lot of benefits like able to run casinos hopefully we can do something like that?

It's like the Romans, Sumerians, Ancient Egyptians...when it's your time, it's your time.

This. All it takes is an ice age or global catastrophe. Bet on one happening soon.