Jow Forums, as of right, now, who's winning in 2020? I wanna say Trump, but I don't know how the debate will go.
How's 2020 going?
Probably Trump, none of the current democrats have a shot at beating him but we'll see what happens
Trump is going in for the kill, and Sleepy Joe or BUTTGAG ain't stopping him!
trump, unless he has to deal with bernie or tulsi, and the dnc will take care of that
harris, biden, booker, buttigieg, and a few of the others would even lose the popular vote
Opposed to Hillary, I get it. Any conscientious Democrat couldn't vote for her. I couldn't. Are there any Democrats right now who stand a chance?
Tulsi was the closest we had to a third rail option, Tucker Carlson style, but after the anti-gun policies she just comes off as weak
It's going to be very close. Debates won't matter messaging will. The dems are pretty terrible at messaging bc their pandering contradicts itself.
A lot of people hate Trump so they will show up to the polls to vote him out.
What are your thoughts on anti-gun policy? Removing guns from the American public is an absolute travesty and a complete molestation of our democracy. Taking guns back would literally mean war, but when we find again and again that AR-15s are excellent at wiping out children, is there any room for argument?
Yeah, the DNC is pushing Biden hard, but people look at him and immediately think of Hillary.
Sanders is the only candidate who has a legitimate chance of topping Trump, but the DNC is already maneuvering for a super delegate coup. It seriously looks like Trump 2020.
Really tho, if the DNC pushed Bernie in 2016, do you think he would have won? I really think Hillary was the least equip to deal with him then.
>who's winning in 2020?
Whoever we decide wins.
>Florida red
Sanders would have won. He was consistently ahead of Trump in the polls. Only massive shenanigans, like voter suppression tactics, would have cost him the election.
Will you be voting, or at least vaguely hoping come 2020?
God I wish this would happen.
I am personally pro gun, pro self defense, and honestly what a criminal does with one does not give the state apparatus an excuse to take my rights away from me
You guys do realize that Trump won by an extremely slim margin in the Rust Belt states right? Wisconsin is looking the most stable but he absolutely needs Pennsylvania and Michigan. Florida isn't a guarantee either.
This is what WILL happen. Yes, Minnesota goes red.
I respect that. I think all of us have the rights to defend ourselves with whatever means we see necessary. Off topic, but it's something I've been curious about. Should a police officer openly appreciate the 2nd amendment and endorse the rights for every to own a weapon, is it hypocritical when this officer dies in a shooting? They literally defended their murderers right to own the weapon that resulted in their murder. Not trying to be an asshole, just genuinely curious about your thoughts.
I agree that felons who don't contribute to our nation should have no right to vote, but what about the felons who actively pay towards our taxes? They're pieces of shit, no doubt, but don't they have say if they're contributing to the system?
What makes you so certain about Minnesota?
they've been moving people up from chicago since the day after the last election to keep exactly this from happening
Trump. Electoral and popular.
He won’t win Pennsylvania or Wisconsin this time around but he will still win the election and the popular vote as the farthest left Democrats will refuse to vote for Biden.
Well you have to think of the police dealing with gun owners, like you think of priests and pastors dealing with people who own bibles. The cops are armed men who directly serve the state and the law, while the citizens are to only obey this law. The priest is supposed to serve God directly while the faithful just have to follow his law. It's just that one is oriented towards a goal and has now responsibilities, and now that the police is getting military grade weaponry, it's only fair that the citizens have the right to such weapons as Armalites too
Ilhan Omar will push the independents to the edge with her positions and being a Muslim and all. That will motivate the swedes to stop feeling white guilt and push Trump over the edge.
Biden's the shit option for the DNC. You think they'll pick him like they did Hillary in 2016? He's got some Obama clout amongst Democratic voters, but will it be enough?
If the Minnesotans are bluepilled enough to elect a Somali Muslim to Congress in the first place then I doubt they’ll be redpilled enough to turn the state in favor of Trump.
