Why do you guys hate jews lol

why do you guys hate jews lol

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success breeds jealousy

Jews have the power of whites with none of the culpability.
so kind of.

Why don’t you lurk more and not ask stupid questions lol

They control my country

read pic related and you'll understand

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Because every damn time.

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Newfag. Lurk more.

>the jew
They are nothing but Arab sand niggers, how can you like or trust a group of people who have been killing their own brothers and sister, for decades.

they killed Jesus

Because all of leftism were invented by them. All of it.


I didn't see any mention of this yet... The Jews are known to have sacrificed children for thousands of years today you can research it under blood libel this also ties into the pizzagate and before that Ted Gunderson and John decamps work on the satanic pedophile rings operating in America especially in Hollywood which do I need to even say is completely run by Jews... Not that we "hate" the Jews we are just normal people who have come accross this ugly truth. Blood of children is pure of toxins and they use the blood in rituals because it is full of the tortured victims adrenaline they get high from drinking it.. also might want to watch some documentaries about the rothchild family and ww1 and ww2 will start making more sense.. shits too strange to make up op

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Its not that i hate jews, its just that the people i hate overwelmingly happen to be jewish and any critique i make about these people that i hate, i get called an anti-semite by the rest of the jews.

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>i get called an anti-semite by the rest of the jews.
the point of that is to attach cost to any opposition and force conformity. this inevitably provokes a reaction and they know it and harness whatever trends will come out of it

Because you people started faceberg and created nuculear bombs

Because they ruined my life, LMAO.

i don't hate jews, i want to be more like them. i mean, love them or hate them, they've played their cards pretty well.

I hate them because I don't have qt3.14 Jew love slave with big knockers and tight tunnels

Why is every anti-white article written by a Jew? Why is every anti-white film directed by a Jew? Why is every politician preaching anti-white hatred a Jew, or in the pocket of Jews?

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