You might hate Israel but Israel will always love and protect you.
You might hate Israel but Israel will always love and protect you
Did they protect us during Iraq? No? Oh.
From what? Taking our own side?
Israeli infantry is gonna lead the charge when shit pops off in Iran then, right?
Get a load of this joker.
How could a tiny, stolen country, full of self serving people, ever love or protect anything.
Remember the USS Liberty.
>israel best ally
ugh look at that beak.
>love and protect you by funding (((your))) enemy so you actually have some opposition instead of mud people armed with rocks and sharpened avocados.
This ist the story of Zion.
A Land both fair and great.
On 14. May an independent state.
This was much against the wishes
Of certain governments.
Which leaders tried to break us down
And make us all repent.
But were all 'sraelis
And we fight through thick and thin
We keep our Land a free land
From the enemy coming in.
We'll keep the south of the negev
Till that rivers running dry
And this mighty land will prosper for 'sraelis never die.
>Israel doesn't care about your feelings
Wow! That's great!
Send them over here sharpish then, we're infested with filthy dessert people!
How’s that possible
>Sharpened avocados
The millennials were the real enemy all along!
Baaased. We truly will.
Only love frens
Kill all kikes
I prefer being protected from usury and not from low IQ desert dwellers! the brainwashing of the Western public is so strong by all of these Wahabist terror organizations created and funded by Saudi Arabia and Israel and remote controlled from Washington D.C.
mm I would like some small gas engines, aluminum rods, thin steel plates, electric motors, and antennae so I can build a mini RC stuka with two cameras one in cockpit and another one below..oh and don't forget the stuka siren so I can scare the shit out of everyone when it dives down
>how's that possible
Follow the money user. Always follow the money.
Is that why they support Al-Qaeda in Syria?
Shekels. They protect their shekels.
On my way,
That'll be 1488₪
Haha, good one.
Isreal rightfully belongs to orthodox christians desu
Uh. No.
>please let me hide in your basement, im a good one
eat a baby dick rabbi
Actually we wanted to go into Iraq during the first gulf war, but it was obvious that if we did the Arab collation would break up since their 0 IQ monkey citizens would start to chimp out cause it would look like they are "collaborating" with the Zionists.
I like Israel because it's the only ethnostate in the world
she's shielding him from the light using her megakike nose
Remember the USS Liberty.
That's about the only thing Israel has done for the US militarily.
Can we just kill all the sand niggers and do the greater israel thing without me losing my country?
uss liberty
Lmao you pathetic kikes never fail to make me laugh with your "/JewShill/ humor" threads
Fact is, most Goys will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
>Remember the USS Liberty.
Also remember that was sanctioned by the US President, and covered up by Operation Mockingbird.