So when an officer dies to a citizen's Armalite, can the officer or the media really bitch about it? It was within the Armalite's owners right.
That just the Metro-area of Minneapolis. I feel like the GOP can finally compete here now.
Trump people tend to forget how shit a candidate Hillary was. Her answers on trade were a joke, and she lost the rust belt.
The Dems could put forward someone who does as bad, but they're not likely to. Any passable politician can win; a good one can win big.
Plus, while Trump still has a hard core, overall populist enthusiasm is waning. He's picked up some group of evangelicals and others, but it's not clear that his approval rating will translate into turnout.
Biden might actually stroke out on stage. If he does during the debates in the DNC, it's all over for his campaign. If he does during the debates against Trump, it's all over for the Democrats as a party for the next decade.
the dems could show up to the debate and fart into the mic. Voting turnout will be the highest of all time. It will transcend politics. Hollywood, all the late night shows, all the morning shows will campaign for it. It'll be a holiday or celebration of sorts.
Trump, but he isn’t going to do anything in his second term that’s worthwhile. He’ll continue to suck off Israel while this country becomes even less white due to Republicans loving immigration.
Man, I totally agree with you. If Biden shits the bed like Hillary, it's over. Honestly, I'm not a fan of Trump, but the DNC is unable to provide anyone comparable to him, and I don't think Biden is their guy.
No, instead we need to look towards the guy who fired the gun.
Its like the case with the veteran who shot the rookie cop in a PTSD-induced psychotic moment
They didn't blame the gun, but him and his illness. If you know Bernie and his thoughts on socioeconomics you will seek that even he thinks this, and we need to look at the motives first, and the weapons second. The killer will just pick another gun while we should have been rehabilitating him from the start...
Bernie wants to give em the right to vote in jail because he voted for Clinton's 3 strike law
lol Maine isn't going red if NH isnt
Only a complete moron or a complete commie would unironically want to confiscate all the guns. All it takes is one guy to rack up a few dozen kills in minecraft and if groups form then you get wolverine scenarios. Fucking idiots are so cock sure about the destruction of America that they're going for the guns right when tensions are at an all time high. I'm going to laugh like the joker when that shitshow comes around
Biden has the black vote for some reason. For some other reason Bernie can't seem to get it
Anyways here is my prediction for Biden/Harris vs. Trump/Pence in 2020. Like 2000 Florida is the deciding state but Amendment 4 isn’t enough to completely sway the state blue. Trump wins the popular vote by a very small margin.
What will actually happen. Libshits are going to riot and the Second American Civil War will begin.
I understand that the man behind the weapons is absolutely at trial in the same, or perhaps moreso, as the weapon is. The weapon is not entirely at fault, but the availability of it to the perpetrator was. How do we fix this?
The debates have never mattered. The economy (particulary unemployment and wages) are literally the only thing that matters.
I hate to be that guy, but the economy has soared since Obama. It has continued to grow since Trump, but there have been significant ups and owns due to tariffs. Perhaps they'll play out, but I come from the Midwest, and the Trump administration just had to bail out our farmers. Hopefully things will perk up permanently, but if they don't?
>Trump wins
>left starts murdering people because apparently 4 years of literally Hitler means most people are nazis
>second American civil war begins
>Biden or whoever the fuck wins
>gun control and hate speech is passed so quickly it's not even funny
>frog gets boiled too fast
>second American civil war begins
Hands are also available to the perpetrator, and he would have used them if not the gun. The point is we need to fix the circumstances which have led to this moment, instead of taking away people's liberties. We need to look at our social and economic situation and see that as Americans we need to look forward to a better country, that the state understands your plights and we are all in this troublesome time together. Deviation from this leads to alienation and suicidal mass shooters.
We need to fix this country, and the individuals, and then the behaviors will soon follow on their own. If our people are sick and rotten, so will be their actions.
I understand your concern, but I doubt any methodical takedown of American-own weapons will ever take place. Maybe in places like Australia or New Zealand where folks are more receptive to such an ideal, but here in America, folks would rather gun down an officer than relieve themselves of their Glock or whatever they choose to own.
Trump will win. I think the high lords want to keep Trump to maintain some stability while the nation transitions and goes on lock down. I think the establishment democrats will stand down which ensures a Trump victory. the far left will be blamed and the democratic party will become socially liberal neocons fully.
if this is the case Trump may actually pick up a state like Illinois or Virginia.
As a mentally ill American, I agree. Our behaviors need to be better grasped and maintained before gun rights should be apprehended Glocks and AR15s are certainly fun to shoot when you're in the proper mindset for it, but these guns remain available for those of the wrong mindset. We shouldn't deprive those properly equipped for the weapons. How do we delineate the two?
At this point they're so divided I could absolutely see this happening. Impeachment is so divided amongst Democrats that the voter base is being dividedly fucked.
As long as Chicago exists, Illinois cannot go red ever again.
yes... and sad
"We need to fix this country, and the individuals, and then the behaviors will soon follow on their own. If our people are sick and rotten, so will be their actions."
Very well said.
My only question is how we fix the sick people?
What standard qualifies a person as sick?
I've adapted nihilistic ideals, but I've never thought to hurt anybody.
Nihilistic people may decide to hurt others, but how do we quantify the limits between great honesty and humor?
the 2020 census will severely reduce the urban influence in politics because of the citizenship question. the democrats will turn to people like Bootygay and try to pick up the suburban cuckservative vote. the establishment is already making that move. the Chuck Schumers of the world don't want to see anymore AOCs or Omars.
this is true but when democrats stand down republicans win in Illinois. Pat Quinn losing to Bruce Rauner is a perfect example of this. Quinn wanted to restructure the pensions and the state democrat party, shut off the machine. he lost.
plus the democrats now are becoming highly unpopular in the state. rasing taxing, raising the gas tax, raising registration fees and taxing plastic bags. they've gone on a full taxing spree to try to remain solvent.
Well first a quarter of this country is on SSRIs and anti depressants. We can see that people do NOT enjoy their lives anymore. Wages are stagnant, working hours increase, the future is uncertain and people are alienated from not just each other, but their own governance. We need to address this disillusionment that the American people have with their politics, and start trying to improve living standards across the country. We need a new family-oriented culture instead of this materialistic nihilistic individualism that we are inventing for ourselves right now.
People are tired of being disappointed and hopeless, they even see each other as sheep and maggots, and that's why the Civil War feeling is returning, America has to solve this political crisis somehow if things are ever to return to normal, that is certain for now...
"We need a new family-oriented culture instead of this materialistic nihilistic individualism"...
"America has to solve this political crisis somehow if things are ever to return to normal, that is certain for now..."
I appreciate a need for family oriented ideals, but these are not always possible. Family oriented shit should be focused on not only what the family can agree on but what is ordinately acceptable for society at large.
The point is giving people what they want deep down. From rights to land ownership, to promoting families and small businesses, these are all things America can do to give its citizens more control over not just the political process, but their own lives, and thus give them a hope for the future. This is what dictators and despots have done before because they know where their popularity stems from, but populists like Trump also recognize the true nature of their success, which is why I think fondly of the man. The system needs to honor those who work in its benefit, and the candidates that give more to the workers and the middle class are the ones that will save this country from a total takeover by corporate interests and other such elements
Pete buttgag, unironically. He would IQ mog drumpfy.
Your thoughts on Yang?
the debates will be an absolute bloodbath
I hope those states that refuse to put Trump on the ballot do so and in turn are not able to participate in the 2020 election at all.
Trump 100%
The Dems are going to go with Black Hillary or Creepy Joe
No charisma and has a Rubio tier robotic delivery of the same proposals the same exact way in every interview minus the ben Shapiro one. Yang may get some rustbelt votes but Bernie will ultimately win them. He might introduce UBI as a serious topic in the debates. Pete is young and has the ability to pander to a lot of young people on some issues while not scaring the Democratic elites.